Blast From the Past: Classic Fanfiction

Apr 24, 2009 19:35

Summary: Han Solo and Chewbacca crash land on a strange, backward planet. Will the Cleaver family be able to help them get home? Star Wars/Leave It to Beaver crossover. Rated PG-13.

Author's Note: This is an updated version of a story I wrote and published in 1984, under a different pen name. It originally appeared in the print fanzine, Flip ( Read more... )

leave it to beaver, crossover, fanfic, star wars

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Comments 13

jastaelf April 25 2009, 02:34:43 UTC
As someone who grew up watching Wally and the Beave, can I just say that you had me rolling on the floor???? OMG you captured their intonations and characters PERFECTLY! I think I hurt my adhesions when I read this line:

" . . . and so, Wally and Beaver, let this be a lesson to you," Ward intoned sternly. "The next time we have visitors from outer space, I hope you two boys will come to your mother and me."

That is Ward to a T, and everyone else is just perfect too.

Thank you SO much for a marvelous read!!!!


randy_o April 25 2009, 17:56:37 UTC
That's the thing I loved about the Cleavers -- their unfailing bourgeois implacability. Beaver spills jam on the new carpet? Wally is tempted to cheat on a test? Aliens from outer space? It's all grist for the mill and the tidy summing up with a parental lecture by Ward. LOL

I'm so glad you enjoyed this, and thank you!


ave_mariacm April 25 2009, 04:06:12 UTC
I do remember watching Beaver on TVLand when I was a girl, and this was delightful.

Jastaelf took my favorite line but I also loved this,

"Golly, Beaver, what a mess! Larry said, surveying the chaos on the den carpet. "Boy, are you ever gonna get it when your parents get home! Well, I gotta go now. It's time for lunch."

Completely classic.

Nice work, Randy!


randy_o April 25 2009, 17:51:47 UTC
I watched it first-run, and I'm exactly Beaver's age, I think. Now I feel really old. LOL

Thank you for commenting and bringing to light that typo that we all managed to miss. :)


elfscribe5 April 25 2009, 05:19:38 UTC
Hi Randy, I saw this on Lizards but didn't get a chance to read it until now. I have to wonder at how your mind works to have even come up with this combination. LOL! I loved the voices, which you got perfectly - Han and the Beaver and Ward in particular. And yeah Jastaelf got the line that I especially loved. A fun read.


randy_o April 25 2009, 17:48:15 UTC
I have to wonder at how your mind works to have even come up with this combination.

Twisted. Completely twisted, as you will soon learn. LOL

Actually, this was a subtle comment about ridiculous crossovers, but the story ended up having its moments.

Thank you for commenting. :)


crowdaughter April 25 2009, 13:56:51 UTC
Hi! Glad to see you posted this! I've read it at LC, already, but let me say again that I really enjoyed it.

However, Avery found one more pick I missed:

"Golly, Beaver, what a mess! Larry said,

This needs a closing quotation mark after the mess! :)

Otherwise, perfect. ;D


randy_o April 25 2009, 17:44:56 UTC
Arrgggh! *headdesk*

We all missed it. Fixed now. Oh well -- in the old print days, we were all guaranteed one glaring typo that could never be fixed. This is par for the course. LOL

Thank you!


ave_mariacm April 26 2009, 06:30:01 UTC
I'd like to take credit but I didn't even notice it until you mentioned a typo!

No need for a headdesk, We need the little errors to keep us striving for something!


brunettepet January 16 2010, 00:02:30 UTC
What a wild crossover and you made it work beautifully. You captured the Cleavers' voices and attitudes. Spaceman and seven foot tall alien in the garage? Why sure, mister, here's the television. Half naked man under the bed? Where are my manners, you must be famished! Ward just accepting that platinum and gold plated lump and planning to to tell Fred Rutherford to take a hike was pitch perfect.

In all the wackiness, though, this is my favorite part: . . . and so, Wally and Beaver, let this be a lesson to you," Ward intoned sternly. "The next time we have visitors from outer space, I hope you two boys will come to your mother and me. Oh, Ward, thanks for wresting a life lesson out of this. The boys will be sure to come to you the next time there are visitors from outer space.

This was recced at crack_van and I'm delighted to have pushed in its direction.


randy_o January 16 2010, 00:14:24 UTC
Thank you kindly! I have to confess, this one still makes me grin after all these years. :)


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