A week with the Dreamers

Aug 18, 2019 00:58

Pretend not to notice how long ago my last entry was, OK?


So here’s Darren paying the first pile of bills.

Alas, after all the home renovations, there wasn’t enough left for the second set. So as Darren had a want to max out a skill, I made him paint all day long.
Darren: Can I take a shower at least?
Nope, sorry, sold the shower to pay for that cool wallpaper behind you.

They still don’t have enough money for a shower by the time Dirk gets home from school, but they can at least pay more bills.

I could swear Darleen’s grave used to be here? There’s even a mound for it. Still, that can be fixed with a little help from my friends boolProp and Batbox.

Darleen: See you soon.
Spoiler: She didn’t show up again.

Anyway, once Dirk was done with the bills, I had him invite over Lilith because she’s my favourite and it’s so nice to play a household where people like her and are nice to her.

See? Autonomous hand holding! THEY ARE SO CUTE!

Angela: Bitch.
Nobody asked you.

Lilith didn’t appreciate being stalked by her sister either, especially when she’s in the middle of having an important emotion.

Anyway, Dirk has a locked want to get into private school, so as it was the summer holidays, I sent him out to go and catch a nice, juicy fish.

Dirk: Hooray!
Unfortunately this was the Hotel California lot I mentioned before, and it wouldn’t let him leave. Every time I tried, the action immediately dropped out of his queue, so I had to exit to the neighbourhood without saving and so he lost his fish.

Let’s try a different park.

I don’t recommend feeding that to the headmaster.

I don’t know if this is normal burglar behaviour or a mod I have, but it cracked me up to see her tiptoeing past the lot.
Burglar: Shh, I’m being stealthy.

That’s better. Let’s go home and see how Darren’s doing.


While Darren was doing some primal screaming in therapy, Daniel walked past and I had Dirk greet him, without thinking. And they both snubbed each other. I guess Dirk isn’t all that thrilled at being ordered to interact with his girlfriend’s abusive father.
Dirk: Order me to punch him. That’ll thrill me.
Tempting! Tempting. But no.

He got on much better with Mortimer Goth here.
Dirk: Ghosts, you say. Interesting.

Ah, yes, this lot. Dirk rolled Romance as a secondary, so I sent him on a date with Lilith, but it was impossible to do anything because errors popped up on everyone every few seconds. I just checked and for the ten minutes they were there, I got 76 error logs. It was madness.

They did manage to get a cute dance in, but in the end I gave up, ended the date and sent Dirk home. I’ll have to send my playable buisness owner out to check on it.

Back home, I saw the double bed icon in Dirk’s queue and thought he was trying to sleep in the wrong bed, but turns out he was just tucking his dad in. Which is weird, but OK.

As a result of my big CC clear-out, a lot of my lots now have missing wallpapers, random bowls of fruit, that sort of thing, so I sent my rich townie business owner to a couple and then immediately sent Dirk to test it all by buying a snowcone, whereupon it promptly started to rain. So, exactly like summer here then.

Saleswoman: We also serve ice cream sundaes.
Dirk: You’re an NPC. Don’t talk to us.

He’s had a locked want to earn money for a while, but he never rolls any job wants, so in desperation, I made him freestyle for tips.

To my surprise, he actually got a pretty big crowd of admirers!

Unfortunately, none of that translated into tips.
Dirk: This is piracy. I’ll sue.

I made him fish instead because wow, look at that lake! That’s a well stocked lake!

Back home, I found out Darren had maxed out creativity when I wasn’t looking, so I decided to try and find his OTH, which wasn’t Arts and Crafts. I know I could cheat and make it so, but... that’s cheating.

Turns out it was nature.
Darren: Important question. Can I eat this?
Probably? I wouldn’t recommend it though.
Darren: Then I’m not interested any more.

Dirk’s got a competitive streak, but as games contests don’t seem to work and he has a grand total of one cooking point, I ignore his wishes and try to find out his OTH too.

Whichh turned out to be tinkering. Unfortunately, there’s not a lot of tinkering to do in the house, other than jamming pointy things in electronics, so of course, I order Dirk to do it.

Terrible decision on my part, really.

Aaand he broke the television, so I made him jam that screwdriver right back in there.

Which worked!

I don’t know if this counts towards Darren’s hobby, but he seemed to enjoy it anyway.

I decided to reward him for his hard work by sending him to Pleasant Views, the local strip club. Not because I’m a dirty pervert, honest, I just wanted to see if the modifications I made to the pole worked. Which, yay, they did!

Now lets see how long it takes Tumblr to notice Darren’s naked Ken-doll body and nuke this entire post, even though it’s behind a read more (ETA: the anser is: immediately. It went straight into content violation and I had to appeal). At least Photofuckit only deleted the rude pictures. Until they put everything behind a $400 paywall, that is.
Perhaps this wasn’t such a good idea after all.
Darren: Are you kidding? This is the best idea you’ve had all week!
I meant posting this on Tumblr knowing their purity bot can’t tell a sim male nipple from a close-up cumshot.
My last five followers were all pornbots, btw. Just saying.

Then I spotted Florence and Jared Starchild snogging and noped out before they could find the photobooth.

Darren’s social was pretty low when he got home, so I had him invite over Brandi Boke.

Then he immediately took care of that social motive himself by inviting her upstairs for a quick one.

Brandi: I dare you to make that joke.

Then I spotted Nina and Dina outside and invited them in.
Nina: I just wanted the paper, tbh.

Nina: Psst, Brandi, did you hear about Darren!?
Brandi: No, and I’m really hoping this isn’t something that’s going to give me any regrets.
Nina: I hear he knows townies!
Lies. I used Monique’s gnome to remove them from his relationship panel.

Well, Darren and Brandi seem to be getting over Darleen and Skip.
Darleen: Whatever. I’m dead, I don’t care. Just don’t sell my toilet.

And while those two are busy, Nina’s being a bitch.
Dirk: Please, I already got electrocuted once today!

Never mind. It’s time to visit Camp Hades, where some of my teans are suffering from CC Purge Syndrome worse than others. Most of them I’m going to just leave until I get round to their households again, but Violet’s low-cut jeans have to go.

Should this worry me?

My main goal for this summer camp is to make all the various teens better friends, but also to indulge in everyone’s hobbies and happily, one of things Camp Hades offers is a restorable car, so Dirk gets to tinker in slightly safer condistions so long as you ignore the fact hat he’s doing this in his pyjamas with bare feet.

Nobody had a nature hobby, but I held a big ‘ol fishing party anyway, just because it’s a great way to build relationships between multiple Sims.

I didn’t take many pictures of summer camp because I didn’t want the post to get too long, but I did spot Jill Smith reading Jules O’Mackey a bedtime story.

Back home! Lilith had been walking past when Dirk left, so I quickly had him greet her so she’d be there when he got home, but Nina was very unhappy with this.
Nina: There’s only room for one red-headed bitch in this town and it’s me.
Brandi: This is fine.

Dirk: *suspicious looks*
Lilith: It’s OK, she didnt do anything, it was the other one.
Dirk: I know she didn’t do anything. That’s the problem.

Darren tried to smooth things over by influencing Nina to talk to Lilith, but Lilith wasn’t interested. So Nina pushed her when he back was turned, which I’d never seen before!? Damn, Nina!

So Dirk decided to cheer Lilith up with his penis.

You know your dad and Brandi had sex in that earlier, right?
Dirk: Don’t care, busy.

Lilith: I feel better now.

Darren: Heeey. You had sex in that too?
Dirk: Nope nope nope nope nope.

The next day, I sent Darren and Dirk to the pool to hang out, but I kept getting errors there too. Seems there’s a problem with all my musical instruments, so I’m going to have to troubleshoot that soon. :( At least it only takes five minutes to load the game now though.

Darren: Ahh, it even smells like her!
You... you know that’s not yours, right?
Darren: It is now.

I sent Dirk on a date with Lilith. As you can see, it went well. (Actually, it really did, they had a dream date, but shh, it ruins the joke.)

Dustin was walking past when Dirk got home, so I invited him in to play some games.

And the week ended with Lilith’s grandad phoning up to enquire about Dirk’s intentions. Which amused me at first, until I realised Herb’s probably Lilith’s only other friend.

So! In conclusion:

Uberhood Index

dreamer, sims story

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