The Goths

Sep 07, 2019 23:44

I’m so excited you guys, I only have two households in the main hood to play, then it’s University time! So here’s the penultimate family, the one and only, the iconic, drum roll please, the Goths!

Oh yeah, and Don’s here too.

Cassandra: Why isn’t he here though?

He’s busy.
Mortimer: Busy trying to make me puke.
Don: *kfkguqydjdgrtr but with piano keys*

Not that Mortimer is any better.

Anyway, rather that go with the scripted wedding scenario straight away, I’m gonna see how Don and Cassie feel at the end of the week, so in the meantime, it’s time for that Downtown outing.

They are all about the bubbles here at Bernard’s Botanical Dining.

But Alex wanted to take a photobooth picture, which crashed the game and lost me all that sweet bubble friendship progress. BOO. HISS. Turned out to be his sweater. Don’t know why, it looked fine in SimPE, but whenever the booth tried to spit out his photo, it crashed. Makes me wonder if many of my other old random crashes could’ve been down to autonomous photobooth use when I was looking somewhere else. Still, here he is with his new top and goofy photo to prove it worked.

Oh yeah, Mortimer decided he missed his job and rolled a want to become a scientist again, which luckily for him, popped up on the computer straight away.

Are you quite sure you want to marry him, Cassandra? Your lifetime want says ‘Golden Anniversary but your autonomous actions say ‘read Goldilocks to little brother’.
Don: This is definitely one of the more unusual seductions techniques I’ve seen.
Cassandra: Seen many then, dear?
Don: Ahahaha no, of course not!

Family dinner.

Non-family dinner.

And another empty graveyard, goddamit. UGH.

That’s better.

It’s the school holidays, but Alexander isn’t old enough yet to hang out with the other teens at Camp Hades, so I tried to find out his OTH instead. Turned out to be Nature.

He turns out to be obnoxiously good at bug collecting.

I saw the nanny autonomously start taking the trash out, so I thought “ah, I must reward such initiative!” and told Mortimer to tip her. So she dumped all the trash at his feet to grab the cash.

Shut up, Alexander.

Cassandra wanted a womrat. His name is Nibbles and she cares way more about him than I do.

Here’s something annoying. The nanny won’t track Mortimer’s schedule, presumably because she thinks he’s retired still. But she also won’t track Cassandra’s. Alex grows up soon though, so I won’t have to deal with her much longer.

You gonna put a couple of those in your bug box too?

After that, he moves on to safer activities.

Cassandra brought Kent Capp home from work and they laughed about townies for a while. Come on you two, that’s mean, they can’t help it.

Aren’t aquariums great? I went to one recently for my nephew’s birthday and brought a toy mermaid.

Cassandra: Hello.
Uhh... carry on.

Alexander wanted to be swung around and damn Mortimer can really get some height going. I was genuinely worried he was going to let go and send Alex sailing through the air like Amanda Thripp.

Um, Dina? You know we can all see you, right?
Townie: I’m a townie and even I’m disgusted.

Well never mind, we’ll just leave Dina to her dinner, because there’s something very important I’ve been meaning to do since 2012.


Ahahaha no!

Thankfully, she drops that idea very quickly in favour of ACRing Mortimer in the bathroom.

Mortimer: Got a hell of a surprise for you when you wake up, son.

Cassandra doesn’t care though. Cassandra has Nibbles.

I decided she needed human company (plus she has a locked baby want) so I had her invite Don over.

And then look who came wandering by!
Bella: Hi.
Dina: ...Hi.

Dina: Why are you like this?
Because I’m a naughty bitch.

Just to spite me though, they both behaved impeccably.
Dina: She gave me money, this could be the beginning of a beautiful friendship.
Fair enough.

Mortimer: Can I quit and do it again?

And while that pop-up’s happening, Cassandra and Don are trying to do something about that baby want.

Mortimer: Ah, my sweet, innocent baby girl.
She just had sex in your bed.
Mortimer: Good for her. Tell her to wash the sheets.

Did... did you just sing the words ‘loud yodelling’?
Bella: Whatever gets her out of my bed fastest.
Cassandra: If I ignore them, maybe they’ll go away.
Bella: We won’t.

So she gets revenge with a little cockblocking.

Mortimer: So no handcuffs?
Bella: Maybe for your birthday. And my birthday.

Speaking of birthdays, Cassandra’s determined to make one happen soon.

Tumblr safe version. Not that it really matters, I’m keeping the dirty dirty filthy nippled version in too and if Tumblr don’t like it, they can lose another billion in value.

But despite all that woohoo, Cassandra still isn’t pregnant, so I decide to use some of her aspiration points on a fertility potion.

...And forgot to check her aspiration level. WHOOPS. Sorry, Cassie!

One quick shower later, and she’s ready to try again.

Cassandra: Oh doctor, I think I have a fever!
Don: Let me just check your temperature with my meat thermometer!
Cassandra: Never talk during sex ever again.

I dunno if that fertility potion actually worked in the end, but either way, pregnancy achievement: unlocked.

You lot need to stop playing musical sexbeds.

Oh hey, a competent nanny spotting!

First of all, it’s a community lot.

And we have a very important reason for going there!
Mortimer: Bella, since you’ve come back into my life, every day has been brighter.
That’ll be Eversims actions, actually.
Mortimer: Kind of in the middle of something here, if you don’t mind?
Whoops, sorry, carry on.

Mortimer: Will you marry me? Again?
Bella : Eeeeee yes!

Bella: But after this date. Hopefully the marriage fear will roll away.

Don: Awww.

They had a small, private wedding with their children as witnesses...

...And then went on a lovely honeymoon to picturesque Takemizu Village.

Bella: Where’s the ceiling?
Aw hell.

Just go and have some honeymoon sex, I’ll fix it all later.

A married couple, chilling in a hot spring, five feet apart ‘cause they’re not gay.

Mortimer: How nice of them to put the picture on the floor so I have something to look at.
Ugh, shut up, I’ll fix it!

This asshole showed up. As you can probably tell from the comment “this asshole”, he did not teach Bella how to teleport.

Mortimer: Is the coast clear?
Yeah, it’s just you guys, me, the cashier and 1021 followers.
Mortimer: ...How many?
Oh don’t worry, most of them are porn bots.

Tourist: Ugh, planes, how dull. I spawned here fully formed to keep down my carbon footprint.
Bella: That’s nice. I was dropped off by an interstellar spaceship.


Ninja: No.
Bella: But last time you said-
Ninja: No.

Mortimer: Teach me to teleport so I can teach my wife to teleport or I’ll punch you in the face.
Ninja: You’re gonna have to catch me first.

Bella: Mmm, tea. +500
Which is also me whenever I have a cup of tea.

Unsavoury Charlatan: *lurks ominously*

Mortimer: What a great tour! +500
Didn’t you get robbed?
Mortimer: Oh, yeah, the +500′s for ruining that weeb’s hearing.

Soppy honeymoon spam.

Finally the Ninja agreed to teach Mortimer how to teleport.
Ninja: So you put your left leg in, your left leg out, in, out-
Mortimer: Is this just the Hokey Cokey?
Ninja: That’s what it’s all about.

He immediately used his newfound skills to teleport from the toilet to the tea, which tbh is living the dream.

I cba hunting for the Ninja again so Bella makes a start on teleporting the old fashioned way.

Then there’s just enough time for a last shag before they have to go home.

And back home, Alex and Cassie are having a water balloon fight in their formalwear. Try to keep those clothes clean guys, you may be needing them again before the end of the week.

Surprise! Bella brought a little something home from their honeymoon!

Bella: Welp, not like I can get any more pregnant.

Could’ve sworn I had a wear-anything-during-pregnancy mod, but cba fiddling with it now.

Bella: Should you really be eating cake for breakfast, sweetheart?You’re just looking a little... full.
Cassandra: Yeah. Full of baby.
Bella: Oh, snap! Maybe I’ll have some cake too.

But before we get those babies out, it’s time for Alexander to go on vacation too.

In what?

How the hell did you get food poisoning from fishing?

Lilith’s OTH is Sport, so I had her use the punchbag for a couple of hours instead using her sister as one instead.
Lilith: I’m gonna kill that bitch now.
Hmmmm sounds like you need to punch the bag some more.

Ginger likes to autonomously read the other teens to sleep.
My green car is fuzzy.
Ahhh, is this one of Georgia and Garrett’s books?
Covered in grey fur and dirt. I want it back.

Uhhhhhh maybe not their book then.

Lilith: BITCH.
Can you save it for when you get home?
Lilith: NO.

Right. You two are going to play chess until you can behave yourselves then.

And then as if keeping Angela and Lilith apart wasn’t enough trouble, Alex decided he didn’t like Gavin Newson. You know he’s an orphan, right?
Alexander: He’s a wanker, that’s what he is.

A giant fishing party should help everyone make up, right?

Oh goddammit. Well, never mind, there’s no time to fix it now., we have to get back to-


Yes, all right, I’ll fix it.


She got placed on maternity leave, just as the carpool showed up, and I didn’t cancel the action quickly enough, oops. Oh well. At least they’ll feed her, so I don’t have to worry about her starving to death.

Gosh, it’s all popping over at the Goth’s tonight.


I decided with Cassandra and Bella both on maternity leave, I’d treat them to a pregnancy pampering session at the spa.

I don’t know if it was because they were pregnant, because I haven’t visited the lot yet with business owner since my CC overhaul and something needs fixing or if it was the mod I later found that was preventing a couple of employees from showing up, but they couldn’t get massages, use the hot tub or go in the sauna. BOOO.

They could eat though.
Cassandra: My doctor says my baby is perfect.
Bella: That’s because he’s the baby’s father.
Cassandra: :(
Bella: He’s right though.

Cassandra: We’re allowed caffeine?
Yeah, I’m going with the NHS guidelines that said to cut down to about five cups of tea a day because they knew they’d all be punched if they told Brits to cut it out entirely.

I sent them to the hotel lot Dirk Dreamer got trapped on (now converted to a community lot) because I remembered that had a sauna and a massage table too, but they still couldn’t use them. So they just had dinner instead.

Back home, Mortimer got his LTW job (not a third Science job) so he’s off to work as a mime.

And I told Alex to pull the weeds but he just mucked around in leaves instead. I can’t be mad at him though, that looks like fun.

Hi! Gretle, right?
Maybe!Gretle: GRRR.

But there’s no time to marvel over ghosts, it’s baby time!

Alex: PUSH!
Cassandra: DIE!

It’s a girl! Her name’s Vera and Bella and Alexander both agree she’s beautiful.

Alex: *tries to touch the belly*
Bella: Absolutely not.

Cassandra: I’ll just leave this here for now.

I guess that’s why Bella and Mortimer are gazing down at their granddaughter with such obvious concern.

Mortimer: This is objectively the cutest baby in the world. I should know. I’m a scientist.
OK first of all, you were a scientist. A mad scientist. You’re now a mime. Second of all, you’re about to have a baby of your own, remember?
Mortimer: This is objectively the cutest baby in the world... for now.

Cassandra: *WEDDING NOW PLS*
All right, let’s see what we can do about that.

Don: This is so close to being the perfect date.

Don: It’ll do.

To my delight, Cassandra rolled the marriage want during the date, so I dragged them out to the wedding arch and pretended not to notice Don’s fear. I let him woohoo, his aspiration should still be high enough to take the hit.
Don: But do you really want to take that risk?
Haha silly question. Yes.

Ghost: I hate babies.
Nobody asked you and you’re not invited to our party.

Bella was absent from the wedding, but she had a very good excuse. Not that you get to meet her. Apparently I forgot to take photos.

Don: Uh Cassandra? Was there something you wanted to tell me?
Cassandra: Surprise!

Uhhhh OK sure, we’ll go with that.

I restrained myself this time and just took this picture to show you the ceiling and fixed pictures. Yay for me!
I didn’t take pictures of the invisible bathroom in their hotel suite. I think I maybe mucked things up by putting No Cutaway Walls there, but I really can’t be arsed fiddling with it. They just used the public bathroom for the entire vacation.

So is that a yes, or...?

Well, the want gave more points than the fear took away, so I let her go for it.

And I think they hit it off! Of course I immediately locked that want. I’m sure Cassandra will roll plenty of baby wants once this vacation’s over.

You don’t have a car. There isn’t a car on the lot.
But I might lock it for you anyway, just to be nice.

Don: :D

And then they made a honeymoon baby too.

I probably could squeeze them all into the main Goth house, but now Cassandra’s a married woman with a baby and one more (or quads) on the way, I kinda feel like she needs to move out of her childhood bedroom and into a place of her own.

So I brought them a mansion.
Don’t be fooled by the exterior though. Every room inside is approximately the size of a shoebox.

Uberhood Index

sims story, goth

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