I Write Like

Jul 13, 2010 13:23

Seeing the "I Write Like" meme on a few of my Friends' pages, I started thinking about who has actually influenced me as a writer. It's not an easy question to answer, and my knee-jerk response to the meme is "I Write Like Myself". However, when I was taking creative writing courses in college my professor (Don Taylor) said my style (such as it was ( Read more... )


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Comments 16

shsilver July 13 2010, 20:28:37 UTC
How about:

... )


randy_byers July 13 2010, 20:52:26 UTC
I think we need one for Carl Brandon. Or Froggy.


shsilver July 13 2010, 20:58:05 UTC
Or "I write like a poor man's Avram Davidson."


randy_byers July 13 2010, 21:03:42 UTC
A boy can certainly dream.


ajr July 13 2010, 21:16:19 UTC
I put a few things in the "I Write Like" meme, and got a different result every time. Some of them quite odd.

Then I put in a Ray Bradbury short story, and it told me that 'I' write like Stephen King. So I put a Stephen King story in, and it told me that 'I' write like Raymond Chandler. So I put the first chapter of 'The Big Sleep' in, and it told me that 'I' write like Charles Dickens.

Not exactly the most encouraging of results...


randy_byers July 13 2010, 21:36:35 UTC
It did look like people were getting random results, so I'm not sure what the point of the thing is. I think they're missing a bet in not broadening the pool of writers they randomly refer to. Might at least get people to hit Wikipedia to figure out the reference. "I write like Djuna Barnes?!!!"


kalimac July 13 2010, 23:55:51 UTC
I've picked up a few ticks from some of my favorite authors, that I'm conscious of.


randy_byers July 14 2010, 00:00:56 UTC
Yeah, there are a few things I do that I can certainly spot as specifically borrowed from others.


maryread July 14 2010, 01:08:38 UTC
Everyone can't write like Dan Brown. Fortunately.

I had a class where we did that replacing-the-parts-of-speech exercise, and if you can keep it up after you get the feel for it, why not? Angela Carter was my favorite, and it wasn't even a story I had brought in. At the time I was wondering how Wendell Berry did it, but I think that was more a matter of content than style.

Thank you for a thoughtful post about this annoying thingy. I'm tired of calling them memes. What are they, semi-random code generators?


randy_byers July 14 2010, 02:06:06 UTC
I haven't read anything by Wendell Berry, so you've sent me to Wikipedia, which has a very interesting article. I would never have guessed that he was a farmer, I'll tell you that, although one of my favorite lit teachers in high school had a farm and eventually retired from teaching to farm full time.

I think the annoying thing about that particular meme is that it isn't actually doing anything. If it was really attempting to analyze writing styles, it might be interesting even if the results were weird or wrong. But what the hell, I should go check out what's happening in the MLB All-Star game.


surliminal July 14 2010, 20:50:51 UTC
Yeh I think if anyone had come back with "I write like Marge Piercy" or Kate Atkinson or even Joanna Russ I might have been interested ; but no one I've sen is anyone I want to write like! Still it's nice to see a meme sweeping LJ like the old days.


randy_byers July 14 2010, 21:00:10 UTC
I Write Like Stephenie Meyer?


surliminal July 14 2010, 21:26:31 UTC
Is that for ME? Want to take this outside?? :-P


randy_byers July 14 2010, 21:42:19 UTC
But it's twilight out there!


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