Episode 194- The Joke's On Blue

Feb 23, 2011 20:53

For an episode with Blue in the title, this one has very little to do with Rocky.

There is a new kid in school. He says Angel Grove is much bigger than his old school and all I can imagine is he was home schooled because really? Angel Grove only had two teachers until half a season ago. :P

New Kid shows up just as a rash of practical jokes begin taking place. Rocky loses three plates of french fries to an unscrewed ketchup bottle, teachers get pies to the head, Tanya even gets something squirted all over her from the mustard bottle. There is glitter EVERYWHERE. Bulk and Skull are determined to find out who this practical joker is, and Mrs. Rodriguez will pay them handsomely if they do. Except they have rival detectives! Humphrey and Bogart, who totally don't deserve those names, challenge Bulk and Skull to figure out who can solve the mystery first. All the props come from Angel Grove Novelty Shop. Not terribly surprisingly, nobody bothers to go check with the store.

Meanwhile, on the moon, Sprocket is upset because his big brother is back in town. Prince Gasket and his wife Archerina have come to protect the family while Mondo is away. Archerina shoots love arrows and makes creatures fall in love with her. Louie Kaboom totally falls for her and she makes him go to Earth and attack the Power Rangers. She is totally awesome, although alas, she does not make Stone fall in love with a video game or Ernie with his blender. Anyway, Archerina and Gasket fell in love, but they were from rival robot families and the fathers would never approve. So they did the smart thing and ELOPED instead of committing mutual suicide (eloping is romantic, KILLING YOURSELF FOR A BOY/GIRL IS NOT... can you tell I don't like Romeo and Juliet? It's a thing about me. Sorry). I do love their love story.

So Louie goes down to fight. Fights are boring and take up a lot of time. We spent most of it further discussing which rangers lost their virginity in the Zords. It was far more entertaining.

They win, Louie is a goner, Gasket is in charge now. Back at the Youth Center, Undeserving Humphrey and Not-Cool-Enough-For-His-Name Bogart totally accuse New Kid of being the prankster behind all the jokes. He denies it, but they won't relent. Until Kat and Tanya lead the Angel Grove Novelty Shop guy into the room with the latest shipment of supplies for the Fraudsters. Bulk and Skull eventually put two and two together and Mrs. Rodriguez, now knowing who was setting all the practical jokes, tells Bulk their check is in the mail.

1.5 fish! It's a rare low fish episode! I think it's because there was hardly any Tommy...

angel grove lacks quality education, season 4: the adam/tanya show, centered on: villains, monsters in love, 1.5 fish

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