
Jan 22, 2009 23:16

My love of John Barrowman and my love of musicals are proving disasterously compatible. I want to sing showtunes with Captian Jack and then go to bed with him.  Today I watched multiple hours of "How do you solve a problem like Maria" which is this British reality show where they choose the next Maria to star in "The Sound of Music" in the west end ( Read more... )

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Comments 2

greenapricot January 23 2009, 13:13:55 UTC
Oh, how I wish we were near each other. It does please me greatly that watching Torchwood had a similar effect on you as it did on me. Oh, JB. *dreamy sigh* You know he does concerts right?


raptorpants January 23 2009, 23:58:42 UTC
Oh God! We should go to a john barrowman concert together. That would be epic nerdy fun. Also, on the subject of music we both like, and missing you... Will I ever get to see Jeffrey Foucault again? I gave a bar owning friend of mine a CD of him this week, hoping that he'd fall in love and make it his personal mission to get him here. ::sigh::


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