Ottomas - Week Two

Jan 22, 2021 00:01

To the Ottomas household! Last time - David moved out, Sharla grew up, Dora died, the twins were born, one was... different-

Samantha: Pop!
Oh, yes, and Samantha’s pregnant with Dora’s LTW 6th grandchild.

Samantha: Time to queue up number seven.
I don’t think it works like that.
Peter: We’re willing to give it a try. For science.

Greg: Bang, you’ve been repo’d!
Can you wait for me to finish makeovers first?
Tommy: No.

Can you wait for me to finish makeovers at least?

It’s a girl! Meet Stacey Ottomas!

Over to Peter. Now Peter has the fun trait combo of Evil and Kleptomanic, which means he likes to spend all his free time mugging poor Sharla. I guess now I’ll get a proper chance to see how well the pickpocket mood check works!
Peter: I’m thinking a nice painting along this wall.
Sharla: Yes, fine, please let me go now.

Glen: Think we’ll see Grandma Dora any time soon?

Tommy: Nope! It’s me who’s the ghost now!

Peter: Catch me!
Samantha: Of course, my sweet!
I must say, of all the couples I thought would get the Evil trait, I did not expect it to be Peter and Samantha Ottomas.

Peter: Aw, that’s so sweet. Anyway, I’m gonna mug my daughter again.
Sharla: Try it and I will jam this paintbrush up your nose.

Tommy and Glen brought Georgia and Garret Newson home from school.

Georgia: BLEUGH!
Sharla: Kid, I’ve got five siblings too, you don’t scare me.

Greg also brought Tina Traveller home and this is officially Too Many Children.

Garret: When I grow up, I’m gonna become an astronaut!
Glen: Oh cool! If you meet aliens, can you ask them how I ended up with alien eyes?

Homework party.

Greg: Mom! You’re home! +2000
Samantha: Ew, human contact. -250

Glen: Maybe I should become an astronaut too.

Peter: Baby goes in bassinet!

Glen: A healthy interest in plumbing always comes in handy.

Samantha: A healthy interest in how to change fuses would be even more useful.

Introducing: The Amazing Floating Baby!

Peter: Baby goes in fridge.
Peter: With the rest of the leftovers.

Aww, that’s sweet.

In fact, for an Evil Sim, Peter does enjoy spending time with his children and not robbing them. I suppose it helps that he can’t actually mug the younger ones.

Peter: And now for some more adult bonding.
Samantha: I know what bits I want bonding!

Probably not a good idea to spy on the other residents of Veronaville.
Sharla: Eh, my dad could use a new victim.

Like Vivian Cho perhaps?

Peter: I’m not stupid enough to mess with the cops.
Sharla: DAD!
Peter: It’s all right sweetie, it not a real robbery, it goes straight back in the household funds. Now if you were to get robbed for real, it’d go like this-

Peter: -And that’s how you find the radius.

The return of The Amazing Floating Baby!
Samantha: It stinks, I’m putting it back in the fridge.

Samantha: Just kidding. You’re too cute for that!
Samantha: With our genetics, you’d better enjoy it while it lasts.

I decided to let Sharla do a little shopping at J’Adore Bakery, mostly to check Gilbert still owned it.
Gilbert: This would probably be easier if I took my mittens off.

She wanted a swim, so I sent her to the gym where the want immediately rolled away in favour of soaking in the hot tub.
Sharla: I’m never going home again.
Game doesn’t work like that, sorry.

Tiny cute Glen spam.

And then it’s time for Stacey’s birthday!
Samantha: Actually I’m just gonna give this to Sharla.

Not too horrifying!

The shock of growing up made her immediately shit herself, so Sharla whisked her upstairs for a bath.

Stacey: Story now.
Sharla: You are aware I’m not your mom, right?

Time for an actual adult to take over.

Tiny cute Stacey spam.

You could look a little more excited about successfully potty training her.
Peter: It’s the sixth one I’ve trained. It’s just not that exciting any more.

Me running to tell my housemate about this: OK, so my Sim just brought another Sim home from school, but I guess I threw out her shirt during my Big CC Clearout...
Housemate: She’s topless, isn’t she?
Me: ...You’re not entirely wrong!

Gardener: *snips Gabriella in half*

What’s Tommy done to piss everyone off?
Glen: Interrupted cute hug time with his stupid birthday.

That’s right, it’s time for Tommy to grow up!

Tommy: I’m all grown up!
And making awful fashion choices!

Samantha: I guess we’d better get that elementary school homework out of the way.

So here’s teen Tommy. I let him keep a tropical shirt, but the camo trousers had to go.

Tommy: I would like money.

Tommy: I am willing to do anything to get it.

He doesn’t have any alien summoning perks, but I guess it can’t hurt (much) to try.

Tessa: So... has your brother seen this movie? Does he know exactly what’s going to happen to him if aliens do take him?

Forgot I had this thing. And by the time I remembered, Dora’s tomatoes had all died, oops.

Sharla brought Buck Grunt home from school.

Look, I just really like the hugs.


Should you be doing that? I don’t think you should be doing that.
Glen: Right, like becoming a Plantsim would be the weirdest thing that’s happened to my genetics.

Oh, now Tommy’s a teen, his parental robbery immunity has worn off.
Peter: A flat screen TV. Right there.

Time for Stacey’s birthday again.

Stacey: Fingers!

Samantha: Wanna roleplay? I’ll be the teacher and you can be the hot college student who needs better grades.
Peter: Heck yes.

I can’t even kinkshame you because that’s canon gameplay.

Samantha: Time for your biology finals!
Peter: A+ or will you be satisfied with the D?

Let’s go look at some slightly more wholesome romance!

First kiss!

Oh, hi Dora!
Dora: I’d like to make a complaint about-
Sorry, can’t stop, Sharla’s going on a date.

Buck: I love a girl who can dislocate her entire arm to give me a backrub.

I hit Pause just as lightning struck and spent several seconds frantically spinning the camera until I realised what had happened.

Panic over.

Sharla: Can we get some food over here?
Whoops, seems like there’s no server assigned, so no.

There were random bowls of food on the top table though, so when the date ended, Sharla grabbed a bowl of chili and started chatting nukes with Jason Greenman.
Sharla: I just feel so much better now the man banned from MySpace now no longer has access to nuclear weapons as well.

Sure did! It was clogging up the living room and there’s seven people in this house.

You’re not gonna find aliens like that.
Tommy: That’s fine, I changed my mind anyway.

Glen: He’s still here?
Greg: He’s still here.

Buck: I’m still here.

I don’t appear to have posted any pictures of madeover Stacey, so here she is in all her cute pink outerwear, skipping.

Nanny: Is that cake!? For breakfast!?
Yep, there’s been so many birthdays in the house, the only meal anyone cooked was for the (unpictured) headmaster visit.

Nanny: I must remedy this at once.

Decided to send the kids out to play.
Sharla: Sounds good to me!

These two nerds decided that meant playing chess.
Stacey: Wait, how am I supposed to do this without a ceiling to do the ceiling chess on?

Meanwhile, Glen plunders the community garden.

Sharla: And that’s how you stop Dad pickpocketing you.

Just hanging around.

Back home, I forgot to check Samantha’s aspiration and burned her brain out.
Samantha: How do word now?

Sharla: A little eggplant juice should fix that.

Samantha: I can feel my neurons knitting back together.

The entire household has been randomly rolling wants to chat with David all week, so I invited him over to hang out.

Samantha: Also here’s ten grand for after you graduate.
David: Oh wow, thanks!

David: So what are you kids into these days, toy planes?
Stacey: Don’t patronise us, we’re armed with darts.

Meanwhile, I decided to treat Peter and Samantha to a date at Londoste.

Peter: Classy place.

Peter: Let’s lower the tone.

Again? Really?
Samantha: Grinding ain’t gonna put another baby in me.
No please no more children, there isn’t space!

Plus you might wanna take better care of the ones you already have.


Glen: I like these bugs much better.

And the week ends with an ominous phone call.

Uberhood Index

sims story, ottomas

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