TITLE: Steel Is Grey
AUTHOR: Ashleigh Anpilova
FANDOM: Sapphire & Steel
PAIRING: Silver/Steel
GENRE: Slash
SUB-GENRE: Established Relationship
SUMMARY: Silver talks about his lover.
DISCLAIMER: I don't own these characters, nor am I making any money from them. I merely borrow them from time to time.
The metal steel is grey.
The man Steel is grey.
His suits are grey.
His ties are grey.
His eyes are grey.
His mood is grey.
His very being is grey.
Except when we are alone together.
Then my grey man, my man of steel, my Steel, becomes so much more.
His suits are still grey.
His ties are still grey.
His eyes are still grey.
However, his mood and his very being are no longer grey.
He becomes alive.
He becomes alight.
He becomes mine.
Only I can take him from greyness into colour. For only I love him.