Episode 90- Mirror of Regret

Feb 27, 2010 11:50

Today we see a rarity. Power Rangers, in it's natural habitat, performing the seldom observed Character Development. Come, let's observe.

So Adam and Rocky are showing off their pretty pretty talented selves. To a class of Small Children. Whom they are supposedly teaching martial arts to, except really they're just showing off and the kids do something completely different. I do like that they're all synchronized and matchy. It's cute. Anyway, one child is not so hot at the routine they're working on and he keeps bumping into the kid next to him. Despite being the same height, Slightly Chubby Boy (who is set up to look obviously chubby) insults Awkward Boy and calls him "shrimp" and "small fry". Adam and Rocky tell him to knock it off, that the kind of attitude Slightly Chubby Boy is demonstrating isn't a team attitude at all. Uh... since when is martial arts a team sport?

Adam offers to give Awkward Boy, aka Shawn, private tutelage in the park. They go off together and Adam gives him some useful advice like "feet apart". He then tells him not to let the bullies bother him, that he used to be small himself but then he grew. He really should have gone the route of there's nothing wrong with being small and then listed benefits to being small. Not all kids will grow and big and tall, and really there isn't anything wrong with being short. Anyway, there are about a million reasons NOT to pick on somebody and Adam addresses... um... none of them really.

So Awkward Boy does much better and then he heads off to the Youth Center by himself. Adam stays in the park for no discernible reason other than to be attacked by putties. You see, Zedd came up with a plan. He stalked Adam and realized he suffered from a lack of self confidence as a small child and he plans to make Adam relive all the teasing to wear him down and make him weak. So Zedd sent Goldar and a bunch of putties with the Mirror of Regret, a large mirror that shows Adam his past.

We see a terrible coach pick everybody for a team EXCEPT Tiny!Adam. We see him asking to play and other kids saying they don't want him on their team. Goldar brings Adam to his knees (and we figure it works since Jason is gone... he needed somebody to obsess over now...). We see Tiny!Adam being Emo. And so Big!Adam becomes Emo. And so it begins, the era of Emo Ranger! (not a knock, I love that Adam is Emo Ranger and he pulls it off SO WELL)

At the Youth Center, Bulk and Skull are tired from trying their martial arts from a book. They go to the bar and Ernie prompts young Shawn to abandon his homework and go show off his moves, thereby making Bulk and Skull feel like crap. They determine, however, that what they really need is MOAR SPACE. So off they go to practice.

Meanwhile, Zedd makes a monster that will laugh at all it's victims. He bases it off a laughing hyena, despite the fact that it looks nothing like a hyena, nor the skeletal structure of a hyena. It laughs like one though, and it's thematically appropriate, so I give her a pass. Zordon finally notices something is going on in Angel Grove, so he calls the other rangers, tells them what's going on with Adam, and then says they have to fight Skellerina without him. They go fight and lose horribly to... a group of putties.

Kim and Aisha manage to take out a putty together, but the rest of them seem to be doing pretty badly. Back in the park, Goldar is going to deliver the final blow to Adam by showing him Shawn and his lack of confidence. Instead, Adam sees Shawn proud of himself and sure he can do his routine. It gives Adam the strength the break the spell and regain his own confidence. He fights off the putties and then Goldar just vanishes.

Adam joins the others in the fight. Alpha has been working on a Plot Device Power Cannon and finishes it just in time for Adam to join the fight. Tommy tells him Skellerina is really powerful, yet they haven't fought her at all yet so I don't know where it came from. Alpha beams the Power Cannon to them, they all charge it up, they fire it, and it blows up Skellerina. Awesome! A non-Zord fight! We have too few of those. Zedd, pissed off his awesome plan failed so miserably, berates a groveling Goldar.

Back at the Youth Center, everyone is watching Adam and Rocky's class of Small Children do their routine. Only the class is all standing back and Shawn is the only one doing the routine. The others are in awe of his abilities and Slightly Chubby Boy apologizes for teasing him. They become friends (yeah, like THAT happens in real life). Shawn goes all doe-eyed and thanks Adam for all the help and encouragement. He's completely enamoured. Bulk and Skull come in from having practiced in the park and attempt to do their thing in the middle of the Youth Center. They knock each other over, however, and Shawn mocks them. Everybody laughs. Good job show, give an example of how bullying is bad and then turn around and bully people.

List time!
2 fish! It really was very consistent!

Billy speak: none, alas :(

Covered in food: nobody

goldar, annoying children, 2 fish, pink and yellow are always bff, fatphobia, emo ranger, inappropriately young friends, centered on: adam, season 2: stone canyon trio, era: stone canyon trio

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