Broke - Week Two

Jan 30, 2021 17:56

Over to the Brokes! Where little overachiever Sophie Phoebe Sophie wants MOAR SKILLS.

-3467But first, let’s improve that awful aspiration with some easy-to-fill wants.
Beau: The itsy-bitsy spider climbed up the water spout...
Sophie: I’m delighted. :|

And hugs.

Sure, why not!

Sophie: Hope you’re serving better food than the stuff we’re getting.

But while we wait, let’s invite over Darren. He and Brandi have had a bit of thing going on, and her LTW is to reach her Golden Anniversary, so let’s see if we can make some progress on that.
Darren: Glitchy kiss!

Brandi: How about a nice, non-glitchy backrub?

Followed by a little of this.

Darren: Do you smell something burning?
Brandi: Just our burning love!

Nope, it was in fact the headmaster’s dinner. Try again.

Random shot of Phoebe and Sophie being adorable.

Beau: Yeah, the twins are cute and all, but do they have A+s? No they do not.

Brandi: Welcome to our humble home.
Headmaster: Yes, it humble. But your food is delicious, so I guess we can accept a couple of charity cases.
Headmaster: For now.

Dustin: -And then she toppled into the toilet and drowned, which is why you must never play in the toilet.
Phoebe: You’re fooling no-one.

Stop drinking manky bottles! Let’s get you something nicer to eat!

Yep, it’s birthday time! Just in time for school-

Oh, whoops. Is this vanilla behaviour?

Well, never mind. Sophie grows up into a pretty princess.

Sophie: And look what I can do!

And then it’s Phoebe’s turn.

Phoebe: And I am definitely not a princess. So now maybe you’ll be able to tell us apart.
...Shut up.

Why are your bills all the way over there?
Brandi: So I don’t have to look at them, duh.

So now the twins are all grown up, I switched the rooms around so they can share with their brothers. Eventually. When we can afford new beds.

Sophie: Why am I not instantly great at school?

Phoebe: This is an insult.

They all brought friends home to give me a little taste of what life will probably be like once Brandi manages to nab herself a man.

It’s not all bad.

Phoebe: This would be easier without mittens.

Sophie: Wanna switch places after and buy some lemonade from me so we both get the wants filled?
Phoebe: Or you could more out the way so I can serve the next customer.

Garret: Is this lemonade made with real lemons?
Phoebe: As real as you can get in a simulation.

Beau: Why did you cap this?
Dunno really. Just thought there hadn’t been enough of you in this.

Beau: How about a little TEDDY TORTURE to spice things up?
When your mum and brother are punching each other? Try harder.

Beau: A birthday then.
Yes! That’ll do the trick!

Beau: I’m all punk!
But alas, black leather is not you.

I do give him a spiked choker though, and a set of headphones because his OTH is Music and Dance, and here he is, all grown up.
Beau: Very handsome, if I do say so myself.

He wanted to get into private school (again) so now the household has a little more money, it’s time for Headmaster Scenario 2: Electric Boogaloo.

Sophie: And if the food doesn’t do the trick, a little intimidation can’t hurt.


Paramedic: This is kind of the very opposite of my job.

Burglar: And it shows!
Hmm. Beginning to think maybe I should leave this job to the actual police, even if they are bastards.

Penguin: You weren’t much help either.
Snowman: In my defence, I am literally a snowman.

Dustin and Beau were wide awake after that, and Beau decided he wanted to see a ghost, so I sent them to Gothier Green Lawns to check on their dear old dad.
Dustin: Just don’t bring him home again. I mean it.

Looks like they’re not the only ones doing a parental visit.

Skip was a no-show, but Jon Smith did make an appearance.
Jon Smith: HOW MANY illegitimate children!?

Random cute sibling dance.

It was literally Dustin’s first day at this job!

Phoebe: This is boring. Can I do something else?
Sure. What d’ya want?

That’s adorable, go nuts!

She also wanted to build a snowman, but alas, the snow started melting before she could finish it.

Phoebe: I’m telling mom.

Sophie: Hold me teddy, I’m scared.

Sophie: Human contact is a vast improvement.

I was waiting for Brandi to get home to send Dustin to college, but she was exhausted and had to go straight to bed, so his siblings waved him goodbye instead.
(And then Brandi dragged herself out of bed and tried to wave him off too but I couldn’t get a good shot of it.)

Brandi: Right, I’m not getting any younger, let’s do this!

Darren: Go steady? Um, I’m not sure I’m ready for that.

So... turns out Darren has Commitment Issues.

The taxi’s barely ground to a halt before Brandi makes a beeline to the bed.
Brandi: I’m gonna get something out of this fucking date.

Brandi: Or should I say, date fu-
Yes, we get it.

And get it, she did.

Brandi: I need a new man. One who isn’t afraid of a wedding.
I can offer you a variety of funky sculptures?
Brandi: ...I’ll take it.

I don’t know whether to be more concerned about his obviously broken arm or the fact that he’s breakdancing in a suit.

Brandi: Say ‘will you marry me’? Please. I need to hear it.

Pauline: GLOBAL pandemic!

The twins autonomously hugged and it’s the most adorable thing ever.

Phoebe: The wall, mom, mom, THE WALL!

Brandi: Come on in, make yourself at home! You can guard the house while I take the kids to the park.

Yep, decided it was time for a family outing.

Brandi: Oooh, now he’s cute.
Brandi. You need a provider, not a broke college student.

Brandi: I need directions to your brother’s heart.
Chloe: You mean my nephew? He’s dating the local serial killer’s niece.
Brandi: ...Maybe I’ll just scope the room again.

Brandi’s not the only one looking for love.
Beau: I like a girl with an invisible torso!

She’s got a torso now.
Beau: A very nice one indeed.

Sophie: You’ve got something in your hair!
Phoebe: GERROFF.

Beau: I hear dogecoins are pretty hot right now.
Isabella: What now coins?

Beau also quite fancied Sophie Miguel, so I had hm chat to her for a little while because now they’ve all got their names back, I’d quite like to get some of the townies married in.
Sophie: Damn, slow down, we only just met.

You probably shouldn’t be playing darts, but I’m not gonna stop you.

I was getting pretty desperate to find Brandi a husband, so I had a look in the crystal ball and summoned over this Secret Society member.
Brandi: As a college student, how will you provide for me and my children?
Secret Society Guy: I can assure you, the Secret Society has its ways.

Meanwhile, Sophie spends a happy afternoon tormenting this dog.
Sophie: Ha ha, stupid dog, there is no stick!

Brandi: I’m not pregnant again, am I!?
Nope, just fat.
Brandi: Oh thank goodness for that.

Phoebe: Don’t worry, if you can’t find a new daddy for us, I’ll manage the money.
Brandi: That’s very sweet of you, but if I don’t find a husband, I will die of misery.
Not necessarily! I just need to keep fulfilling all your boring little wants instead. Like that guitar one.

Nina: OK, I can’t lie, that’s a pretty sweet guitar.

In fact, Brandi likes it so much, she takes it to bed with her.


Right, moveobjects on, delete Brandi, reload, buy a different guitar and fulfil Brandi’s want to get her hot, sexy, pre-baby body back.

Brandi: I’m too sexy for my shirt, so sexy it hurts.
Yeah, and it certainly looks like it!

Uberhood Index

sims story, broke

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