Thu, 21:50: RT @ MeidasTouch: In the mix of all the other news from today, let’s not ignore that multiple people were shot this afternoon in a Roseville…
Tue, 14:18: RT @ CherylAHayden1: The chain and family owned drug stores of NYC have been robbed blind since covid. The RiteAid and the Walgreens in my n…
Tue, 22:58: RT @ kayte_c: PICKED TO FINISH LAST! Can’t say enough how proud this team and city is and rightfully so!! 💜👑🏀 #BeamTeam
Wed, 22:35: RT @ thejackhopkins: Richard, I urge you to read your tweet, and then sit down, and honestly and thoroughly question your sanity. Virtually…
Wed, 22:36: RT @ CalltoActivism: BREAKING: Disney just completely stripped the power from Ron DeSantis’ handpicked board that was supposed to oversee Di…
Tue, 01:00: RT @ Number10cat: There is always an excuse for why giving access to deadly weapons to those who turn them on children should continue. Alwa…
Sun, 00:38: RT @ JoJoFromJerz: I’m not dressed in a Biden Snuggie, wearing a Biden cowboy hat, Biden chaps or using a Biden beer koozie. I’m not waving…
Sun, 00:38: RT @ natsechobbyist: @ JoJoFromJerz Every time they say things like "there's no enthusiasm and flags/hats/car wraps for Biden!" I want to rem…
Sat, 00:51: RT @ OccupyDemocrats: BREAKING: Donald Trump melts down, saying he shouldn’t be charged because he “got more votes than any sitting Presiden…
Sat, 00:51: RT @ OccupyDemocrats: If you want Donald Trump arrested after he just melted down saying he shouldn’t be charged because he “got more votes…
Thu, 22:48: RT @ AdamKinzinger: If I told you the NSA was reading your Facebook (they aren’t) you’d be outraged. If I tell you the Chinese Communist…
Thu, 22:48: RT @ itsJeffTiedrich: need a good laugh? Jim Jordan's lawyer tried to phone Alvin Bragg and whoever answered the phone at Bragg's office hun…
Mon, 00:28: RT @ tribelaw: “I think it’s so significant and I guess knowing that the end is near for President Carter put it on my mind more and more an…
Sat, 00:36: RT @ OccupyDemocrats: BREAKING: The U.S. Attorney sends a letter to a federal court in D.C. warning them to prepare because over 1,000 Jan.…
Sat, 00:36: RT @ OccupyDemocrats: If you're thrilled that a U.S. Attorney just sent a letter to a federal court in D.C. warning them to prepare because…