Episode 200 - Another Song and Dance

Mar 06, 2011 11:22

*stares* Wait. WAIT. Episode 200? Did we really hit 200? When we started this nearly two years ago, I don't think either of us actually expected that we would keep going with it as long as we did. But it has been SO MUCH FUN and we're seriously looking forward to the next 500+ episodes. :D

So, we begin with Tommy dancing. Or something that's supposed to be dancing. It's really just him gyrating on the couch and kicking his feet in the air with some martial arts thrown in. Tanya comes down the stairs and sees him, and clearly is wondering if he's been brainwashed/under a spell/has finally cracked. Tommy seems very embarrassed, and if he was, then why was he practicing in school in full view of anyone? It turns out that his lip syncing performance was actually him practicing for music class, where he has to sing.

Hint: Tommy, lip syncing is not actually singing.

Tanya agrees to give Tommy some singing lessons, probably in the hope that she will never have to see him do that again. Ever.

Out on the lake, Bulk and Skull are on a male bonding fishing trip with their fake!daddy. He's given them some sort of nonsense explanation about how catching criminals is a lot like catching fish, but not to worry, he has a secret weapon. I don't know why they need a secret weapon to catch fish in Angel Grove, the city is full of them.

Meanwhile, the Machine Empire plans to combine these two things by a) turning Lt. Stone's secret weapon fish bait into a monster and b) placing a spell on Tommy and Tanya that will make them sing everything. Supposedly this will alter their telepathic links to the Zords or something, but personally, we believe that the real purpose is to drive the other Rangers crazy.

Because Tommy? CANNOT SING.

Anyway, this is one of the worst plans ever, but I so don't actually care, because it's hilarious and one of my favorite episodes of all time.

Tommy and Tanya's singing is so ridiculously over the top and dramatic and the other Rangers are all cringing and it's GREAT.

While Tommy and Tanya are singing their explanation to Zordon, the fish bait thing has been transformed into a giant caterpillar monster, and well... you might want to get out of the water.

The Rangers are clued into some serious destruction of the city, with Cogs blowing apart buildings and everything. Of course, Rocky then informs us that this is the abandoned warehouse district, and I spent the next few minutes laughing hysterically and trying to figure out how Angel Grove functions. We guess that after the first few attacks from Rita the city created a protective barrier of abandoned buildings for monsters to squash or something.

Meanwhile, Adam asks if he can pilot Tommy's Zord, because he's that awesome. Jason stays with him, while the other Rangers morph (and Tommy and Tanya sing their morphs. SO GREAT) and go fight.

This is actually a pretty cool Zord fight, mostly because the monster looks like it's right out of Labyrinth. The cogs are even attacking the Zord Bay! I mean, this is pretty epic destruction, it's great.

While Alpha changes the link so Adam can pilot the Red Battle Zord, we figured out that we're recapping Ranger of Two Worlds on Wednesday, and then there were EPIC TEARS. At least that explains where Billy is, but some in universe explanation would be great.

Adam goes and beats up the robot, but apparently Tommy's mental state is too foreign, so he loses control of the Zord. The other Rangers also lose control of their Zords which... leads to the Zords dancing? Why is there a Zord shaking its ass at the camera? NO, SERIOUSLY.

Everyone gets thrown out of their Zords, and there's a fight, and Tommy vs Archerina was pretty great. The monster gets destroyed, and while Machina is sulking about it, Mondo comes back.

At the Youth Center, we discover that Tommy got an A on his assignment. .... Really? Did his teacher give him the A to make him stop? Rocky tells Tommy that he's glad that Tommy stopped singing because he couldn't take it anymore.

Bulk and Skull come in, smelling like fish. They say they never want to see another fish again. Boys, I suggest moving far away from Angel Grove. Then they are incredibly rude to Emily, who unveils Ernie's new fish special.

.... What sort of juice bar serves fish anyway?

Fish: 4. How on earth does singing alter a telepathic link?


centered on: tanya, angel grove lacks quality education, consult a map already, centered on: tommy, under a spell, 4 fish, season 4: the adam/tanya show, music/dance related spell

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