Fic Exchange -- Written for babylon_pride

Sep 12, 2007 10:36

Title: There's Things That I Have Done (You Never Should Ever Know)
Rating: PG or PG13, I suppose. I'm never good with ratings.
Pairing: Sylar/Angela Petrelli
Spoilers/Warnings (if any): If you know who the above characters are, you're good.
- Speaking Italian
- Angela somehow knowing Sylar's father
- The line "For a Petrelli/Gray, you're not half bad."
Summary: Sylar's got a new target, but she may not go down easily.

Sylar stood outside The Petrelli's estate. Weeks of planning, testing out his new ability, pinpointing others, finally came down to this. He'd almost felt bad, taking that little girl's power. Almost. But she didn't deserve it. No one did. No one accepted it the way he did. He looked up toward a room with a light shining and smiled before walking through the front door.

He made his way through the house silently, finding the person he was looking for.

"Hello, Gabriel," Angela greeted without turning around.

Sylar stopped in his tracks. "How did you know it was me?"

"Funny thing. Your father used to ask the same thing. Like father like son, I suppose," she told him, finally turning around to face him.

With a quick flick of the wrist, she was pinned against the wall, her glass of wine crashing on the floor. Sylar stalked forward, gripping tighter with every step, and she clawed at an invisible force wrapped around her throat.

"You know nothing of my father! He was just a simple watchmaker and I've long since stepped out of his shadow."

"I know your father better than you do, Gabriel," she told him as she gasped for air. "I know he was always such a favorite at The Company."

"Enough!" Sylar tightened the invisible grip just a bit more and leaned in, pressing a kiss to her lips. His tongue slipped out briefly, tasting the fruity wine. "Mmm...Merlot?"

Angela nodded the best she could as she dropped her hands to her side, finally relenting to his grip.

He pulled back, smirking as he dragged a finger slowly along her cheekbone. "Cosí faccia graziosa," he whispered, fingers making their way back up, finally stopping on her forehead. "Such a shame it will be so contorted in pain when you die."

Angela's body started to go limp, so he relaxed his grip, letting her slowly fall to the floor. He crouched down to her, finger hovering just above her head.

"You hid everything so well from your sons," he whispered. "You just couldn't hide everything from me."

"She hides more than you know," came a voice from behind him and he spun around, flicking his wrist to throw the man behind him against the wall. Instead, the man stood still. "Won't work this time, Sylar," Mr. Bennett said as The Haitian stepped out of the shadows.

"What? How?" Sylar looked at his hands, panic evident in his eyes.

"Don't worry, we'll take good care of you." Mr. Bennett raised a gun, aiming it at his neck. Sylar tried once more, in vain, to use his powers and flip it from his hands. "I already told you, it won't work this time," he said, firing the tranquilizer gun and causing Sylar to fall to his knees.

Mr. Bennett stepped toward his stunned body and knelt beside him. "You know, for a Gray, you're not half bad. Too bad you're going to lose all those powers, just like your dad lost his." He shook his head slightly. "Killed all those people for nothing." With a smile, he turned and motioned The Haitian. "Wipe him clean. Leave nothing."

fic exchange, sylar/angela

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