A week with the main Capp family.

Dec 12, 2012 22:28

Hi everyone, and welcome back to the uberhood. This week's update is the Capp family (1 of 726). OK, I'm exaggerating, but damn, there's a lot of Capps.

I only get as far as making over Juliet before Tybalt succumbs to temptation and tries to murder Romeo. As you can see, Juliet doesn't give a crap about family loyalty and would be quite happy to see her brother get mashed into the ground. Sadly for her, Romeo is a lover, not a fighter.

Afterwards, Juliet wanted to go steady with Romeo, so I let her.

Speaking of Romeo and Juliet, I had to give Jules a Gnomeo of her own. Sadly I have no real girl gnomes, so Juliet gets to be a geisha gnome instead.

Juliet: Congratulations to me!

Hermia brought Jules O'Mackey home and they played kicky bag in Tybalt's room all afternoon.
Hermia: Just watch out for the TV, it's the only one in the house.

Juliet wanted a parrot. So meet Scarlet.

Juliet: Say "Romeo, Romeo, wherefore art thou, Romeo."
Scarlet: Squawk!

That night, a couple of ghosts show up, but they're mostly well behaved and stay outside.
Gnomeo: I'm scared.

Juliet: Land ho!

I got asked on Tumblr about some of the DMA NPCs I use, and I had to admit I haven't actually used very many of them other than the ambulance and police service. So I hired the Capps a maid, who will be kept very busy, picking up the bin that gets kicked over by passing Monty's five times a day. (For anyone that wants to know, she doesn't sleep even though she's supposed to but I'm too lazy to try and figure out why.)

I guess Consort didn't trust the maid to do her job, so he did some scrubbing and wound up trailing bubbles for the next few hours.
Townie: Heeeey, hang loose!
Consort: Ugh, kids today and their damn rap music.

She then tried to steal Gnomeo, but magic gnome powers stopped her.

Cordelia: Sup, dad! Nice bubbles!

That's good to know, Hermia.

Consort's LTW is to become a Business Tycoon, which is great because he's already at level 9. So on his day off, he concentrates on his creative skills.

After that, I sent him out to meet people. People like Timothy Riley, for instance.

Then he had lunch at Londoste because I cannot imagine him eating anywhere else.
Consort: So long as they serve mac and cheese, I'm happy.

He ran into Checo Ramirez and I let them do some business chatting.
Consort: Never underestimate the importance of alarm systems, especially in a town where SOME FAMILY OF COMPLETE BASTARDS like to kick over the bins at all hours of the day.

Back home, Hermia rocks the violin.

Mercutio came by to steal the newspaper, much to the displeasure of the gardener.

Tybalt: I got an A! Hey everyone, I got an A!
Tybalt: Hello?

Juliet: I heard you got an A! Congrats!
Tybalt: That was four hours ago, but thanks.

For some reason, about six gardeners spawned that day and loitered around the house for hours. This one should be efficient, she has green fingers!

Contessa: BOO!
Townie: SHRIEK!
Contessa: And leave the gnomes alone!

Tybalt: Hey sis, you got a hair sticking up, lemme get that for you!
Consort: *gives no fucks*

Hermia: Dammit Tybalt, now I have oven in my hair! I'll get you for this!
Tybalt: Whoa look at the time, gotta dash!

And with a lucky chance card, Consort Capp becomes the first person in my uberhood to achieve his LTW and eternal happiness. Yay!

Speaking of LTWs, Juliet and Tybalt will be fine there because theirs are job related. But Hermia wants to graduate three children from college, so why not see if I can find someone to blend genetics with her?
Hermia: A whole five grand, lady. Gimme the best you have!

Hermia: Is he the best?
I can't tell because he has been decapitated. Sorry, Hermia!

Eh. I suppose he's not completely hideous.

Hermia: Behind you!
Juan: What? Where?

Despite his soaking, Juan still likes her enough to give her a first kiss, even though she already made out with Puck Summerdream.

Then they had a nice dinner at Londoste.

Back home, Juliet and Tybalt work out their differences over a nice game of chess.
Tybalt: Hey, let's pretend the pieces are our family and the Monty family.
Juliet: No.
Tybalt: Ha! My Bianca rook just killed the Romeo knight.
Juliet: That's not even a real chess move! I think.

I've decided to try and get the teens one skill scholarship each and Hermia's is gonna be creativity. Thanks to a combo of energy potion and smart potion, she got about seven in this one night.

And now that Consort has achieved eternal happiness, he'd quite like to learn how to build robots.
Consort: I'm aiming for a T-101 by the end of next week.

Tybalt already has ten body points, but thanks, game.

I decided that if the family were going to be decent rivals for the Monty's, they all needed to know each other better, so I had Consort invite everyone over. They all decided that instead of getting to know Consort better, they were going to get to know their partners better.

Tybalt: It's still sticking up, sis!
Hermia: GERROFF.

Juliet reached the top of the culinary career track and brought home Lilith Pleasant.


I'm always twitchy when I see Lilith because everyone wants to antagonise her. This time it was the ghosts.
Lilith: I almost want to go home.

Juliet's skill grind of choice was mechanical, so I made her fix the broken dishwasher.

Hermia brought Tara DeBateau home from school and they played darts for a few hours.

Juliet: Come on, Scarlet, one more try. RO-ME-O.
Scarlet: Squawk! Tybalt rocks!
Juliet: Dammit, Tybalt!

So imagine for a moment that you're 80 years old.You're a CEO. You make robots. You have achieved everything you ever wanted.
Also it's the middle of the night, everyone's asleep and you're bored and lonely. What do you do?

Why, prank call the Montys, of course!

Last time I tried to throw a big Capp get-together, it was during school, so none of the children or teens could make it. So I tried making a casual group and inviting them all to the pool. Except there were too many to fit in one group so I had to teleport half of them over.

Cornwall and Hal being cute.

...These two are NOT invited to any more family gatherings.

Hermia: Hey Des, wanna play red hands?
Desdemona: Ew, no. You'll get zit germs all over me!

Hermia: All right, we'll play a game Tybalt taught me instead.
Desdemona: AIEE!

Just before they were about to leave, Puck turned up, so I made Tybalt chat to him. Look at them, they're like two peas in a pod!
Tybalt: Except I'm waaaay hotter.

Juliet had been neglecting Romeo all week, so I had her ask him out. Unfortunately, my dates sometimes autoend if people travel by taxi. No idea why.

So I had her ask him out all over again.
Romeo: Mmmm, it's almost as tasty as you are.

I don't know why, but Tybalt randomly tagged along too, so I made him hang out with the bubble blower instead of letting him muscle in on his sister's date.

They had a great time.

Tybalt: If I can't hassle Romeo, I can at least poke your ugly ass all over the lot.
Townie: Gasp! You cad!

Tybalt needed a date too, so I brought the household a crystal ball. I was highly amused by the "I'm Desperate and Don't Care!" pie menu text.

The only sim I recognise that he had any chemistry with was Sharla Ottomas, so she dropped by the chat with him for a while.

Cordelia: BOO.
Hermia: Eeek! Dammit, mum!
Cordelia: I disapprove of your new boyfriend! And brush your hair, there's a bit sticking up!

Tybalt: Zzz... what? I thought I turned that off?
Cordelia: Heard you were spoiling for a fight, son. Wanna take me on?

Cordelia: Oh, and BOO!
Tybalt: AIEEEE!

Cordelia: Wooooooo, wanna bop along, Jules?
Juliet: Mum, it's 3am. I was sleeping.
Cordelia: Well stop doing that and entertain me.

Consort: Just a regular, boring night. Ho hum.
Cordelia: Dad! DAD! Over here!
Consort: Nothing ever happens here. Hmph.
Cordelia: DAD! ...Fine, I'll go spook the kids again.

Cordelia: WOOOOOOO!
Hermia: Dammit Mum, stop that!

Tybalt: Oh phew, the sun's coming up. Must be safe now.
Cordelia: BOO! Haha, think again!
Tybalt: Muuuuuuuuuum!


I've never played any of the army of Capps before and all I knew was that they were mainly based on characters from Shakespear's Romeo and Juliet. Actually, I tell a lie; I tried playing them once but their horribly huge lot lagged my computer. Happily I'd managed to get myself another 2GB stick of RAM since then and it was much smoother this time. Even with lots of weather and ghosts.
Speaking of ghosts, I was pretty happy by how well behaved they were. Well, except Cordelia during that last night, but she was still miles better than Skip Broke.
One thing that does make me a little sad is that the teens have completely awful chemistry with everyone everywhere. I know I can change their TTOs with potion, but I don't know who I want to pair them up with, which makes it tricky to actually choose their turn ons. I guess there's always makeup and a random hair colour, pretty much all my sims have make-up and, uh, hair.
Anyway, I'm gonna play some Monty's next, but that's gonna be a while as I'm still playtesting my genderswapped uberhood. You can take a look at some pics from it over on my tumblr if you like. Thanks for reading!

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