The Freshman Household

May 08, 2020 13:45

Plus Tank Grunt.

I have the sneaking suspicion Jared might maybe like a pet.

Fucks sake.

Sam: Social distancing SOCIAL DISTANCING.

Not sure if she needs to practise social distancing with the dormies. I have nodormieinvulnerability, but I don’t know if they can catch flu.

Then I remembered Jared is a Family sim. Yay comfort soup!

That’s right, everybody nom down. Even the dormie. Just in case.


They do get cured in the end though and I send them down the student union.
Juliet: You’re staying in a dorm? How quaint.
Tank: I used to stay in barracks. A dorm is an improvement.

Sam: I want that one.

Jared: I want another one.

I see Tank is using his newfound freedom to rebel.

Also moved this picture up to show you his turn on for aliens.

He’s also started getting into Science. If this was fanfiction, you’d all flame me for making him OOC.

It’s like raiiiiiiiiiiin in your cafeteria.

Heather: Don’t touch me.

Brittany: You forgot I had flu, didn’t you?
Yes. And I will continue to forget this.

Brittany: Check out my Etsy store.

Jared: MY SOUP!

Oh come on! It’s not like anyone died!
*remembers Jimmy Phoenix’s round*
Perhaps that’s where I went wrong.

You have a sprinkler. You don’t need an alarm.
You also don’t need another puppy. You’ve barely looked at the one you already have.

So, Sam! You need a creativity point! How about it?

Sam: No.

Finals time.

Finally managed to catch Makoto and make him look slightly less ridiculous!

Oh, and finally, here’s Jared’s puppy, Dandelion.
Dandelion: Sempai noticed me! :D :D :D

Ty: Ugh, get a room.

That’s the complete opposite of a room.
Sam: Well, this is romantic.
Tank: I think I’ve been scalped.

Sam: Wow, this place is boring. Moving on!

Then she dragged all the boys out for a jog to see if anyone had Fitness as a OTH.
Nobody has Fitness as a OTH.

I wanted to, but it didn’t show up in the catalogue. I guess because it’s technically an extra room and you can’t build in dorms? Sorry, Tank!

Tank: You can make it up to me by MOVING HER OUT OF MY WAY.


Jared: Look at the puddle!
“Goopy”: What puddle?
Jared: The one about to hit you in the face!

Sam: You are the sunshine of my life.

Tank: Oops, got a few crossed wires there.

If that puddle was any bigger, they’d be able to swim in it.

Tank: Eh.


Oh no. Why are you here?
Coach: I just wanna walk all the way up to the roof then turn around and leave.
Oh. OK, carry on.

Jared’s getting a few skills in.

Dandelion grew up.

Dandelion: Let’s play!

Going for a walk in a towel? Bold choice.
Ty: It’s college. Nobody cares.

Ty: That doesn’t look comfortable at all.
It’s not. But she’s a dormie, she’ll be fine. Well. Maybe. And if she isn’t, a ghost will liven things up.

Jared: Wheeee!

Ty: No, my hand is fine, why do you ask?

Zoe: NO. RATS.

Ty: Hahaha this is fun!
Everybody else: Eugh, that guy is so gross.

Opal: All righty then.

Dormie: Hey, cutie, fancy a kiss.
Sam: What the hell? No!

Dormie: I’ll just lurk here and smell your hair until you’re done.

Dormie: Catch me!
Sam: Drop you!
Very seriously thinking I may need to cowplant this guy.

Llama: Hey Christine! Where’s the Phantom!?
Tank: This is a dorm, not a Parisian opera house!

Jared: Shake!
Dandelion: I’m not sure about this.

Dormie: Hey Sam, Sam, hey Sam, Sam, when you’re done, do you wanna make out?
Sam: Ty, we’re playing catch forever, OK?
Ty: Fine with me.

Sam: SKY!

Tank wanted to talk to a relative, so I let him invite his dad and brothers over. Ripp was a no-show, but I kinda expected that.
General Buzz: A towel, eh? Interesting choice, sport.

Good book?
Sam: Not bad.

Jared: Shake! Clever boy!
Dandelion: But am I a good boy?
Jared: The very goodest.

I took out out my no autonomous napping mod to see if it was preventing Sims from napping on community lots and instantly regretted it.

Jared: Move.

Jared: *preens*

Ty has found the drums and they are now his favourite thing in the entire world.

I also remembered there’s a telescope on the roof, so now Tank spends most nights looking at stars.
Tank: Well. Starlink.

Tank: Anyway, here’s-

Ripp: Hey, so how’s Johnny?
Tank: Still a stupid, sexy alien.

Ripp: ...OK, tell me more all about your new weird rebellion.
Tank: I’m studying Drama and had a star named after me.


Tank: Alllll of me loves allll of you...
Sam: What a shame he’s tone deaf.

Sam: Unlike me.

Perhaps I need to download something to stop this.
Jared: Where’s the fun in that?

And while we’re on the subject of hygiene, I had failed to realise the obvious drawback of having a dog in a dorm with only showers. So Jared took Dandelion out to Planetary Pet Store for a bath. Which he failed to come along for. So I teleported him over. Ha!
Dandelion: Well I guess it’s not that bad.

Jared: I’m going to take the green glow as a good sign.

Unsavoury Charlatan: Pfft, yeah, like I’m gonna be intimidated by-

Unsavoury Charlatan: OK I’M GOING I’M GOING

Dandelion: About that bath...
Oh dammit. Well, it happened. I’m dragging the hygiene bar up.

Streaker: Ew, somebody pissed themselves.
Dormie: Wasn’t me.

Ty: Think fast!

Jared: Drums.
Yes! You wanna play them, get yourself a creativity point or-

Jared: Nope.
Damn, these guys are getting tougher to trick into skilling.

At least Sam can take a hint.

Jared: I’ll skill the regular way, thanks.
Whatever gets you to pass.

That doesn’t work.

Neither does that.

Tank: Welp. Guess we’re singing a duet.
Ty: You’re doing the girl parts.

Tank: We finish each others-
Ty: Sandwiches.

He really seems to be getting into it.

Tank: Can I get a coffee? My throat’s kinda parched.

Sam: I love snowball fights.

General Buzz: You’ll never believe what Olive Specter did now.
Tank: I probably will, but tell me anyway.

Sam: Look over there!
Jared: I’m going to regret this, aren’t I?

Sam: I’m not!

Sam: Or am I?

Sam: Oh shit oh shit finals are in five hours.

Sam: That’s enough time for a quick nap.

Sam: But not enough for a quick wee!
And then my game crashed.

Sam: I just had the most horrible dream! I froze solid, passed out and pissed myself!

Ty: So about factories, huh.

Ty: Also- kisses!

I didn’t want to have to try and drag Dandelion back out to Riverblossom Hills, so Jared brought a bathtub.
Dormie: Not any more.

Dandelion: Oh thank goodness.


And the round ends with Ty looking on in embarrassment as Sam and Tank fall in love.

Uberhood Index

sims story, freshman

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