Jimmy Phoenix

Apr 19, 2020 18:21

Next up is Jimmy Phoenix. Single sims generally aren’t my favourite to play, but Jimmy wins points for living in a dorm.

Jimmy: Yeah, I won all the awards to come to university.


I forgot the Student Union here doesn’t have a karaoke machine so I let him play for a while before getting down to the business of trying to trick him into skilling.

He refuses to take the hint.
Jimmy: I have never exercised in my life and I’m not about to start.
OK, well... how about you just stand over there then?

Jimmy: Actually this is pretty fun lol.

Jimmy: And that’s enough skilling.
Jimmy: DONE.


Jimmy: Hello professor! I would like to talk about art! So anyway, I’m going to be drawing my OC for class...

Jimmy: Rude.

Jimmy: Helloooo handsome! Who’s he?

Seymour: *fabulous*

Jimmy: True love!

Jimmy: So what’s a place like you doing in a guy like this haha I’m gonna leave now.

For finals!

He wanted to throw a party to celebrate.
Jimmy: Let’s boogie, professor!

Mitch: What puddle?
Jimmy: This one!

Jimmy and Mitch: CEILINGS!

And a good time was had.

Jimmy: I just think you’re really cute-
Seymour: The feeling is not mutual.

Jimmy: Oh my God, do that somewhere else!
Dormie: I’M TRYING.

You gonna do that all day or...?
Jimmy: This all day, I think.

Well that’s boring! So I order Jimmy to go out to Sim State Tower. I may be in lockdown, but that doesn’t mean my sims have to be!

Jimmy: The first person to start singing Lady Gaga loses by default.

Jimmy: Gosh, I sure am hungry. Do you like to cook?
Evil: I sure do! In fact I’d really like to have you for dinner one day.
Jimmy: Over for dinner?
Evil: No, I said it right the first time.

Jimmy: So speaking of Ellen... wanna go on a date?
Seymour: I’m flattered... so OK!

Jimmy: See, this is nice, yes?

Seymour: Actually I changed my mind.
Your Wants panel says otherwise.
Seymour: Fuck my Wants panel.

Jimmy: Not even a tiny little baby flirt!?
Seymour: Absolutely not.

I tried saving the date, but Seymour just wasn’t having any of it.

Seymour: Football only. No touching.

At least heartbreak doesn’t affect his studies.

Dormie: If I don’t move, he can’t see me.
Jimmy: That’s dinosaurs.
Jimmy: And both of those things are not true.

Puck: I hear you won awards.
Jimmy: Yes, that definitely wasn’t a lie I made up to hide the fact that I have no memories or relationships.

Oh dear, Seymour’s unconscious in the bathroom. Now I could switch the stereo on and move it in there to wake him up... but I’m still mad at him for rejecting every one of Jimmy’s advances in spite of his Wants panel, so I’m gonna leave him there and see if he lives or dies.

But just in case he does die, I let Jimmy scope the room for a new romantic interest.
Jimmy: And ra ra Rasputin!

...Could you choose one who’s not unconscious?
Jimmy: Nope!

So few Sims autonomously clean these toilets I was beginning to think they were glitched but it turns out my Sims are all scum.

Jimmy: Fascinating use of line and colour in this piece.
Jimmy, that’s a postcard.
Jimmy: And?
Fair point.

Whoops, grades are slipping slightly.

Jimmy: Ho hum.
Right, back out with you.

Jimmy: Tell me why! Ain’t nothing but a heartbreak! Tell me why! Ain’t nothing but a mistake!

Speaking of mistakes - FIND BETTER GUYS TO LIKE.

Especially as Rasputin just went and died.

Grim: I personally had a great time.
You weren’t invited.

Welp, time to wrap up the year with a study party and a new love interest whose name I’ve forgotten.

And Jimmy moves on to Junior year.

Uberhood Index

jimmy phoenix, sims story

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