Global Legacy 3.4

Oct 08, 2013 19:57

Last time, Lithuania and Latvia's litter of neglected toddlers grew up into neglected children. Most of the moochers maxed their hobby enthusiasm and were rewarded with (mostly crappy) dates and the week ended with Finland drowning in the pool.

The challenge rolled is Christmas. So that means baking biscuits for Santa. It probably wasn't my best idea to let England cook the Santa cookies. He actually does have quite a few cooking points... but he's England.

Oh, and now the 'no NPCs' challenge is over, I decided I'd hire a butler. And isn't he just the coolest!?

England: Gordon Ramsey, why hast thou forsaken me?
WHY DID I LET YOU TRY AGAIN? FFS, move over at let Seychelles do it.

Serbia: So, you're pretty cute. Hugs?

Serbia: And now, for something even better than a hug.

Oooh, it's actually pretty detailed in here, I'm impressed.

Did you ever want to know what two sims woohooing in a photobooth looks like? Here it is. You're welcome.

Riga knows all the cool kids in town.

Not quite the festive look I was going for.

France: FIRE! FIRE!
Well, maybe I'll get a fire death out of it at least.

Liet: Everyone stay away, do not run towards the tree! I'll call the fire brigade.
Seriously? You're not going to run at it and dance in the flames?

France: Don't panic, I've got this.
Well shit, they've gotten smarter. That can't be good for me.

Santa: Ho ho ho! I hope you've been good boys and girls!

Santa: What the fuck is this crap?
Santa: Well. Enjoy your present, jerks.

Oh, it's a lump of coal-it's a lump of coal!? I thought that was a myth!

Hahahahaha fuck you, Santa.

Well. Latvia and Lithuania cheer themselves up by unwrapping each other.

And Grina faces the wrath of Seychelles.

Lithvia decided he didn't need to go to school today and spent the entire day playing.
Lithvia: I'm not stupid, I know Christmas Day is a bank holiday.
It's not actually Christmas, but OK, I can't argue with that.

Moochers at work.

I sent Latvia and Lithuania out on a festive date at the ice rink.

Back home, I am greeted with a screenful of birthday pop-ups.

Butler: How am I supposed to cook yet another nutritious meal when there are no surfaces!?
Calm down dude, let them eat the other meals first.

Latuania and Riga really really don't want to do their homework.

And after revamping enough cars to open her own chop shop, France finally maxes out tinkering. Yay!
France: Can I have a present?
Sure thing. You want a date? I'll get you a date.
France: Actually, what I really want is to become a werewolf.
...Really? well, OK, why not.

France: *glug glug glug*

France: Tingly!

I have a mod that makes sims become werewolves just two days a week instead of every day, so France got to keep her fabulous good looks a little longer.
France: Yoohoo! Could someone come and stand under this mistletoe with me and check that my lips aren't hairy?

Valmiera: Oh wow, it's Santa!
It is? Shit, I didn't leave any cookies out! I thought he needed cookies and a tree to spawn.
Santa: No cookies?

Santa: Bye, losers. Enjoy your gift.


Because I'm completely childish, I put the lump of coal behind the light-up-reindeer to make it look like it'd done a poo. Hee!

Oh dear. You'd better go and rest then, hadn't you?

Serbia: Hang on, just let me scarf down another plate.

The butler got lazy today.

Lazy and careless.

France: Kisses and smooches!

Englad: Waaah, France is happy! That makes me miserable!

You know what's nice and Christmassy? Snow! OK, I haven't actually seen snow at Christmas for years, no matter how many times the Doctor makes it snow on TV, but that's just because I don't have one of these weather machines.

Liet: Yay birthdays! Hurry it up, kids, I'm freezing.
Seychelles: What the fuck? It's summer! I'm going back inside where it's nice and warm.

Seychelles: Don't say it. Don't say a word.

That evening, France finally had her werewolf transformation. Doesn't she look cute and snuggly?

France: Snuggle this, jerk!
Actually Ireland really wanted to be a werewolf too, so I told her to savage him.

Ireland: Wait, wait, I've changed my mind!
France: Too late.

Ireland: I'm regenerating!

France: My creation has been a success!

All right, Santa. I'm ready this time with fresh, unburned cookies. Bring on the presents!

It's a remote control car. Yay!

And then Serbia suddenly dropped dead. Way to ruin Christmas, dude.
England: This is terrible, I need a hug.

Santa: Boo hoo, he was on my nice list too.

Vilnius: Well that was awful.
Riga: But the evening wasn't a complete bust, at least we got a toy car.

Are you clogging up the toilet?
Santa: It's all those cookies.

So, uh, Ireland broke the computer, so I made him repair it.

Ireland: I'm fine, I'm OK.
*bursts into flames*

He lived.
So I made him resume fixing it.
Ireland: But I haven't learned any mechanical skills in the last ten seconds. This is a terrible idea.
You mean a shocking idea.
(He lived again.)

All the snow was lagging the lot, so I made Liet change the weather again.

Riga: Ugh, my grades suck.

Riga: It's because that school sucks. I'm sure they'd be better if I went to private school.
Well, problem is, you need at least a C to get into private school in the first place.

I thought it would be cool to have fireworks for Jonava and Valmiera's birthday, so I made Liet light them. In three feet of snow. And then my game crashed.

Ireland: Still a terrible idea. *smashes hand through wall*

Oops. He was right.

Oh well. Birthday time!
Jonava: Dad, something's on fire.
Lithuania: Yes, that would be your candles. Blow them out.
Jonava: No, it's something in the kitchen.
England: Wait, was I making Santa cookies again? Shit.

With all the crashing, I actually forgot it was Liet's birthday too.
Lithuania: Damn, I still had four helpings of green youth juice left too.

Bonfire night! My favourite holiday! So even though it's supposed to be Christmas, I figure we can have fireworks and a bonfire too.

England: I sure do hope this doesn't kill me.

England: FIRE! RUN AWAY!

Santa: Ho ho ho! Nobody die tonight, I've got an adorable teddy bear for you.

France: How am I supposed to sleep in this bed when it's full of icky England?
You're not. That's Latvia and Lithuania's bed.

The teens were all being boring, so I sent them out ice skating.

Everyone: Zzzzzzzzzzz.

Seychelles: Hey, stranger.
Iceland: Hi. You're cute.

The butler was getting pretty swamped with all the cleaning, so I hired a maid, hoping to get back the beautiful maidman.
Maid: He quit. I'm beginning to see why.

Yes, it might be useful if you learned that before you tried to make them again.

Seychelles: Do you ever get the feeling someone up there's watching us?

England: Hey Seychelles, check it out. Mistletoe!
Seychelles: So it is. Well, I guess in the spirit of Christmas, we'll just have to make out now.

England: Mwah! ...Wait, this completely changes how I feel about you.
Seychelles: Oh England... me too.

Oh dammit you two, you're completely ruining your lovely super platonic BFF friendship.

France: England's macking on my girlfriend? I shall tear him limb from limb!

England: Nope, no can do, I'm going to be playing with this car for the next few hours.

Riga: Just because I wanna be a wolf, doesn't mean you can just launch yourself at me.

I was so busy watching the fight, I forgot it was Santa time again.

England: Hey, did you know France psst psst whisper whisper.
Despite being in love, these two are still more gossipy jokey besties than anything else. Thank goodness.

You know who's not besties? Lithvia and Latuania.

Also Lithvia and Valmiera.

And Lithvia... OK, you get the picture, nobody likes Lithvia.
France: You said you wanted  to be a wolf, you little fuck!

Even Serbia doesn't like Lithvia because Lithvia smashed his urn.
Serbia: I'm gonna haunt that little shit until he dies.

Santa: What's this, a welcoming party?
Lathuania: Depends on the gift. If it's another piece of coal, we'll be a very unwelcoming party.

Hi Finland! Come to check up on Santa?
Finland: I'm not talking to you, ladder thief.

Finland: Oh look, water. That reminds me of that time you sat back and let me drown.
France: Uh, excuse me? That's my bath, can I have a little privacy?

Santa: No cookies, no gift. Blame that kid over there.
France: Want me to savage him? I'll savage him.
That's very kind of you, France, but no.

That's not your bed, either of you. Get out.
Seychelles: But he's so cute and snuggly, like a teddy bear.

Lithvia: It's your fault Santa left us coal again!
Vilnius: Nu-uh, you're the one who's always attacking everyone!
Russia: My money's on the brunette one.

Russia: Double or nothing?
And what's Lithuania's reaction to his son's brawl?
Liet: Vilnius is sitting on the floor? Maybe we need more chairs.

And so emboldened by this display of parental apathy, Lithvia takes out his rage on his other siblings too.
Valmiera: What the hell!?
Lithvia: Just in case.

Finland: Coal? Damn right, I'd give 'em coal too.

The Apartment Life snuggle is very cute when it's a couple. When it's a father and daughter spooning? Creepy.

So I woke Riga up and Lithvia instantly tried to slap her.
Riga: Piss off, jerk.

Riga: I hated having to do that, boohoo.

Latvia: Lolololol, my laughter completely drowns out the slapping and sobbing.

Seychelles: Wouldn't it be cool if my sim could play The Sims too? And their sim could play The Sims and-
Ack, shut up, you're making my head spin.

France: Mistletoe smoochies!

Russia: Me next!

France: Oh well, if you insist. ♥

Vilnius: That's for poking Valmiera!

Valmiera: And it really fucking hurt too! Boohoo!

Lithvia: And you can piss off too.

I finally remembered the Santa cookies again!
Santa: Ho ho ho! I hope your teenage kids still like teddies.

Nope, these guys are more into wrestling.

Santa: Ho ho ho. Funniest thing I've seen all night.

France: Get out, you little perverts! It was bad enough when the ghosts were peeping on me!

Monday rolled around, and all the kids managed to claw their grades up to at least a C, so I decided to invite the headmaster over.

Normally I don't pay too much attention to the wants of my moochers, but when England rolled this, I laughed and decided to go for it.

He actually has eight cooking points. Plus egg and bacon is delish, so I hoped he was in with a chance.

England: YES!

Stranger: Congratulations on your housemate's win.
Liet: Ew, don't touch me!

Russia then decided he'd like to win a dance contest, so I sent the gang off to a dance studio, only for Russia to be thwarted by Liet.
Russia: :(

Back home, England caught France and Seychelles kissing.
England: How could you!? I thought we had a thing!

Seychelles: Can't you just accept that it was a terrible thing and we're better off as friends?

England: Oh, OK.
Seychelles: So, how about this sweet air guitar riff? OH YEAHHHH!

(He was still a bit cross, so she apologised to him a couple of times too.)

China: BOO!
Vilnius: Dammit dad, do you have to keep your dead wife in the garden!?

Lithvia: I dunno, I kind of like her.

France: So now that you have chosen me over Angleterre, we should consummate our love.
Seychelles: OK.
France: Feel free to scream my name as loudly as you like.
Seychelles: ... Are you doing this just to annoy him?
France: Non! No, of course not! But if you want to shout about how much a better lover I am, I won't stop you.

So the headmaster arrived, drank a cup of coffee and then jumped into the hot tub, which made it impossible to interact with him.
Headmaster Trey: Why would I let you disturb me when I can soak here for three hours straight?

I called you for dinner! Several times!

Fuck you, Headmaster Trey. You suck.

China: Waaaaaaait a second, has my husband dared to move on!?

Yes. Yes he has.

And finally the week is over and I've decided that "I wish it could be Christmas every day" song is stupid. Next challenge!

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