Global Legacy 3.1

Jul 08, 2013 23:59

Hello everyone and welcome to another week of the Global Legacy. In the last update, Cheece lost his virginity and left for college and Athens got locked in the art studio with nothing but social bunnies for company while China eloped to Three Lakes with Lithuania. Liet achieved his LTW in an astonishingly short amount of time, and China became a witch.

Right, that's out of the way, on with the recap.

So last week's challenge was to give the house a red paint job. Good thing I've got a lot of CC, right?

Damn, that's a lot of red. You could murder someone in this house and nobody would notice.

But as all that red was hurting my eyes (and China needed one more holiday for the Frequent Flyer memory), I sent them all on vacation. Where the hotel taunts me with MOAR RED.

China: Ow! Ow! Pain! Help! I don't want to killed by falling cash!
I don't want you to be killed by falling cash either! I want different deaths in this legacy!

Nobody really rolled that many vacation wants, so most of the time was spent just chilling.
Athens: Arrr, I'm a pirate.
No, that was Twikki Island.
Athens: Fuck you, I can be a pirate wherever I like.

And what are you up to?
China: Just stargazing. Plus I know if would thrill you if I got hit by a satellite.

Lithuania: It's so nice to be away from work.
Athens: What's work again?
China: Aww. Like father, like daughter.

Athens: Pillow fight!
Lithuania: Haha! Hee hee! Oh you!

Lithuania: Sweet dreams, darling stepdaughter.
Oh hello inappropriate creepy weirdness, didn't take you long to show up.

Athens: Have I mentioned how much I love painting? It's seriously like, the best thing ever.

Anyway, it wasn't a long holiday and I didn't take many photos because there's been tons of holiday photos in this legacy already, so after this, they went home and the hobby lot leaders continued with their really bad timing.
Secret Sue Rep: So... not gonna ask what sparked this call-out.
Lithuania: blublublubblurble
SSR: I'll wait.

Lithuania: Welcome to Oriental Decor! Can I interest you in some tea?
Canada: I never knew how much I craved tea until now!

Hong Kong: He just wants to know if you're naughty or nice.

That awkward moment when you realise your red makeover means you're wearing the same red shirt as your stepson. (Also hi Cheece!)

Oh game. Why.

China ditched Liet, so he'd been running the store on his own up to about level five before I decided to send him home for back-up, which is when I discovered Athens destroying some townie's shitty art.


Townies: Oh my God, hurry up and ring us up already, grr.
Liet: I'm trying! Where's my help gone?

Is that beer?
Athens: *burp* Um, nope?

Athens: Quick, buy something now before we completely run out of stock.
FYR Macedonia: I'll buy one of those little wooden chests if you stop doing that thing with your arm.

Oh shut up, she's serving you RIGHT NOW.

Is it Santa? Because I really don't want a blind date with Santa.

New Zealand: Oh hey, can I buy one of those tables while I'm here?

Sadly, when I closed the business so they could actually have their date, New Zealand walked out. Guess he wasn't kidding about the table.

Aww, poor flamingos. But they're SO GOOD at raising fun.

Athens gets a gold sales badge, and manages to dazzle Scotland, which is pretty impressive. He's such a grumpy sod that every time anyone else tries, he's all FUCK OFF I DON'T NEED NO HELP.
Athens: Just keep thinking to yourself: "I have tea and it's mine and I'm not going to let that English git drink it, I'm going to sit there in front of him and go mmm, mmm, this tea sure is good!"
Scotland: Eeeeeeeee! I want it I want it give it to me now!

And she still loves painting masterpieces, which is great because it puts her in platinum and means she can drink energiser potions.


China: Wait, just let me do this one thing before you kill me!
But you already got your LTW.
China: You're letting Lithuania do two, come on. It's one, tiny little skill point!
All right, you've convinced me.

*two hours later*


China: Forever ends way too fast around here.

China: Whoa... I don't feel so good...
Mwahaha-wait... wait! That's not the Rally Forth death animation, that's the starvation death animation! LIET GET IN HERE NOW YOUR WIFE NEEDS YOU!


Athens: Oh well, back to piracy.

So I did some Googling and Rally Forth needs four motives to drop below a certain amount to kill a sim. I think the energiser potion she took before skilling was interfering with that... sooooo I cheated a bone phone and resurrected her.

China: Hooray, I'm cured!
Enjoy it while it lasts.
China: Good idea. In fact...

Aww, it's like they knew they only had this one night together again.

China: RA RA RALLY FOR... ugh.

And so we say farewell to China, who will now be spending eternity next to her first husband, assuming she doesn't piss me off and get sent to a graveyard somewhere. Bye sweetie, I'll miss you!

Oh. And just so you know, I installed a new camera mod. You can scroll out reeeeeeeeeally far with it! But you possibly don't want to in case you lose sight of your lot in the distance like I did.

Hi, Sweden! How long have you been lurking around?
Sweden: Too long. I just saw someone die.

Lithuania: What's that you say? China's dead? AWESOME! Now you can't kill me!

Lithuania: Now let's see what we can do about that Have A Baby want.

Grina: Yeah. About that...

Lithuania: I'm sorry! I got the time mixed up! I'm grieving for your mother here!

Athens spots Finland walking past and interrogates him.
Finland: All right, I admit it, I was one of those guys doing kinky stuff with your dad.
Athens: GASP! I knew it!

But right now, we could use some guys to do kinky stuff with Liet, so I indulged in his Have A Party want in the hopes it might result in his Have A Baby want.
Athens: Please tell me you're not having an orgy.
Lithuania: Athens! Of course I'm not having an orgy!

Lithuania: Ahem. I SAID I'm not having an orgy.

England: Just so you know, if you change your mind about an orgy...

Sadly, none of the guys there were willing to autonomously knock Liet up and although England was willing, she'll be no good for babymaking unless she actually moves in, so I decided to let him make a booty call to see if anyone would be willing to provide their sperm.

Really? Latvia? That's who you booty called?
Latvia: Got a problem with that?
But... but you're really boring...

Why aren't you having sex right now?
Lithuania: I thought I'd just watch the waves first.
Oh. OK. But you might want to hurry up because it looks like Latvia's gonna go ahead and start without you.

Australia: Actually we're having a completely platonic hot-tub soak. Right?
Latvia: ...I'm supposed to be getting laid right now.
Australia: ...Riiiiight. I'll get going then.

NOW why aren't you having sex?
Lithuania: Latvia got bored and went home.
You're really bad at this, aren't you?
Lithuania: You're God. Deal with it.

Fine. Wish for love. If Crumplebottom pops out and beats you to death, it's your own damn fault.

Slovenia? You just got lucky.

Real lucky. (But not that lucky, Slovenia fucked off a minute later.)

That evening I sent Lithuania and Athens out to the recreation centre to have fun and meet people, which they did.

Awwww. She's the only one of her sibs to get this scholarship.

Hi China! (Wow, that was fast!)
China: Just wanted to check out the party.

Finland: Is... is that a ghost!?

China: Boo!
Belarus: EEK!
Poland: Do you mind? I like, nearly choked on my milk just then.

Next day is Athen's final day in the house, so Liet takes her out for lunch and grabs himself a photo for his future grave at the same time. I may have him take another one in the future though, one in his green uniform.

After lunch, they played a few rounds of Don't Wake The Llama against various members of the UK.

ExCUSE me, this is  family restaurant!

China: Loooooook at alllllll the fuccccks I giiiiiiiive!
Russia: And you're giving them all to me. xxx

Athens: Looking good!

It's ten o'clock, do you know where your ghosts are?

I mean, it's 10am. China, what are you doing?
China: Help! I'm stuck!

Later that day, Athens heads off to college, leaving Lithuania all alone.


Latvia: Alone at last!

Burglar: Yo, heard this guy was all alone.

Lithuania: I may be alone, but that's still more than enough to take you on.

You came to the wrong neighbourhood, motherfucka.

And we end with Liet still trying to fill that Have A Baby want in any way he can.

And next week, we go from one sim to eight - plus a new spouse, picked by you guys! Wait, didn't we just do this last time? *checks* No, time before last. But still. Hopefully the next gen will stick around a little longer. So, here's the poll, featuring the five sims Lithuania has the highest relationships and chemistry with, or you can choose a nation at random. Voting will close on Friday July 12th at around 10pm my time. Thanks for reading! Voting is now closed!

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