Story: Bittersweet

Apr 24, 2008 15:29

This is to counter the recent stream of wank. A nice, cynical pirate story to brighten your day!

Bittersweet )

potc, bittersweet, my fanfiction

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Comments 13

jynky April 25 2008, 13:37:50 UTC
Very interesting. I've always thought that the curse couldn't be broken by Elizabeth waiting because that would mean Will was human again and he doesn't have a heart! So I love that you included that. And even though that's the ending you've offered us, I don't want Will to die as a boy - even if it means he avoids all the horror of his future.

Great story.


randy_o April 25 2008, 16:25:25 UTC
I've always thought that the curse couldn't be broken by Elizabeth waiting because that would mean Will was human again and he doesn't have a heart!

That comes straight from the pen, er, keyboard of Ted Eliott (I think) who said that he doubts the heart curse can be broken, although he is open to suggestions of how that might be accomplished.

Keep a weather eye on this spot, because I have a WIP underway that attempts to do that very thing.

I'm glad you liked this, and I'm pleased you took the time to read and comment.


jynky April 25 2008, 18:35:47 UTC
This only popped into my inbox because it appeared on my Norrington Google Alert, lol! But I'll save this page and keep an eye!


randy_o April 26 2008, 00:00:01 UTC
This only popped into my inbox because it appeared on my Norrington Google Alert

Norrington fan, eh? I thought they absolutely wasted him. What a crime.

But keep an eye out -- he does a walk-on, rather a roll-through, in the WIP. I want some happiness for him.


heartofoshun April 25 2008, 16:02:00 UTC
I am torn between saying this is very sweet and sad or that you are a wicked person. Well done.


Literary Piracy. randy_o April 25 2008, 16:30:57 UTC
I am torn between saying this is very sweet and sad or that you are a wicked person.

*Snort* No need to choose, for I am both. The Amazing Randy is a man of contradictions. The wickedness, however, belongs to Ambrose Bierce, who did this same thing in An Occurrence At Owl Creek Bridge. I merely . . . pirated the notion. ;)


Re: Literary Piracy. heartofoshun April 25 2008, 16:34:19 UTC
You ARE very good at that and well read also. Who said, "Only steal from the best"? (Did I say steal? I meant something more like "garner inspiration.")


this_weirdness April 25 2008, 19:18:53 UTC
This is a really interesting fic, randy. It reminds me of the question I have asked myself many times: Is it better to die and save oneself the pain, but deny oneself the pleasure, or is it better to live and endure the pain, so that one can relish the pleasure? Wow! That makes me sound a bit freaky...

It's a great story, and a great summary of events from Will's POV.

Bittersweet indeed.


randy_o April 25 2008, 23:57:01 UTC
Is it better to die and save oneself the pain, but deny oneself the pleasure, or is it better to live and endure the pain, so that one can relish the pleasure?

In this version, Will seems to have had it both ways, in an odd little time paradox. Elizabeth will be spared pain -- I daresay in this AU she'll grow up to marry Norrington.


crowdaughter April 25 2008, 23:01:52 UTC
I think I already commented on this story, elsewhere, but as I have said before: this is very intense, and a sad, but unfortunately not unlikely version of the tale. Well done!

I am looking forward to the other tale... :)


randy_o April 25 2008, 23:50:58 UTC
I think I already commented on this story, elsewhere, but as I have said before: this is very intense, and a sad, but unfortunately not unlikely version of the tale. Well done!

Thank you! And you may notice the addition of one extra word, to reflect your concern about whether Norrington would actually hang a child. This is now the definitive version.


crowdaughter April 26 2008, 08:01:24 UTC
Thank you! And you may notice the addition of one extra word, to reflect your concern about whether Norrington would actually hang a child. This is now the definitive version.

Thank you for taking that concern in. I apologize for being such a nit-picker, but I have to admit I think it works even better, now. :)


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