Episode 199- A Mystery To Me

Mar 06, 2011 11:16

It's a murder mystery party! Those are so much fun. Except this one doesn't quite work like a murder mystery party. Is this the best murder mystery? Not even close. But it's fun at least!

So the rangers and Bulk and Skull are sitting around a table. Everybody is in costume. It is AWESOME. Tanya is a flapper, Jason is some kind of mafia guy in the worst hat EVER (and if I can tell it's a bad hat, it's a REALLY REALLY bad hat), Tommy is a cowboy, ROCKY IS DISTRESSED OVER BEING THE BUTLER (butlers in murder mysteries are awesome!). You get the idea.

Detective Stone is about to reveal who the culprit is (culprit of what? The mystery hasn't even started yet!) when he vanishes! And so it begins. Kat jumps in immediately as the Super Sleuth and starts questioning everybody. Tanya immediately jumps to Rocky as the culprit. They all pull some pretty bad accents and then Adam tells everybody to split up and search the house. EVERYBODY ACCUSES ROCKY AGAIN. Poor Rocky.

Unfortunately, Archerina and Gasket are watching. Archerina doesn't like Kat much. Gasket thinks she's spunky and this makes Archerina jealous. She wants to go toe to toe with Kat and see who comes out on top. I approve of this!

Adam finds a glowing door and manages to get trapped in a dungeon. Tanya follows shortly thereafter. They just assume that is the room where victims get held, but they don't think to ask or explore or anything. After awhile, Tommy gets eaten by the glowing door and interrupts them. This makes them all very grumpy. Rocky ends up in there a few minutes later, the third wheel as usual. Then, and only then, does Tommy suggest that something isn't quite right about that and tries to contact Zordon.

Meanwhile, Bulk and Skull stop Jason from going through the glowing door and they all end up in the ACTUAL victim room. Bored. Playing cards. Twiddling their thumbs. But at least it's obvious it's the victim room and not some cold, damp, weird, dark DUNGEON like the others are trapped in and just assume is the victim room. This leaves Kat on her own. Archerina materializes in the room and Kat STANDS HER GROUND. IN THE FACE OF EVIL ROYALTY. Because she's awesome like that. Archerina challenges her to a duel, which she accepts, and then vanishes.

Kat, clearly the brains of this whole team, CONTACTS ZORDON. LIKE SHE'S SUPPOSED TO. He agrees something is up and tries to find the others, but can't. Kat goes to fight Archerina. Alone.

Except then Auric has to come and defend her and she's not allowed to do this on her own. But she should have been! She could have handled it! Auric gets hurt, but that's okay because Zordon is finally able to contact the others. Well, minus Jason. Apparently it's easier to contact rangers in an EVIL DUNGEON than it is in the plain drawing room of an old house that is hosting a murder mystery. Whatever.

So they go help Kat. Because Archerina tricked her and brought a monster, too. As if that was a surprise. It takes all the rangers and Auric, but they beat the monster and make it back to the murder mystery just in time to find out who dunnit. Turns out it was Detective Stone the whole time. That... is not how a murder mystery works. But whatever.

2.5 fish. It wasn't bad! It's just not how things actually work.

2.5 fish, ship: adam/tanya, season 4: the adam/tanya show, mentor fail, centered on: team

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