The Broke family, take 2

Jul 21, 2012 23:14

Time for more babies! I'll be playing the Broke household today.

A household I have actually played before, shock, horror. Not just as they are, I also genderswapped them for the maxis-taste dare 31, which you can read here. I always find them such fun to play.

First thing, as always, lot makeover. I made that little garden into a grave for Skip, complete with fake headstone. Then I thought, 'wait a second, I'm playing a nice, clean, fixed hood, why don't I just spawn Skip's original headstone'? So I did. Hence the boolProp in the corner.

Kitchen is now the living room.

Beau's cot in the corridor has been moved and the kitchen placed there, complete with magical floating groceries.

Dustin's room has bunkbeds all ready for when Beau grows up.

Also a cheap Ikea desk and table. I let him keep his radio, bookcase and pinball machine. He probably brought them out of his own earnings so it seems mean to get rid of them.

Little bathroom makeover.

Brandi's room, complete with a toddler bed for Beau.

Dustin is still mad about Daniel making him cry.

This makes him do things like kick over the bin with rage. You know you're cleaning that up, right Dustin?
Dustin: RAGE.

Brandi: BLARF.
Oh yeah. SURPRISE! You're pregnant (again).

Dustin gives out financial advice on the computer for some extra cash.
Dustin: -So the best way to not get your money stolen is to never have real money lying around. For a fee of just 10% of the value, we will swap your real cash for counterfeit bills.

Yeah, that's dodgy. You can dig for cash instead.

Meanwhile, Brandi teaches Beau some skills. It's difficult because she has no smart milk and I can't get any because all her wants are 'have sex with Don Lothario'. Which isn't going to happen. You can do better than him, Brandi.

She's so adorable. ♥

Then she rolled a want to buy a florists bench. I had to sell the pinball machine to do it, but it was enough for smart milk, yay.

TRAINING MONTAGE. Even Rocky had a montage.


And that training montage was completed just in time for Beau's birthday.

Darren Dreamer invited her out, so I let her go.

Darren: She may be eight months pregnant, but that is one fine woman!
You think so? I'll bear that in mind.

She was too tired to stay out for long, so I sent her home. I didn't realise the entire party would follow her home.
Don: Do you think she'd mind if we used the other half of that bed?
Yes, I do.

Brandi: That was great fun, we should do it again somezzzzzzzzz.

Dustin is a lovely big brother, autonomously tucking Beau in and giving him a kiss.

Brandi: So for your homework, AIEEEEE!


Thank goodness for that promotion, we're gonna need more cribs.

Um. Brandi, what are you doing?
Brandi: Handing the baby over.
But you're not even holding it.
Brandi: Of course not! It's gungy and gross!

This birth is going completely to plan. No need to panic.

Dustin ignores the fighting dogs to hold his little sister.

So. It's twin girls, Sophie and Phoebe. Phoebe has slightly paler skin than her sister. She also has Brandi's grey eyes, while Sophie has blue eyes. They're both blondes though.

And now that's done, Brandi can get back to helping Dustin with his homework.

Brandi is difficult to keep happy because she hates changing nappies. And with twins, there's no shortage of those. It's a struggle to keep her out of the red.

Also I had no idea babies could reject play.

Dustin helps out where he can, feeding Phoebe and generally being awesome.

NGL, that is a tasty looking omelette.

Way to go, Dustin!

Brandi's LTW isn't job related, but she did roll the want to find a job, so I let her. Happily the nanny is actually competent. Look at her, bathing the smelly baby! I want to keep her!

Dustin wanted to invite Angela over, so I let him.

And then Skip turned up to whine and complain.
Skip: Who the hell is that holding my children?! And where is my wife?!
Out working. She needs the cash seeing as you went and died and left her with four kids to raise alone.

Skip turns out to be very, very upset about this and spends the next few hours cockblocking his son.

Brandi gets a promotion.
Beau: Mum! Come in, quick! Dad's here and he's really pissed off!

I am not even kidding a little bit here.

Happily he can't scare the babies, but he does spend a lot of time glaring at them and yelling and cracking his knuckles.


OK, that's just creepy. We need the Ghostbusters.

Skip: I'm watching you, missus.

Skip is very angry ghost. Everyone has been spooked now, but Dustin is his very favourite target. He's been got four times tonight!

He's also very mad at Brandi and likes to glare at her while cracking his knuckles and thinking about her. I do not like this ghost AT ALL.

So he's off to Gothier Green Lawns to live out the rest of his afterlife with the Tricous. Bye Skip! Wasn't nice knowing you!

I blame it on lack of sleep thanks to angry dead husband.

Beau gets an A+ on like his second day of school.

And it's birthday time for the twins.


And Phoebe. They're cute kids.

This was when I discovered that Beau could teach his sisters the nursery rhyme, despite the fact that there just wasn't time for him to learn it himself.

Sadly the nanny's competence didn't last, Here she is, laying a trail of bottles for Phoebe to follow home in case they wander off and get tempted by a gingerbread cottage or something.

I sent the family over to the graveyard to mourn Skip.
Brandi: WAH I'M SO SAD!
Dustin: I'm not. That guy was an asshole.

Then they went to the pub for the wake.

Beau entertained himself on the arcade machine while Dustin had a chat with this lady.

And Brandi, understandably, hit the bar.

Brandi: Heeeeeeeeey, schexchy.
You've had enough now.

The nanny got a tip for staying late.

Then more training.

Phoebe: Hugs?


Beau learned to study.

Dustin taught his radioactive little sister to walk.

I should tip the nanny more often, she started washing the children again.

And just before the end of the week, Brandi finished teaching Phoebe to walk.


Well. I won't be bringing Skip's grave back again, that's for sure. I've since read that unfulfilled Family ghosts get very angry if their spouse has children on the lot, but they were his children, so he shouldn't be THAT mad. Poor Dustin was in a bad mood for the next two days after his half-a-dozen ghost scares and the toddlers rolled scare fears as soon as they grew up, so I think they were able to sense him.

But despite the antics of Skip The Angry Ghost, I still had a lot of fun playing this family. There's so much do do, never a dull moment. I'm looking forward to their next rotation.

Uberhood Index

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