A week with the Grunts

Jul 12, 2013 13:49

Hi and welcome back to my uberhood. I've been longing to play some more Strangetown for ages, so I headed over there to play the Grunt family.

Ripp interrupts my makeovers to poke his dad around a bit.
Ripp: I hate your new sweater vest and I hate you too!

Tank comes home with an A+. Sadly no-one's home to care.

Tank: I'll just cheer for myself then. YAAAAY ME!

I sent them to Bluewater Village Micro Mall to do some shopping and Tank kept poking Ripp, who ran away to the toy store to cry about it.

Tank spent all their money, BTW. But it was worth it.

Back home, Tank helped Buck with his homework.

Buzz: Hey, son, um, I was wondering, would you like me to help you with your homework too?
Ripp: Lolwhat? You want to help me? Nu-uh.

Buzz: I realise I've haven't been the best father, but your mother would've wanted for us to at least try to get along.
Ripp: ...Well, when you out it like that...
Justin Kim: Oooh, invisible fishtank!

Buck: It's like magic!

I'll just... switch object hiding off now, I think.

Ripp: I cannot believe you want me to clean up the dishes. Why can't Tank do it?
Tank's busy.

Tank: Heyyyyy good-looking, looking good!

Buzz: *Whoa. Alien spawn, must proceed with caution*

Buzz: So, how about them slopes, eh?

Oh, while Ripp was sobbing in the toy shop the other day, he picked up a stuffed unicorn for his little brother.

Buck: And it's PURPLE. I called it Twilight Sparkle.

Ripp: I got an A+!

Tank: Ugh. Vile. Why do we keep getting roaches?
Because some dicksmack keeps kicking your bins over.

As Tank was due to leave for college soon, I made him spend the rest of the day on the obstacle course so he could get the Body scholarship.

And then he was off.
Buzz: Bye son! Don't forget to call!


Ripp had guests coming over, so I called an ambulance to come and cure him before he could infect all of Strangetown.


PT!? You're the bin-kicker!? I USED TO RESPECT YOU.

Ripps guests were Johnny and Ophelia, who he invited over to watch Buck grow up.

PT: I heard 'kick the can' was a legit Earth game, that's all.
You heard wrong.

Oh Ripp... I don't want you to run away either.

Next morning, I sent Buzz off to the pool to test it chill.

It even has free doughnuts!

Amber: Do you like balls?
Buzz: Excuse me?

Buzz: Perhaps I should've learned this one a few years ago.
At least he's learning from his mistakes, right?

Buck: You want me to socialise with my big brother? AWESOME!

He also enjoys cleaning. God bless this sim.


Should you be doing that?
Buck: It might be my OTH.

Er, excuse me, Pleasant Views stripper, what the hell are you doing here?

Fingers crossed your next romance goes better than your last one.

Burglar: *stealthy*
Oh you are joking. First I had PT invite himself in, then the stripper, now it's burglars?


Buzz: You dare enter the house of General Buzz!? Taste my wrath!

Whoa, she won? Well in Buzz's defence, he was awfully tired.

Police Officer: My turn!
(I missed it, but the burglar escaped.)

Next day, I decided the guys needed potential love interests to cheer them up, so I had a peep in the crystal ball, which recommended Alexandra Tetherton for Buzz. Military man and pirate lady sounds like a fun match to me!

Lucy Burb popped up as a possibility for Ripp, but she had better chemistry with Buck.

Next day, I sent them all to SIMKEA to buy... stuff.

It's all essential stuff, honest.
I wish I could go to IKEA now.

Cashier: May I interest you in some of our special offers?
Ripp: No, really, we've got enough.

Buck: Do you have Swedish meatballs?
Alas, no.
Why wasn't that added with the IKEA stuff pack?
Hell, why wasn't an IKEA store or two added with the IKEA stuff pack?

Buck: Hey bro, you want a coffee?
Geez, I know asking for coffee is often the first step in the dating game, but why does Buck look like he's trying to hit on Ripp here?

The lady owns 92 businesses. There's no way she's ever becoming an actual proper playable. Give it up now.
Buzz: That just makes me want her more.

Ripp: You sure served up some tasty doughnuts.
Buzz: Um... thanks? They were free though.

Despite only being $5 an hour, the pool is pretty deserted. Maybe because it's still level 1. I'll have to see if that's something I can alter in SimPE. Community lots are way more fun when they're full of people, after all.

Still looking for Buck's OTH (it's not sports) when this happened.
Buck: Good heavens, I'm buff!

Buzz: I know how you can become buffer! What, that doesn't sound right.

Turns out Bucks OTH is science, so he spends the rest of the day spying on the neighbours.

And the week ends with a screenful of pop-ups.

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sims story, uberhood, grunt

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