A week with the Cho and Riley households

May 05, 2013 20:13

Hi and welcome to the uberhood. I decided I wanted to play some apartments, and as there weren't many pictures at the end of the Cho's week, I decided to combine their update with the Riley's, who live in the apartment below.

The Cho household first. As soon as I finish giving Vivian a makeover, Etsu is all "PAY ATTENTION TO ME" until Vivian goes and reads her a story.

But it can't be all fun and games forever. Time for toddler training!

Afterwards, Viv nips downstairs to gossip with her beau, Timothy.
Vivian: -And left her knickers in the photobooth!
Sally: *lurk*lurk*lurk*

And because they're three bolters, they then went and did this, much to Photobucket's disgust.

Etsu's birthday came around pretty quickly.

And she's adorable!

Best bit about her growing up is now she can go and play games with Sally all evening. Yay!

Meanwhile Vivian's all about the skilling. She wants to be Captain Hero, so she needs a lot of body points.

"Keep yourself in top physical condition" the job says as it sends her home with flu.

Etsu: I GOT AN A+!
Yay congratulations whatever.
Etsu: I gotta go tell my mum!


Sahira: Hi, I'm a friend of Etsu's.
Vivian: Hi, we're all a bit sick right now, so shake my hand and have some flu.
*slow handclap*
Nice one, Vivian. Thanks.

Vivian: I can think of so many things I'd rather be doing in bed right now.

Etsu: I have never met this person ever.

Then I remembered Vivian's a family sim. Bring on the comfort soup! I really should've invited Sahira over for some too, just in case.

Finally it was the weekend. I wanted the Cho and Riley households to hang out for the day, so I had Vivian go to Timothy's apartment and play a few games of MahJong. Sadly Etsu was locked out. So I decided to have Vivian ask Timothy, Sally and Etsu to form a casual group for an outing.

Only this kept happening every time they tried to leave the lot.

So I had the bright idea of using the phone to get everyone to meet up at a community lot instead.

It didn't work.

Shut up, Timmy. Nobody asked you.

Timothy: Fine, I'll just hang out on the playground all day with my daughter instead.

Vivian had work later on, and I suddenly realise all my problems would be solved with a nanny. Doi.

Well that certainly was anticlimatic.

Vivian: I didn't die today, let's celebrate.
Timothy: I can get down with that.
Vivian: Speaking of getting down-
Etsu: Is this a good time to tell you I won the last game of "Don't Wake The Llama"?

I convinced the nanny to stay on and the two families finally had that outing. As you can see, Vivian is thrilled to be getting to know Sally better.
Vivian: I'm sorry, but I really don't care which My Little Pony character would make the best Avenger.
Sally: Don't speak to me ever again.
(Obviously it's Rarity.)

Timothy and Etsu bond over chess.

And finally a meal.
Timothy: A toast. To us!
Etsu: Can we have some of that?
Timothy: No.

Ahhh! My first ever rockin' outing. I'm so proud. Gold star to me.

The trip tired Vivian out, so she caffinates.

Because she needs the energy for boning Timmy. Again. Oh triple-bolters.

Time to switch to the Riley household! Timothy did some peeping on the neighbours and by neighbours I mean Vidcund Curious because there's no-one else worth watching in this uberhood. Rod Humble is highly entertained by this.

Timothy brought Samantha Cordial home from work and promptly ignored her in favour of Vivian, who I guess has just left Etsu on her own. At least she's only upstairs, if there's an emergency she can just bang on the floor to get her mother's attention. Assuming Vivian isn't making too much noise banging Timothy.

Sally brought home Riordan Summerdream and they spent most of the afternoon playing Mah Jong with the nanny.

And then they moved on to playing in traffic.

I can't remember why I capped all these hugs, but they're cute so here, have some hugs. HUGS FOR ALL.

Sally wins.

Competent landlady! My NPCs - smarter than yours. No stomping and crying for this badass.

Oh shut up, Photobucket. I pay you to host my pixel pictures. OK, brace yourself, I'm posting it below.

Good heavens, is that a nipple? Fetch my smelling salts!

And then Timothy takes Vivian out to some pretty park and proposes.


Timothy and Vivian: We know how we'd like to celebrate!

Alas, neither of them own a car, so they wind up going out to dinner at Londoste instead.

Next day, it's the wedding. And apparently Vivian has decided to ditch Timothy. Oh well, I can always SimBlender her over to the registry office.

Speaking of which, this is is. I figure two single parents probably don't have the time or the money to organise a big, fancy do, so a registry office wedding it is.

Timothy: Heeeey! Future wife!

Timothy: I promise to try not to be creepy with my triple-bolt stalking.
Vivian: I promise to occasionally check on the children in those few moments when we're not fucking.

UC: Scuse me, coming through.
Townie: Gasp! What's HE doing here?
Oh don't mind him, he shows up at all the weddings.

Congratulations to the happy couple.

I love how it's Vivian dipping Timothy here. Screw gender stereotypes, you dip that man!

Timothy: Ungh, my wife is soooooo hot!

The ritual stuffing-face-with cake.

Meanwhile, Sally and Etsu toddled off downstairs to get a cute sisterly photograph together. Aww.

Vivian: That's right, put it in that money slot!
Sally: Dad? Do you have enough money? I can lend you some if you like.

I forgot how sims swarm the champagne like it's free money or Christian Grey or something. Every time I told them to do something they'd be like "yeah, sure, just a second, let me just grab another glass of that sweet sweet champagne-crack first. And after. And in the middle."

So back home they all go. Vivian and Etsu are moving into Timothy and Sally's apartment and the girls celebrate being sisters by playing in the playground all afternoon. Just you wait, all that sisterly love will go down the tube once they realise they're going to have to share a room.

Especially now Sally's growing up into a teenager. Oh hey! Check out Vivian lurking in the corner.

Josie: TOOT
Vivian: Why is she here?
Shut up, it's a party.
Vivian: GRRR.

Sally grows up into an adorable teenager.

And we end the week with Vivian discovering her wedding present from Timothy. Because what this tiny apartment needs is MOAR BABIES. Yay!
And now I'm going to hunt for some way to quickly back up this journal just in case Livejournal ever accidentally suspend it like they did yesterday. Thank you for reading!

Uberhood Index

sims story, riley, uberhood, cho

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