Nexus; Park; More Kitty Fun Times

May 24, 2008 20:35

kittyGen: *stalks stalks stalks POUNCE Dreadnought's tail*

Dreadnought: *looks at her with sleepy eyes*

Gen: *has found energon goodies, yes she has*

Dreadnought: *lazy tail twitch*

Gen: *"attacks" tail*

Dreadnought: *twitches the caught tail*

Gen: *tries to hang onto the tail* Mow! *is miffed when it slips out of her grip*

Dreadnought: *sneaky twitch*

Gen: *ignores tail, pounces him*

Dreadnought: *rolls onto his side and scoops her close to cuddle and nuzzle*

Gen: *squirms; hyper kitties are not good for cuddles*

Dreadnought: *kitty kiss and lets her go*

Gen: *bounces out of paws and in a circle before going back to pounce Dready again*

Dreadnought: *ear twitch with head laying on the floor*

Gen: Meow! *jumps up and down on Dready; he's not being very entertaining right now*

Dreadnought: ...*burp* *lifts head to look and see where that came from*

Gen: *jumps back and flails at the burp* Mrow!?

Dreadnought: *considers the possible cons of drinking Ironhide's stash*

Gen: *paces back in forth before pouncing again* Meow!

Dreadnought: *sproing gone!*

Gen: *splats on floor* Moooooooow...

Dreadnought: Murr? *stuck to a wall again*

Gen: *shakes head* Meow! *walks up to underneath Dready, considers for a second, then jumps up to latch onto him*

Dreadnought: *is caught* *considers what he can do now without hurting her*

Gen: *starts climbing him; feel the claws, Dready*

Dreadnought: .... *skin shiver*

Gen: *making her way up his back*

Dreadnought: >_o

Gen: *reaches neck; ooooo... ears...*

Dreadnought: *shakes to see how firmly she's fastened*

Gen: Nrow! *sinks claws in deeper*

Dreadnought: *sproing!*

Gen: Meow! *wheee!*

Dreadnought: *doing his 'don't touch the ground' routine again, only lacking a Psych* *and using a few rooftops*

Gen: *wheeeeeeeeeeeee!*

Dreadnought: *happily heading out across the Nexus in this manner, including a spectacular leap onto and off of the sign*

Gen: *kitty squeeing*

Dreadnought: *through the park! Startled ducks dive and scatter as he leaps over the pond from tree to tree*

Gen: *squeeeeeeee-oo! ducks!* *loosens grip to jump off Dready*

Dreadnought: *immediately drops to the ground to keep her from getting hurt*

Gen: *doesn't notice he's being careful* *bounds towards the duckies; the duckies who happen to be in the lake*

Ducks: *are dumb. Come looking for crumbs*

Dreadnought: *lays down to watch the fun*

Gen: *splash splash splash* *ack! wet!* *jumps out of water*

Ducks: *scattered! Some fly away* *little bitty fuzzy one beeps forlornly*

Gen: *cute ducky?* *creeps forward*

babyduck: Beep beep beep! *little neck stretched up as he looks for his mama*

Dreadnought: 0_0 *worry worry for the little yellow thing*

Gen: *sniffs at the baby ducky*

babyduck: beep beep beep! *duck and look at her fearfully. will run away! ... or trip over big feet and beep*

Dreadnought: *up on his feet and coming over*

Gen: Mrow... *carefully nudges baby ducky upright with a paw*

babyduck: *hidy hide!*

Gen: *ears down* Meow... *lies down and watches the duck run and hide*

Dreadnought: *pauses and looks at the duck hiding under him* .....0_0

Gen: *puts her head on her paws; the duckling's afraid of her...*

Dreadnought: *reaches down and carefully picks startled duckling up in his mouth where it totally disappears*

Gen: *pulls ears back and growls; put the duck down, Dreadnought*

Dreadnought: *looks at her funny* //Gen, this is how cats carry babies//

Gen: *groooowls*

Dreadnought: 0_o -Crazy woman- *walks over and gently sets the duck at her feet, where it sits and blinks and then tips its head sideways to look up at them with one beady eye.*

Gen: *stops growling, but still gives him the stink eye before gently touching the duckling's beak with her nose; nobody messes with her organics, fraggit*

babyduck: beep! *snuggles down and makes sleepy eyes, it liked that comfy dark place it was in*

Gen: *nudges the duckling again before looking around; where's its mother?*

other ducks: *GONE*

Gen: *ears wilt; oops*

Dreadnought: *prowling around, scanning hiding ducks, trying to see if he can find... hey this one has two more beepers*

Gen: *still feeling bad; wuffs a breath of air over duckling*

Dreadnought: Hey, Gen, I found the rest of its set. Bring it here.

Gen: Murr? *looks over*

Dreadnought: *gestures to a little deadfall with his head*

Gen: *ooh; stands up and nudges at the duckling for it to stand and move*

babyduck: *going to sleepz now*

Gen: *nudges duckling again, a bit stronger this time*

babyduck: *tilts head and looks at her funny*

Gen: *nudges again*

babyduck: *falls over and gives her dirty look*

Gen: *gives an apologetic look; you're family's over that way*

Dreadnought: Just pick him up, Gen. Babies get stubborn when they're tired.

Gen: *gives him an offended look; I've been taking care of organic younglings longer than you've been aware that they existed*

babyduck: *sleeeeeeps*

Gen: *looks down at the baby duck with a sigh before carefully picking it up and carrying it over to it's family*

mamaduck: *in nose biting mode*

Gen: *carefully puts down duckling before backing away quickly*

babyduck: *looks around and beeps, but then hears mama and beetles into the hiding place to crawl under her wing*

Gen: *backs away and watches the reunion*

Dreadnought: *is busy watching something else waaaaaaaaaay up in the sky*

*smart mech*

Dreadnought: *and then nosebumps and runs*

Gen: Mrow! *huffs and slinks off to sulk under a tree*

Dreadnought: *comes back, still feeling pretty mellow and loopy*

Gen: *under the tree* *sulk sulk sulk*

Dreadnought: *comes back and gently nips her*

Gen: Mrr...

Dreadnought: *nuzzle*

Gen: Mrr... *sulks sulks sulks* *looks up timidly*

Dreadnought: *very gentle nose bump and then another nuzzle*

Gen: *small nuzzle and lick; sorry for growling earlier*

Dreadnought: It's alright. *rubs his cheek on her, the rumble of his purr starting*

Gen: *another nuzzle before dropping her head again*

Dreadnought: *love love love... cuddle?* *will protect, loves!* *doesn't realize he's courting:p*

Gen: *kitty sighs; doesn't realize he's courting either*

Dreadnought: *pauses to just admire her*

Gen: *ear flicks*

Dreadnought: *soft rumble of a chuckle* I bet Psych has a cow when the guys say you're pretty

Gen: *tilts head; yeah, but what brought that up?*

Dreadnought: *sinks down onto his side and lays his head down* Good, I'm not the only one that's noticed.

Gen: Mrr?

Dreadnought: Hmmmm?

Gen: *lightly baps Dreadnought's paw with her own* Mrow? *what do you mean noticed? noticed what?*

Dreadnought: *chuckles and hides his nose* How pretty you are

Gen: *ear flick, and tilts head to the side* Mow? *whadya mean 'pretty'? I'm a cat right now, in case you haven't noticed*

Dreadnought: That doesn't change anything

Gen: Mrr? *confused kitty is confused*

Dreadnought: You're pretty no matter what shape you're in

Gen: *ducks her head; you're just saying that to make me feel better*

Psych: *in a different part of the Nexus, but is listening in*

Dreadnought: *nuzzles gently* No, I'm saying it because it's true.

Psych: *mutters to self* That's it. I'm getting a shotgun to polish whenever he comes around.

Dreadnought: Ask your brother.

Gen: *nuzzles feel good; starts to purr* Mew. *he's family; his opinion doesn't count in that sort of thing*

Dreadnought: *surprised* It doesn't?

Gen: *instinctive kitty nuzzle* Mrow. *nope; families always feel that way about each other, ergo, their say on the matter doesn't count*

Dreadnought: So... Jazz is full of slag, and I could be the ugliest @%$##$& in the Nexus.....

Gen: Meow. *nuzzles again; but he's not and you’re not*

Dreadnought: *gentle cheek rub as he thinks of his creator's assertation that he's a #$%#$@ fine looking chunk of scrap* Hmmmm

Gen: *kitty cheek-rub nuzzle puuuurrrrrrrr; big pretty kitty, even if a little scary*

Dreadnought: *gentle paw on her face as he looks her in the optic* Never scary to you, Gen. Ever.

Gen: Maow? *aaaaaaand the kitty instinct kicks in* *opens mouth wide to chew on the paw*

Dreadnought: *chuckles and uses the chewed on paw- without taking it away from her- to pull her close and nuzzle her ears* Hmmmm

Gen: *ooooooo, earrubs!* *puuuuuuuuuuuuuurrs*

Dreadnought: *nuzzle nuzzle cheekrub love love love PURRRRR*

Gen: *tries, but no fair, can't purr that loud* *Puuuuuuurr*

Dreadnought: *gentle ear nibble and then lays his head against hers, still purring*

Jazz: I hear ya purring, ya... 0_0

Dreadnought: *doesn't move... too happy*

Gen: *nuzzle nuzzle purr yawn*

Jazz: Alright... now I really wanna hear this story. What's goin' on here?

Dreadnought: *sleepy eartwitch. Go away, Dad, you're an annoying bug.*

Gen: Maaoooooow? *sleepy whozzat?*

Jazz: ... *Nudges Dreadnought with his foot.*

Dreadnought: *hugs Gen and ignores him* *nuzzle snuggle love love PURRRR*

Gen: *purr purr purr*

Psych: *walks up* ... Of course.

Jazz: *looks at him* I know that voice....

Psych: You do realize that as soon as your son gets back in his body, I'm gonna beat him for cuddling with my sister.

Jazz: ...When did they git ta be friends? *looking bewildered*

Psych: I don't know, and I don't really care. *at the same time, is unsubspacing his camera* *cannot resist the kitty cute*

Jazz: *frowns at him, parental pride taking over from the bewilderment* You realize if ya try anythin' that dumbaft he'll flatten ya.

Psych: *lines up his shot* But it's the thought that counts

Jazz: So whatcher problem, anyway? Don't like the symbol he's wearin'?

Psych: *click* Dude, it's my sister.

Jazz: So?

Psych: It's in my sibling contract to be overprotective when it comes to guys trying anything with her

Jazz: ... they're kitty cuddlin', man.

Psych: *gives Jazz a 'you don't have a twin, you wouldn't understand' look*

Jazz: *leans on his crutches and gives Psych a 'You better not be dissin' my kid' look*

Psych: *staring contest is a go?*

Dreadnought: *half asleep and not noticing what he's doing. Gives Gen the slightest of nips to the scruff... the cat version of a kiss*

Gen: *half asleep nuzzle and lick*

Jazz: *too busy giving Psych the stare down of his life to notice*

Psych: *staaaaaare* *but feels something through the spark, so holds camera up to take another pic without looking*

Jazz: *snorts at him* Go git yourself a girlfriend, kid.

Psych: *shrugs* Meh. Too much of a hassle.

Jazz: *stare falters, and he looks down* *quietly* Not always.

Psych: *quirks an optic ridge; oooookaaaay?* Well, seeing as how I haven't even technically been around for an orn yet...

Jazz: *turns and crutches over to sit on a stump some distance away from the sleeping cats, a slight grumble of pain coming from him as he settles on the seat.*

Psych: *sighs, and follows* Dude, just to let you know, don't take everything I say seriously.

Jazz: Yeah... jes struck a nerve there, that's all. *turns sad optics back toward his son.* Reminded me 'a stuff.

Psych: Stuff, huh?

Jazz: *quietly* Yeah.

Psych: *rubs the back of his neck* Stuff, like...?

Jazz: Dready's mama

Psych: Oh... uh... wanna... talk about it? *is so not the therapist type*

Jazz: *shakes his head* Ever hear 'a Blackout?

Psych: Heard of her, and seen her from a distance.

Jazz: Ah, right. Forgot there's one here. *optics go distant* The one from my reality was my sparkmate... back before the war.

Psych: Oh... *sits down on the ground and looks up at Jazz, looking very much like a kid waiting to hear the rest of a story*

Jazz: When it came ta pickin' sides she went with Megs... got real mad when I wouldn't take the 'Con badge. *leans his head against the hand holding one crutch upright* Jes' as she left she told me she had a new spark on board.

Psych: Slag...

Jazz: I never heard'a the kid again. But everytime I saw Blackie after that she never let me forget I let her down. *sets the crutch down and rubs an old scar on his lower back that looks like large, deep finger prints.* Then we got ta the fight there on Earth. 'N she died. *and so had he, nearly. He's got those scars too*

Psych: *notices the rubbing, but doesn't comment on it* What happened next? How'd you find Dready?

Jazz: He found me. Screamer'd sent for him to take Earth out. The kid had ben packin' a grudge since he got his shell.

Psych: *nods* Seen that before. One parent gets mad and brainwashes their kid into hating the other one with 'em.

Jazz: She left him the minute he was outta her spark case. Just a note on how I'd ditched 'em, and then the 'Con trainin'.

Psych: Wait. So, nobody raised him? At all?

Jazz: 'Con rookies live or die. Nobody babies 'em.

Psych: *frowns* I guess that makes sense. Wouldn't be the first species to do that.

Jazz: Only the strong survive, 'n he was so strong that even the other 'Cons were afraid'a him. But yeah. Anyway. That bit with Blackie's what you reminded me of. But we had good vorns before that, 'n I wouldn't give those memories up for anything. *even if they hurt now*

Psych: *looks down at the ground and frowns* Yeah.

Jazz: *looks up toward the sleepers and sighs* He's got no fraggin' clue how he feels, does he?

Psych: *half-turns to look, too* *shrugs* Yeah, but neither does she

Jazz: *facepalm*

Psych: My thoughts exactly

Jazz: Ya still linked ta your sister?

Psych: Yep. Probably more strongly than other twins, too

Jazz: How deep're her feelin's for Dready? *protective father is protective... even though the kid's a war machine*

Psych: *shrugs* Don't know, but him being a cat helped

Jazz: Got stunned by the purr of doom? *wry*

Psych: And the cuddles, and the wanting head scratches...

Jazz: ... *lightbulb* Ahhh, he was pretty helpless there for a bit.

Psych: Clueless? Yes. But helpless?

Jazz: Compared ta what he usually is... heck, even compared ta me. Yeah.

Psych: Please. One headbutt, and he knocks her flat on her aft

Jazz: 'N too much confusion 'n his processor'd shut down painfully. We thought we'd lost him a couple times

Psych: He seems to be doing better now

Jazz: Yeah. *another glance toward the sleepers.* Takes a load off my mind. Now I jes' gotta worry 'bout Bumble

Psych: Where is that little squirt, anywho?

Jazz: Tied ta the leg of Optimus's desk, helpin' him work *chuckle*

Psych: o.O Tied?

Jazz: She's gotta little harness 'n leash. *slightly embarrassed*

Psych: ... A leash? Like a pet?

Jazz: *rubs the back of his neck* Kinda

Psych: Oooookay? I guess if you don't mind payin' for the kid's therapy later on...

Jazz: *gives him a confused look* It keeps 'er from gittin' inta trouble.

Psych: *smirks and nudge; kidding, kidding*

Jazz: *brightens a little. Riiggght. Still doesn't get it, but gets that* *chuckle*

Gen: *kitty yawn and snuggles; mmm.... warm....*

Dreadnought: *gently rubs his head on her without waking*

Gen: *snoooooooooooze*

Psych: *can't resist* D'aaaaaaaaw...

Jazz: *chuckles* Ya gotta admit those two look good together

Psych: *semi-glare at Jazz* They're cats. Of course they're gonna look good together.

Jazz: *just smirks at him, mentally wondering what Moonracer would think of him*

Psych: >_> *clicks camera right in Jazz's face; ph34r teh flash*

Jazz: *jabs a thumb between Psych’s armor plates and calls Moonracer that he needs her to come help him with something*

Psych: Hey! Watch the hands, buddy!

Jazz: *makes jazz hands at him*

Moonracer: *appears* Yes, sir?

Psych: *ignores Moonracer* *sticks glossa out at Jazz and blows a raspberry*

Moonracer and Jazz: *both stare at him*

Psych: *regrets nothing!*

Jazz: What the slag was that?

Psych: What was what?

Moonracer: *her large optics are wide* Um... that... do you have a tongue?

Psych: Yep! *sticks glossa out* Thee?

Moonracer: *walks over in her innocent way and pokes it*

Psych: *brings glossa back into his mouth* Hey. No touchy the tongue-y

Moonracer: I want to see. Please?

Jazz: *so NOT laughing. nope*

Psych: Look with your optics, not with your hands

Moonracer: *Does her cutely quizzical look*

Psych: *is not impressed with the 'cute'*

Moonracer: *distracted now. Pokes him in the chest* Hmmm, I haven't seen tech like this before.

Psych: *shrugs* Different dimensions, different tech

Moonracer: *tap tap tap* I've never met someone from another dimension before.

Psych: *bats at the tapping hand* And now you have

Moonracer: *blinks and looks up at him (yes, she's shorter) with a slight wibble at the bat*

Psych: *again is not impressed*

Moonracer: *looks at him for several minutes, then hesitantly* I'm sorry.

Psych: Just no pokey. This body's still new

Moonracer: *optics wide again* Oh... did I hurt you?

Psych: No. Just trying to keep it shiny

Moonracer: Ohhhhhhh. *brightens* My brother uses a special kind of polish for that. I can't remember the name, but it smells good.

Psych: Brother? *optic ridge quirk*

Moonracer: *nods and goes ^_^* Powerglide! It makes him really shiny, and it doesn't rub off.

Psych: Power... You mean that flying minibot?

Moonracer: *another happy nod*

Psych: Huh... twin?

Moonracer: *shakes her head* Sibling bond. I'm younger than him.

Psych: Sibling bond?

Moonracer: You know, like when you share a little bit of spark code? Just enough that you run on similar frequencies?

Psych: *does a 'zuh-huh?' face*

Dreadnought: *absent scan. Lifts head and looks over with horror* //Look out, bro! She's one of the scary ones!//

Moonracer: *looks back at him puzzledly, then thinks she understands and explains the process, though still looking confused*

Psych: //Scary ones?// Riiiiight. So... different creators?

Gen: *cracks open an eye; where'd part of the warm go?*

Moonracer: We're both Allspark born.

Dreadnought: //She doesn't know when to quit skritching!// *looks down at Gen and nuzzles her* Shhhh

Psych: *opens mouth to say something, then stops and shakes his head* Never mind. //And that makes her scary how?//

Gen: *kitty yawn and streeeeeeeetch*

Moonracer: *now tracing something on Psych's chest with one finger... and she doesn't realize she's doing it because she's still looking at him attentively*

Dreadnought: *lays his head down again and purrs* //Shhh, Gen. I'm just trying to save your stupid brother from a femme//

Psych: *bats at her hand again* //I heard that.//

Gen: *still sleepy, so just kitty nuzzles and rubs*

Moonracer: *totally confused* What? What did I do?

Dreadnought: *rumbles and hugs Gen*

Psych: Need me to define the phrase 'no touchy'?

Gen: *purrs; hugs are nice*

Moonracer: I didn't! Did I...?

Psych: *nods* Jazz, back me up here.

Jazz: *sleep mode*

Psych: Jazz! *pokes leg*

Jazz: *slugs him without waking up*

Moonracer: *very confused*

Psych: Ack!

Gen: Mrow? *looks over at brother concerned*

Dreadnought: *groans and gets to his feet to walk over to where the others are*

Moonracer: *brightens* Dready! Hi! Where have you been? *down on one knee and scritching*

Dreadnought: *criiinge* //Run, Psych//

Gen: *stretches, gets up, walks over* Mrow? *what's going on?*

Psych: //Don't you think I should be the one telling you that?//

Moonracer: Ohhh, who's your girlfriend, Dready?

Dreadnought: *still cringing* She's not... my girlfriend //Just get out of here, slaghead. Gen, you go too//

Psych (and Gen): //*why?*//

Dreadnought: //Because Jazz will save me from her, but if she gets hold of you two again it'll take mining tools to get her off//

Gen: *headbutts his leg; don't worry, it'll be okay*

Psych: //She only goes for you 'cause you're a big cat.//

Dreadnought: //Uh uh. She'll do it to any guy that doesn't get out of her way. And then they have to deal with Powerglide.//

Moonracer: *reaches over to see if she can't pet Gen, too*

Gen: *sniffs Moonracer's hand*

Psych: //Uh huh.//

Moonracer: *gives Gen scritches*

Jazz: *wakes up and looks* *mutters* Oh slag, how'd she get Dready?

Gen: *aaaaah, that's what the skritches feel like* *starts to purr*

Psych: I dunno. He woke up and she saw him?

Moonracer: *happily scritching two kitties*

Jazz: *facepalm*

Gen: *purrs, and tilts her head; try skritching there now*

Psych: What is it?

Jazz: *just shakes his head and makes a beep*

Moonracer: *starts and looks at him with bright-eyed attentiveness* Oh yes, you called, sir?

Jazz: -Well that plan fraggin' backfired....- Yeah. Gimme a hand, will ya? I gotta git home.

Dreadnought: //Jazz, wait. Gen likes her.//

Jazz: //She likes her now. What about when the kid won't quit?//

Psych: //Well, if she's 'kitty' enough, she might just bite her.//

Jazz: //And then I get my aft handed to me by that blowhard Powerglide.//

Psych: //What? He doesn't know how to respect his elders?//

Jazz: //Elder my aft, the chump was sparked the year before I was.//

Psych: //Then doesn't he know not to hit a cripple?//

Gen: *tilts head again*

Jazz: //If I made Gen cry, would you care about me bein' one?//

Dreadnought: *brain... floating away into scritch overdose..... * *zonked*

Psych: //Dude, she's a cat. It's not like she could help it. 'Sides, I'll know when she wants to bite. I can give you guys a heads up.//

Jazz: *rumbles and frowns*

Dreadnought: *reaaally stoned now... doesn't help that he's still zapped from finding Ironhide's stash*

Moonracer: *scritching unabated*

Gen: *starts to walk away; that was fun, time for something else*

Moonracer: Oh, wait....

Dreadnought: *growwl and glare*

Moonracer: *scared!*

Gen: Mrow. *turns back around and headbutts Dready; you're scaring her*

Dreadnought: *starts and looks at her, trying to get unfritzed*

Moonracer: *looking around for someone to tell her what to do*

Jazz: *crooks a finger at her*

Moonracer: *glances at Dreadnought, and goes*

Psych: //See? Disaster avoided.//

Gen: *nuzzles leg*

Dreadnought: *blinks more, then lowers head and nuzzles her ears, rumbling soft affection*

Moonracer: *absently glomps onto Psych*

Psych: Moony? Touchy.

Moonracer: *hides her face* I need a hug!

Dreadnought: *starts off himself* Come on, Gen.

Psych: Yes, well, you have a brother for that, don't you

Moonracer: He isn't here. *gets tear oil on him*

Gen: *looks back at Psych and sends him a spark-hug before slowly following Dreadnought*

Psych: *returns the spark hug* Doesn't mean you can't go to him

Jazz: *has gotten himself up off the stump and gotten his crutches going* C'mere, Moonracer. I'll hug ya.

Moonracer: *stiffens. For some reason Jazz is scary to her*

Jazz: *has no idea of this and gently pulls her away from Psych.* C'mere. *looks at Psych.* I'll see ya later, kid.

Psych: *mutters to self* Jeez, he just uses crutches, he's not gonna bite her head off. *louder* Later, JZ.

Jazz: *grins and PINpoints the two of them out*

Psych: Now where'd those two get to? *starts looking around*
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