A very Curious week

Sep 07, 2012 11:52

Hey everyone! My computer rolled over and died the other week, so I had to sit out the dare, although I do intend to have a go at it as soon as possible. Happily I managed to backup all my saved games and pictures, so while I try and find out why it's taking half an hour for Firefox to start up on my newly reinstalled OS, I wrote an update to the Uberhood. Recently, I've been playing households with pregnant sims so they can finally have their babies. Samantha Ottomas and Brandi Broke have now had their babies, although Samantha then got pregnant again in a futile attempt to fulfil Dora's want for six grandchildren. But it's not just the ladies who get to suffer through pregnancy in this game, so I'm heading over to the Curious household today so Pascal can have himself a baby.

I don't even get a chance to finish makeovers before Pascal pops!

Vicund wanted to meet aliens too, so I used his Freetime Knowledge benefits to try and summon them. Which is when I found out his OTH is Science too. How appropriate.

Vicund: Is it a bird? Is it a plane?

You can gain Science enthusiasm through being abducted?! Well I guess it makes sense.

And while Vicund's away, Pascal goes and starts giving birth right in front of the TV so I can't get a decent shot of him.

It's a baby! Surprise!

Vicund: I don't know what hurts more, my arse, my face or my pride.
Not that this stops him from wanting to do it all over again.

So meet baby Isaac, as in Isaac Newton. I'm going for science-themed names for any kids these guys have. He's a sweet baby, happy to spend all day staring at spaceships, just like his dad.

And his uncle Vicund.

Um what? No he won't.

Vicund: OH NO, I LEFT MY WATCH BEHIND! Guess I'll just have to go back again. But first-

Vicund: HORK. Ugh, I must be space-sick.
You think? Didn't you pay any attention to your brother?

Vicund: Oh. Oh crap. I'm gonna have a baby too, aren't I?
Yup! :D

Speaking of Pascal, he adapts to fatherhood pretty quickly. A crib is quickly put in his room and he then spends ages cooing over his son. Well, someone's gotta, as I didn't think to take out my multi-PT hack before playing and so Isaac only has one parent.

So I send him to the newly renovated stores to see if I can't find him a nice ladyfriend.

Hey, isn't that the same woman Gilbert Jacquet was drooling over? Well you can't have her. I looked at the Wiki and she's married.

There was no one else he liked, so I sent him home and botched a chance card for Lazlo.

Lazlo doesn't care though. Baby snuggles make everything better.

And just to round off the brother's bad day, Vicund wets himself just inches away from the toilet.

Maid: HAW HAW HAW you pissed yourself!
Hey! Don't laugh at him, it's your fault for not leaving the room so he could pee!

Pregnancy takes its toll on Vicund. When he's not peeing on himself, he's sleeping on a pillow of pancakes.

Pascal breaks the fail-cycle with a promotion.

And when Vicund wakes up, he decides he's like to see aliens yet again.
Vicund: Hi, it's me! I've got a bit of news I think we should talk about.

Vicund: I have to admit, I was kind of hoping we could do this over a coffee.


Vicund: Oh my! I wasn't expecting that today, not in my delicate condition!

Vicund: Gotta admit, it fun once you get into it.

Birthday time! Why the long face, Pascal?
Pascal: I haven't slept in three days.
No sympathy. I didn't sleep for three months.

He does manage to paste on a happy face though.

Aww, Isaac's a cutie.

Uncle Vicund agrees.

Later on, Lazlo decides to try and gain back that logic point by spying on- OH SHIT SON YOU IN TROUBLE!


Lazlo: Get outta my face, before I tell everyone what I saw in your back garden!
Lazlo, Lazlo, is that really a smart thing to do?

Pascal's LTW is to be head of Intelligence, and his first day on the job goes well.

While he's at work, his brothers dote on Isaac.

I rather think Vicund is devoting himself to his nephew to distract himself from the fact that his babydaddy is ignoring his calls.
Isaac: Uncle Vicund?

No aliens come to postpone this moment, but at least making the maid watch is a nice little bit of revenge for the pant-wetting.

It's a bouncing baby boy named Albert (Einstein)! But it seems birth has been a real life-altering experience for Vicund:

Because WHAT.

I blame aliens.

No time to deal with Vicund's mid life crisis right now though as Pascal has an important decision to make. You should probably do the job you were hired to do.

Aw nutsacks.

Pascal: I lost my job, the best job in the world! *wibble*
Cheer up, you gained a nephew!

And your son got potty-trained too. So I think you owe Vicund a favour. Oooh, I know, you can babysit while he goes to college.

Only it turns out I can't send Vicund to college after all. BOO HISS.

Pascal: I dislike nothing.

Lalzo's hobby is nature, so I make him take over the greenhouse and plant several dozen tomato plants. The pot plant had to go though as Lazlo kept getting routing errors when trying to plant tomatoes around it. Isaac tries to help out when he can.

And the he snuggles his other nephew because Lazlo is the bestest uncle.

Vicund gets promoted. In an adult job. Does that mean he's now decided to start acting his age?

Er. Sort of.

Pascal's been spending a lot of his free time writing his memoirs. Happily for him, people are really into mpreg these days.

Vicund: Honey, I promise I'm not mad, I just have some really important news you should know. Honey? Sweetie?
Nope, his babydaddy is still ignoring him.

So I send them all to the pool to find Earthbound partners.

Lazlo: Refreshing!
OK, but is that getting you a girlfriend- hmm. Actually, carry on.

Pascal doesn't like anyone here and he REALLY doesn't like the soap dispensers.

Vicund thought this lady was pretty fine. Shame he only had a single bolt with her. I'm sure he can do better.

As they were getting hungry and nobody else there took anyone's fancy, I sent them out for dinner.

It wasn't one of my better ideas. The waiter's grip hasn't improved since he tipped dinner all over Don Lothario.
Pascal: EEK!

But at least it gave Lazlo a chance to get his groove on.

Pascal: Humina humina, that's one foxy mama!
You might have a fight on your hands there, Gilbert Jacquet has the hots for her too.

Turns out I didn't need to send Lazlo out ladyhunting, women just stroll right into the house and heartfart over him.
Secret Sue: Hey hunky, wanna come into my kitchen and butter my muffin?
Lazlo: Sounds good, I'm pretty hungry after all this studying. Are they English muffins by any chance?
Secret Sue: I meant... never mind, here's the address. Oh, and there's a dress code. The theme is The Naked Chef.
Lazlo: Um. All right. Please leave now.

/mini Isaac spam.

I decided it was time for a big 'ol family reunion and invited the Smiths over.

Johnny: So when you get abducted, did you get a chance to pack first?

Jenny makes a beeline for her nephews like a good Family sim.

PT and Jill don't stop long. I kinda wish there was a hack that would let child sims stay out longer if they're already accompanied by a parent.

Jenny: So... first Pascal, then Vicund. When are you going to make me an aunt again?

Next day, I send Pascal out to buy a cake for Albert's birthday as an excuse to see if the bakery's working. Which yay, it is!

Which is when Pascal spots the woman- wait, the teenage girl of his dreams. Pascal, can't you find anyone you like who's your own age?
Pascal: Eh, I'll check.

Pascal: Ooooh, she's so cute when she goofs off work to suck bubbles. Tell me Gilbert Jacquet isn't into her too though.
Good news, he's not. He doesn't like women who are better at chess than he is. Jerk.

Marysia: Oh my God, look at this weather! It's totally not snowing!
Pascal: Yeah... um, I have a thing... I have to do. This thing. You know.

After bombing out with Marysia, I make him sing. Turns out Pascal's a really good singer. He should have his pick of babes with those skills.

You can't pick that one, that's another teenager. FFS, Pascal!


Oh hey, is that the same nanny the Broke's had? It must be, I can't believe there would be TWO competent nannies in this game.

Vicund gets a promotion, but the news is overshadowed by the bit where Lazlo decides to troll his brothers and bring home motherfucking LOKI BEAKER.

Loki: You think I haven't noticed my wife spying on you?! Buy some damn curtains!

Pascal: Hey, Loki, how are you?
Loki: Slightly less furious, believe it or not.

Loki: Oh, has she gone? Then HAH, TAKE THAT! I LIED AND I STILL HATE YOU!
Pascal: GASP! You trickster!

Oh, and Vicund brought home Cassandra home too. She's very interested to know all about his space adventures.
Cassandra: So when you were on that rocket, being impregnated, and I'd really like more details about that at some point so I can put them in my fanfic, you didn't happen to see my mum at all, did you?
Vicund: Um, no. I was slightly distracted.

I wanted another family reunion for Albert and Isaac's birthday, but apparently the sim bin Chloe and Lola live in is off grid.

Not that I'll let a little thing like THAT stop me.
Chloe: Wait, how did I get here?
Your brother has a magic tree.
Chloe: Is that what he's calling the pot plant now?
Er, no. That's been sold. That's what I'm calling the SimBlender now. (Also check out the magical floating baby. I blame aliens.)
Vicund: Look sis, no hands!

Little Albert is all cute despite his ugly tux.

Isaac: Ok Dad, you can put me down now. Any time you want, Dad.

Then I glanced at everyone's ages and realised Vicund seems to be ageing in reverse!?
I blame aliens. I mean, that sort of thing would explain Bella.

Lola: Hey, you know your dad is my half-brother, and your other dad is probably like, my granddad or something, which means I could be something like your aunt or cousin or niece, all at once! Isn't that cool?
Isaac: Nuh-uh, that's stupid!
Hah, you need to take another look at your family tree.

Cassandra: So have you ever been to space too? Did you go to the moon?
Chloe: No, that would be my dad. And my brothers, of course.

Vicund makes some very serious potty training faces.

Lazlo wants to be Hand Of Poseidon, so he switched jobs and got a promotion.

/teeny Albert spam.

Finally, Lazlo's tomatoes are ready. I then force him to spend ten hours harvesting them. Teehee!

And while he's doing that, I send Pascal and Isaac to the bowling alley for a little father-son bonding.

Pascal: I'd rather bond with her.
I already told you, no.

Pascal: Too late!
And as if that wasn't enough, I then spotted them trying to sneak off to the photobooth. NO, Pascal. Your son is on the other side of the room! Take her on a date if you like her that much!

Back home, Isaac tests out more of my buyable OFB toys.


Vicund: Say "dada."
Albert: Pollination technician.
Vicund: ...Um, say "other dada."

Isaac: Say "Isaac is the best cousin."
Albert: I'll think about it.

Lazlo: Hey, you know I'm having trouble getting a girlfriend? I hear they're really into supernatural stuff these days. How about I become a werewolf?
Not a bad idea. I'll keep an eye out for ya.

Vicund: You know what these balls remind me of?
No? Do tell.

Vicund: They remind me of telescopes. And being abducted. And how the aliens-
Um, let's not go there, OK, Vicund?
Vicund: You're disgusting. I just meant they play a mean game of football.
Ah. Heh. Oooh, I know what would take your mind off things! A girlfriend!


I've got my eye on you.
Vicund: I'm just fishing!
Yeah. Fishing for a date with an underage girl.

Everyone at the park was either a teenager or totally repulsive, so I sent him to the secret science lab. Everyone there was ugly too, so I made him work on science to kill time while waiting for new people to show up.

Nobody did, but at least now he has a secret weapon to use next time Lazlo brings Loki home.

Speaking of Lazlo, his garden's doing well.

And so's his hobby enthusiasm. Although a part of me wonders if Secret Sue just wanted an excuse to barge in and drool all over him again, seeing as she already gave him that card several days ago.

Oh, and he maxed out cookery. Maybe she just wants some of his delicious cooking.

And Pascal now moonlights as a fireman.

Time for Albert's birthday.

He's an interesting looking child, all right.

Vicund: Oh hey, just me, I wanted to let you know our son grew up well, just in case you cared or anything.

Synchronised swinging!

Vicund: Can I put a mattress out here? The ride's fun, but the landing leaves a lot to be desired.

Maid: Oh God, he's pregnant again, isn't he? And I'm going to have to clean up the mess.

Aiyana: Hi, I was just randomly passing your house.
Vicund: She wants me.
Maybe. But until you roll a want back, you still can't have her.

Lazlo's tomatoes are magic, making food all sparkly even in recipes that don't call for tomatoes.

Olive: Nyeheheh!
Oh dear. Should we be scared.
Olive: You betcha! I have a nefarious plan for these boys.

Olive: Let's see how they manage without their precious newspaper!
That's your nefarious plan? That's a rubbish nefarious plan.
Olive: Oh I can call in a favour from a friend if you're complaining.
Ah, no, that's OK. Steal all the newspapers you want. I'll see if I can find a gnome for you too.

In the end though, the only one bothered by the newspaper theft was Lola.


She soon recovers and rejoins the party.

Hey, I know it only takes one of you. Now I know you're just making excuses.

The reason for the party? With Vicund knocked up again, there just isn't going to be space for everyone. So Pascal and Isaac are moving out.

And this is gonna be their new home.

That is, once Pascal's dug up enough rocks to pay the rent.

Yippee! Just another eight hundred more rocks to go! You'll be in there for Christmas! Next year.

Now THAT'S more like it.

And we end with his co-workers being poor losers. Ah well. Until next time!


And another household I'd never played before. Yes, really. They always looked like a fun bunch of guys and I'd always intended to play the brothers Curious in the past but never got around to it until now. If you were wondering, Vicund's ageing issues were down to Inteen, and once I spawned his biological clock, he stopped having problems. I might still send him to college though. I wish I hadn't had to move Pascal out though, but there just won't be enough space for them all once Vicund has his baby - or babies - because one of my rules is that I can't make large structural changes to buildings. Still, I'll make him visit as much as I can, and of course, everyone's going to have to visit his new apartment.

Next time, I'm going to check in on the Jocque family and see how Violet feels about that kiss with Pascal. See you then!

Uberhood Index

sims story, curious, uberhood

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