The Ramirez Household

May 19, 2023 21:30

Whoops, it’s been a while, hasn’t it? I blame the covid. Totally wiped me out. It’s also been a busy few weeks at work, plus my kid got themselves a theme park pass, and half my free time is now spent driving to Thorpe Park. And, my sister has been to Greece about four times this year already ‘cause our mum’s been unwell, and that’s me on airport driving duty. Basically, too much real life, not enough simulated life. But! I’m ill again, which means I’ve finally managed to claw a few hours spare to post the Ramirez household. Say hi to Checo, everyone!

Right, time to drug your army of children.

Checo and Lisa: Actually, we would like to bang.

And I would like you to train your quads.
Lisa: Isn’t that what the nanny’s for?

Huh, apparently so!

But we can also add in a little parentification now that Tessa’s ageing up.

Tessa: These hands were made for jazz.

Yep, Tessa’s LTW is to become Lord of the Dance. We’ll see how that goes.

Max also grew up! Nobody noticed.

So yeah, this is Tessa’s life now.
Tessa: It’s not quite the dance party I was expecting.

Still, there are sweet moments along the way.
Erica: Huggles?
Alyson: Huggles!

Terence: Huggles?

Terence: D:

Tessa: Lock my door.

Lisa: I AM NOT-
Having a good time?

All right, here’s something funny.
Lisa: The... nanny?
Keep watching.

Nanny: I was so busy potty training the children, I forgot to potty train myself!
Lisa: It’s mean, but OK, it’s a little funny.
(That’s not all nanny piss btw, I’m just very bad at catching Max in the act.)

Speaking of piss.

Jacob: There there, good potty.

Checo: He can pee in a pot, he’s my favourite now.

Jacob: High chair.
Checo: You’re so right!

Lisa, alas, is not enjoying toddlers quite as much.
Lisa: I’m too pretty for this.


Terence: Laid a fresh one for you, mom.

Lisa: This is fine.

Tessa: OK, you put your left leg in, your left leg out. In, out, in, out, and shake it all about.

Terence: Sis, hey, sis, hey.
Erica: Hush please, I am concentrating.

Terence: That’s right, hand it over.
Erica: Oh. I see how it is.

Bath time for stinky boys.

A problem for future Sushi.

At last, the toddler stage is over!
Tessa: Do you wanna go first or...?
Checo: Oh yeah, sure, no problem.

Checo: But first, let me ogle my wife.
Tessa: Soon I will be at university and all of this will be behind me...

First up, Erica!
Erica: Yay!

Then Alyson!
Checo: Hooray for me!
Alyson: Hooray for cake.

Tessa ad Sharla: Happy birthday to the wall!

Next up is Jacob, assuming I haven’t got the names mixed up.

Kennedy: Toot toot.

Jacob: Limbo!

Lisa: Whew, right in the nick of time.
Lisa: So long as we ignore the bit where time kept going looping for three hours so I could finish this.

But yes, finally it’s Terence’s turn to grow up.

Benjamin: I’m gonna punch him.
Please don’t.
Benjamin: Gonna punch him so hard.

Celebrate good times, come on!

Erica: Wait a minute...

Erica: I hate that stupid bear outfit.
Alyson: I think he’s hibernating!

Jacob: Does he have to do it at the bottom of the stairs though?

Erica lives at the piano now.
Her OTH is Sports.

Tessa: Something about emergencies, I guess.

Lisa: Finally, I can start working on the damn car.

Good Lord.

Let’s have a little playtime interlude.

Mailman: Bills.
Erica: Do you accept lemonade?
Mailman: Not in exchange for bills.
Erica: How about in exchange for money?
Mailman: Technically, that is also bills.

Fuck that librarian.

Lisa: Whatever. I’m taking a nap.


Checo: Hot wife!
Freezing cold wife, actually. Wanna do something about that?
Checo: Nope!

Why? He hasn’t done anything.
Alyson: Yet.

Tessa: Ahhh, dance time!

Chess party.

Gaming party.

Just lots of cute family bonding moments.

Checo: I’m too sexy for my shirt.

Bath time for stinky boys. Which I know I said last time too, but I just really like this pet bath.

Werewolf: Is she OK?

Lisa: Zzzz... piss...
Checo: On it.

Yeah she might actually die.

Gilbert: Yeah good luck with that.

Lisa: Ugh, what happened?
You lost your job and passed out in the absolute worst place possible.

Lisa: I’m freezing!
Don’t worry, you’re about to warm yourself up.

Lisa: Eek nooo!

Lisa: This is because I laughed at the nanny, isn’t it?
Yeah, that probably didn’t help.

Anyway, over to Tessa.
Tessa: Look, somebody else is pissing themselves!

Tessa: BAM! In the face!

Decided to check out the furniture store and once again, it is borked.
Cashier: It’s Kevin’s fault.
Other cashier: Yeah, definitely Kevin.

But you know what? I don’t know how to stop it from happening again, nobody’s got a business LTW anyway, so bye bye business!

Checo: And now to spend the profits.

Lisa: Mmm, that piss puddle really sets the mood.
...There is way too much piss in this update.

If you two make more quads, I will genuinely kill you.

Newspaper kid: Shake?
Tessa: Salute.

Tessa: Love love peace peace?

Cute little family dance party.
Terence: Except me.
Except you.

Jacob: I wanna join in!
Go right ahead, sweetie.

Alyson: Are you OK?
Terence: Clearly not.

Erica: You might be watching me, but who do you think is watching you?
Please don’t, I’m too ill for dep thinking.


Please don’t die.
Lisa: Frostbite couldn’t do it, and electrocution ain’t gonna do it either.

Weekend! I sent Tessa out to do some singing...

...And then decided to start working on those dance contests for her LTW.

Alas, her first attempt was a failure.

Still, at least she doesn’t take it as badly as this poor townie.
Everyone’s watching. Everyone.

Erica: I’m dying.
Alyson: You’re wearing a vest and shorts outside in winter, of course you’re dying.

Alyson: But now, a message about recycling.

Ah how sweet, doomed townie love.

Tessa: Hey, don’t mind me, just gonna practise my moves.

Wait a minute, that looks familiar...

I mean, without the shotgun, but yeah!

And the week ends with Alyson doing a little stargazing. Next up is a single sim household, so hopefully it won’t take me three months to write up. Hopefully!

Uberhood Index

sims story, ramirez, uberhood

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