Global Legacy 2.0

Nov 28, 2012 15:48

Hello everyone! Last time we saw Greece, he'd just finished pimping out his body for a week. Everyone who gave him gifts was put in a marriage poll, which ended in a three-way tie between Italy, Finland and Nyo-China. Sadly double or triple heirs aren't really possible with this challenge, so I decided to invite all three of them on an outing and then sit back and see who liked Greece the most at the end of it. Of course, to be fair, I had to make sure all of them liked him the same first.

Problem. Finland is still really really pissed off at catching Greece on a date with Turkey and refuses to come over, no matter how many time Greece phone-spams him.

And then he goes ex-directory.

Just kidding! He's not in the phone book because he's here to steal Greece's newspaper. Assuming it hasn't already been stolen.
Finland: Thinks he can do that to me, huh? I'll show him!

In addition to finding Greece a spouse, he's also not allowed any healthy food for the next week. So here he is, happily accepting the first of many pizzas.

Then I make him call Finland again.
Greece: Oh hey, you're back in the phone book! So listen, I brought pizza. Wanna come over and eat it off my sexy body?

And then, as if sensing his problems, Kiki Bird cold calls him, probably to try and sell him some magic shit.
Kiki Bird: Hey, I heard you were having some relationship problems. Wanna buy some love potion?
Greece: I'm sure that won't be necessary. I mean, after he gave up slamming the phone down, we spent the whole morning chatting so he'll come around soon, I bet.


Greece even tried asking him on an outing instead of asking him to come over and Finland was still all "go fuck yourself, you cheating lying backstabbing BASTARD".

So screw him! We're going on a date with Italy instead, who has all the right priorities.


That evening, Finland was still playing hard to get, so I sent Greece out to prowl community lots in the hope that he might walk past. He didn't, but at least Greece caught... um, never mind.

He did run into Nyo-China at the roller rink though and they hung out for a bit.

Greece: I would kill for some moussaka right now.
Sorry bb, it's pizza or noodles and pizza was in your inventory, all nice and handy.

Finland is still being a pain about coming over...

So Greece asked China on a date instead.

Pillow: *smacks giant heart out of Greece's head*

Good, good, we're still all on the same page. But sadly, as I couldn't let Greece take her out to dinner, that want never rolled away and all her other wants were stupid. So not a dream date. Grumble.

Eventually Finland decided he didn't despise Greece any more and agreed to come over and visit. Hurrah!

Finland: Who's she?
Um, no one. No one at all, honest.

Greece: Hiiiii Finland! Boy that date with China sure was fun.
Finland: Is that the same woman I just saw walking away?
Greece: Oh shit, you can see that!?

Greece: Oh! China! Hi, how are you?
China: Just fantastic! In fact...

Greece: Ahahaha... oh goodness me, look at the time, gotta go!

Greece: So! Where were we?
Finland: Well I was just about to walk away from this relationship, dunno about you.

Greece: No, wait! How about a nice backrub?
Finland: Well, I am kind of tense...

Ho ho. Sims are so easy. Now I just gotta get Greece to ask him out again.

Finland: No way! You cheated on me and phone stalked me and all through this visit you've been thinking of some chick who came over and left you a rose! I mean, I'll accept backrubs and kisses and hugs, but dates? Get stuffed!

Greece: Is this guy for real!?

Nice try, Italy, but dropping off more gifts doesn't get you any more points in the marriage poll.

As Finland was refusing Greece's date requests, I sent him away and made Greece do some painting instead. I've decided I'm going to try and have founder and heir portraits in this thing. Greece can't paint his own portrait, but he can at least skill up enough to paint his spouse when he finally picks one.

The next day rolls around, which means it's time to call takeout and Finland, not necessarily in that order. I have a feeling today will go well!

Finland: Oh hey, I'm back at cheating Greece's house. Whoopee.

Greece: I lurrrrve him.
Awww. Now if only he felt the same way.

Greece: Look, I'm really really sorry about that whole cheating on you thing. Can't we start again and go on a date?
Finland: *suddenly possessed* Well I suppose one little date couldn't hurt.

Greece: So let's start with a kiss!
Finland: Too fast! Too fast!

There's a time and a place, Greece.

Finally Finland stops rejecting Greece's advances and allows him to sweep him off his feet.

Enjoying yourself?
Finland: I wanted to go to Londoste, but noooo, I get rotting noodles instead.

Despite that, Finland eventually rolls this want too. Yay! Now everybody wants to get engaged to Greece.

And they round off the date with a little make-up sex.


Although I take this as a sign that Greece wants to marry Finland the most, I have a proper plan.

First, make a group containing all the potential spouses.

Secondly, invite them all- oh. OK, change of plan.

Italy: Hey, how did I get here?
Beats me! :D

Greece: I have the strangest feeling of deja-vu.
That wasn't supposed to happen.

Greece: Finland! *slurpslurp*
Italy: Oooh, what's that over there?
China: It's a lovely day to go swimming, isn't it?
OK, that didn't work. But that was just a greeting kiss, sims don't count that as cheating.

Now THIS counts as cheating, eh? Eh? Amirite?

China: Lovely candles they have here.
Italy: I sure could use a drink right about now!
Awwww dammit! Is this because they didn't see it happening? All right, I'm locking everyone in!

China: -And then she was all 'huh-uh'! And he was all 'yeah right!'
Finland: Haha, that's hilarious!
Greece: Anyone wanna join me? Anyone?

Italy: Mwah!
Oooooh, we're gonna have some fireworks now!
China and Finland: *stare*
China: Meh. Oh, so where was I?

Yeah, I'll bet you had fun, grumble grumble.

I thought maybe the lack of jealousy was because I'd teleported China and Italy over, so the next day, I had Greece invite everyone over to his place.
Italy: I don't like that guy. *minus*

China: Hiiii! How about a kiss for me?
Greece: No.

China: Um, what?
Greece: I said no! Because... I don't know why!
China: Um OK whatever dude, no need to get mad.

Greece: But I wouldn't mind a hug.

Finland: And after I forgave you over Turkey!? We're finished! For good!
Aww, I'm kind of sad, I was rooting for Finland. Ah well. Now it's between China and Italy.

Italy: Hey, how about you and me *whisper*whisper*whisper*
Greece: Hee hee hee! Hee hee!
Only China didn't notice. Oh well, I'm sure if it happens right in front of one of them-

Greece: Catch me, China!
Italy: I usually like spaghetti better, but these are some real nice noodles.

China: Hey, you were right, these are good noodles.

So as things obviously weren't working properly, I exited without saving and spent a couple of days yanking out my downloads and trying various combinations of mods. Eventually I discovered that I hadn't sent up the global ACR jealousy settings to Crush, so it was doing its own thing. Once that was fixed, I made Greece invite the group out to a community lot and once again, SOMEONE decided they had better things to do.

Finland: How did I-
Greece: No time to explain, hop in the taxi.

Back to the Love Motel! We're not leaving until Greece has one lover left!

Greece: Can it be that guy?

And then Greece decided he'd had enough.
Finland: So how about-
Greece: Nope.

China: Well what about-
Greece: Nope.

Italy: But why not-
Greece: Nope.

Italy: Catch me, Greece!
Greece: I SAID NO.
Italy: Owww.
Yup! Greece has decided that instead of letting himself be seduced and then attacked by all his other furious suitors, he's just going to reject them all until they don't love him any more. I have no idea why, but I'm entertained! I'm still gonna wait until two of them catch him cheating though.

Italy: I can't love a guy who'd let me down like that. Although...

Italy: OK, I'm sorry I was so pushy, can we just-
Greece: Yeah, nope.

China: How about a song then! YOOOOOOU ARE THE SUNSHINE-

China: A hug then!?

Chin: But I just want to love you. :(
Greece: Tough.

China: ...What just happened?


Greece: Thanks a bunch! Now my face hurts!

Greece: And you can back the fuck off too!
Finland: But... I didn't do anything.

Russia: Ooooooh, he's cute!
Keep walking, we've got enough drama today thanks.

Finland: So, um, I'm kind of confused because I thought we were doing well?
Greece: Well you thought wrong.
China: Yeah, back off. He's mine.

China: Right?
Greece: Eh, I suppose so.
Finland: This. Means. War.

Finland: Once was bad enough, but twice!? Take that! I never want to see you again!

China shows her ironic side.
China: But it was good! I won!

Italy: You were cheating on me with three other people!?
Greece: Oh shit, where did you come from!?

Well, China is the clear winner here. So after a quick kiss to celebrate...

...I let Greece ask her out on a date with actual food. Of burgers. I mean, they had to celebrate, and burger's aren't really healthy.
Greece: To us!

Greece: To us forever!

Greece: Do you like it?
China: I'm a Fortune sim, of course I like it.

They then celebrated their engagement with some sex.

Of course, it was a dream date. I would've been pretty mad if it hadn't been. And this one brings us up to 17/50.

Speaking of mad, Italy showed up straight away to steal the paper. But fuck him! Greece has more important things to worry about.

Like getting married!

Greece: I promise to try not to cheat on you.
China: I promise to try and not spend all your money on frivolous shit.

China: Now quick, hand it over before you change your mind.

China: Yesssss, moneymoneymoney!
HAHAHAHA, really!? Girrrrrrrl, you are in for a shock!

Greece: Yay, now I can be a kept man and never work again.
Dude, you've worked what, three whole days in your life!
Greece: Three too many.

Awww, aren't they cute-

Townie: STARE.
Thanks for ruining the picture, dudebro.

China: Gosh, I sure am cute!
Greece: You really are, sweetie- hey!

The cutting of the cake.

They took some romantic photobooth pictures as a memento.

And finished off with some smustling.

OK wow, now I get why she thought Greece was rich.

But she did bring this neat assortment of stuff with her. I kept the telescope and barbecue and sold the rest.

And here is China's LTW. Like Greece, she has a horrible impossible one, but I'm gonna give it a shot anyway.

Lol, I made their wedding an outing, and Greece managed to leech a bunch of skills during it.

As you can see, China is awesome and has reached the top of her career path. As you can also see, she's not due into work for another three days so I'm going to make her find a new job so she can earn some of the cash she needs for all those businesses.

What is less awesome is when her first act is to try and thwart the week's challenge and eat coconut.

As they both had nothing to do, I made them go on a date, which makes 18/50.

China: It's nice to know all the flowers will be from me now.
China: What!?
Nothing! Honest!

Of course I'm lying. As soon as China goes to work the next day, he's straight on the phone to Spain.
Greece: Of course your friend can come! The more the merrier!

Much to my amusement, Italy showed up to steal the newspaper and got trapped between Latvia and Spain and ran up and down the stairs about ten times, trying to get away.
Italy: This was a trap, wasn't it?

Latvia: Catch me, whee!
Greece: What the hell!? You can't just literally throw yourself at a married man!

Greece: But you can go on a date with one first.

You couldn't stay faithful to your wife for one day?
Greece: Lol, do be serious.


China: Oh, Greece had a friend over today, I'm so glad he wasn't lonely.

Italy: Hey, I've got a bone to pick with you.

China: Hey!
Italy: It should've been me in this legacy! L brought extra gifts! I won't forget this!


Townie: Wow, that was so hot, the way you stood there and got poked.

China: Whoa, what the hell, lady!? I just got married yesterday, I'm very happy and I have no intention of screwing up this relationship.

China: You get me? Me and my hubby are totally faithful to each other.
Latvia: I had such a great time today, I sure do hope Greece likes these flowers!
Aww. I kind of feel bad for her.

China's heir portrait is coming along nicely.

China: Did you change these sheets?
Greece: Err... yeah! Did some housework while you were out, I thought you'd appreciate it.

Italy: I'll show them. I'll run their electricity bill sky-high.

You too, Finland?
Finland: Mwahahaha, I'm gonna kick over their bin and give 'em all roach flu!
Hah! I put a fence around it so nyah nyah, I'd like to see you try!
Finland: Oh. Well in that case, I'll just steal their paper.
Too late, Italy already stole it.
Finland: Dammit!

China: Ohhh... my tummy feels all wibbly... urp.

China: Did I remember to brush my teeth?

Spain: I sense a date. And it's not with me.

Yup, that's right, Greece got his twentieth Dream Date with his wife.

But don't think I've given up on having an American date! As soon as China goes to work, Greece is straight on the phone.
Greece: Hey, come on over, I've got video games.

Greece: Hey, I know something else fun we can do.
America: Shush a sec, just let me kill this guy. YEAH! That's it! Let's see you get get out of that pool without a ladder now!

Greece: Go on a date with me?
America: Oh all right then. Why not.

Greece: Excellent! And check out the fine booty you've just won!


China: I'm sure my belly just expanded, but I can't see any difference.

Her promotion gave them just enough money to purchase the first of her five businesses. Fine China is going to be your number one destination for crockery and expensive vases. Once she can afford to buy any stock, that is. Which is gonna be tricky now she's on maternity leave.

Not a problem though! Greece has masses of aspiration points from all his dates, so he gets a counterfeiting machine and the money starts rolling in!
Greece: Mwahahaha!

Greece: Oops.
Aww, I thought you had five hours before it caught fire. I must have mistimed it. Greece should be fine so long as he doesn't panic.


China! Wake up!
China: But I'm sleeeeeeeepy. :(
You husband set fire to the garage! AND THE MONEY!
China: I'm up, I'm up!

China: Yes, my husband set his... um... newspaper printing press on fire. What? Why do we have one when we get a free paper? We get a free paper!? I've never seen one! Look, just come here and put my husband out!
America: Don't mind me, I just came over to borrow your game system.

Greece: The money's OK! Yay!
Great! Now make more.

WHAT THE HELL!? THAT WAS FORTY-FIVE MINUTES AND HE'S IN GOLD! Stupid machine! But never mind that for now, it's time for a new challenge.

And I'm looking forward to this one, I have never played a vampire, ever. I've decided that as China is pregnant, it's probably not a good idea for her to be getting bitten in case the baby turns into some sort of monster and claws its way out of her stomach, so Greece is gonna get vamped. See you then!

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