Reviews of new movies

Mar 15, 2011 10:46

I'm still trying to figure out what the relationship is between my LiveJournal and my blog. I thought I might keep posting reviews of new movies here, but now I think I should post them over there just to keep all my film writing in one place. I figure anybody who is interested in my posts about old movies will just read the blog, but if you are ( Read more... )

film, meta, wordpress

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Comments 15

kate_schaefer March 15 2011, 18:06:05 UTC
Ramdu, I'm interested in all your writing, but I'm very lazy online. I like LJ's aggregation of a bunch of people into one place so I can read them without bothering to click over to some other website. It is lamentable, but it is true. I know there's a way to have stuff post to both your blog and your LJ AND to require people to comment only on your blog, not on LJ, so that if LJ ever becomes a complete stinking pool of doom, at least your blog won't be ruined. I don't know how it's done. Tempest Bradford does it the most elegantly of people I read, as befits someone who makes a living writing about personal computing.


ceemage March 15 2011, 18:20:04 UTC
If you've got a paid account(*1), you could get LJ to pick up the RSS feed of Randy's blog, assuming it has one. Anyone on LJ can then add it to their LJ friends feed. I've done this with several non-LJ blogs that, like you, I know I wouldn't get around to reading if I actually, you know, had to go and look for them.

(*1) If not, then give me a shout, and I can do it for you.


ceemage March 15 2011, 18:25:16 UTC
Actually, I've done it anyway. Just go to and add the syndicated feed as a "friend." There's nothing in the RSS feed yet, but that's not unusual - it typically takes a couple of hours to catch up with the "real" blog site.


gerisullivan March 15 2011, 18:35:03 UTC
Thank you! That's exactly what I wanted, and it's easier than the link on his profile page that I was going to ask for (and all too rarely get around to checking, most likely).

Lifetime Member of the kate_schaefer School of Online Laziness.


kalimac March 15 2011, 18:54:17 UTC
I'm really in the middle on this. I'm more interested in new movies, but I like what you write about old ones too. I have a few blogs set up to feed to my LJ friends page, and I don't even have a paid account, but I don't remember how I did it. Got to go look it up somewhere, I suppose, sigh.


randy_byers March 15 2011, 19:57:34 UTC
I believe ceemage was saying that you have to have paid account to create an RSS feed for LJ, but you don't have to have a paid account to add an existing feed to your friends page. If you click on the link to the feed in his comment above, you should be able to add the feed.

In the meantime, I posted a review of The Adjustment Bureau earlier today.


wrdnrd March 15 2011, 21:16:35 UTC
There are a couple of options, depending upon what you and your readers prefer.

1) The RSS feeds @ LJ that a couple of other people have already set up. These are nice in that they're separate from your LJ so you can maintain a philosophical distinction between LJ entries and blog entries.
* One downside is that there's no way to prevent people from commenting on an RSS feed on LJ itself. Sometimes people monitor the feeds to reply to people there, other people ignore the feed and let any comments there languish.

2) If you want to continue posting certain reviews directly on your personal LJ so that people don't have to subscribe to an RSS feed and so that they can continue to comment here on your LJ (where you do have a community of commenters already), you can accomplish that when publishing something on your blog on a post-by-post basis via the JournalPress plugin.
* One downside here is that you'll be splitting your comments into 2 threads -- one at LJ and one at your blog.


randy_byers March 15 2011, 22:17:32 UTC
Thanks! That's a useful plugin to know about. I think I'll let things play out under option 1 for a bit, but I may want to give option 2 a try at some point.


voidampersand March 16 2011, 03:37:14 UTC
Feedbag is ON.


randy_byers March 16 2011, 04:08:17 UTC
Really? I still don't see anything there.


voidampersand March 16 2011, 05:25:33 UTC
Let me take that feedbag off so I can talk... Wait, it's working!


randy_byers March 16 2011, 15:19:49 UTC
And so it is.


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