Nexus; Another Random Couch; More Gen, Psych, and Dreadnought fun

May 02, 2008 20:55

Dreadnought: *pauses in wandering through to nuzzle Gen's hand in passing* *the one with no baby in it*

Gen: *skritches*

Caleendi: *squeaks at Dready*

Dreadnought: *stops dead and perks ears toward the squeak*

Cal: *squeaks again*

Dreadnought: *sits up and tilts head quizzically*

Cal: *squeaks and blinks at Dready*

Dreadnought: 0_o *very tentitively sticks his nose over there*

Cal: *reaches up to grab nose*

Dreadnought: 0_0!

Gen: *smiles* Hee

Dreadnought: *few throat clearing sounds as he tries to remember how to talk*

Gen: *skritches, because that seems to help*

Dreadnought: *leans into it with enough purr to rattle shells*

Cal: *squeaks at the vibrations*

Dreadnought: *perks an ear toward her* What is it?

Gen: She's a sparkling.

Dreadnought: ....what?

Psych: A sparkling. An itty-bitty Cybertronian.

Dreadnought: .... what are they for?

Psych: ... You're kidding.

Dreadnought: *silent headshake*

Psych: Oi... Let's see. When a mech and a femme love each other very much...

Dreadnought:.... or can't keep their chestplates shut. I know where new sparks come from

*nope, he still doesn't see a connection*

Gen: Well, the new sparks are the sparklings.

Dreadnought: *stares down at the little thing* But why is it so little?

Gen: Her spark's too weak to survive in a larger shell.

Dreadnought: *trying hard to think that over as he continues to gaze at the bitty thing*

Gen: It needs time to stablize, and until then, she has this as a temporary body

Cal: *reaches up for Dready's nose again*

Dreadnought: Hrrmm. *massive jaws open and gently pick up the tiny mech*

Cal: *squeaks in surprise*

Gen: Cali!

Dreadnought: *lays down and sets the sparkling on his forepaws, then nudges her with infinite carefulness*

Gen: *worry worry worry*

Psych: If you hurt her...

Dreadnought: *doesn't even hear the protective uncle as he gently picks Cali up again and rolls to his side with her tucked under his chin and starts to sing to her softly*

Cal: *squeaks and then sighs* *closes optics*

Dreadnought: ^_^ *more soft rumbling*

Gen: *sloooooooooowly relaxes*

Dreadnought: *peeks at her and then wriggles slightly, inviting her to come and sit and lean against his belly*

Gen: Uh...

Psych: Woah no. No fraggin' way!

Dreadnought: *shuts his optic shutters and continues singing*

Cal: *sighs and snugs*

Dreadnought: *cuter than a giant robokitty has a right to be*

Gen: *finally relaxes and smiles*

Psych: D'aww...

Dreadnought: *cute cute cute cuddly cute*

Psych: XD It's a Kodak moment

Dreadnought: *asleep and still singing and cuddling the bitty* *is glad of the recharge, it's not easy right now*

Psych: Gen, you have your camera on you?

Gen: I think... *checks* No. I left it back...

Dreadnought: *curls around bitty, with his nose tucked*

Gen: *ignores the cute b/c she just realizes she left her camera back at the old universe that collapsed* *fact that 'home' is gone has finally caught up with her*

Dreadnought: *snaps awake, looking for the alarm* 0_0

Psych: Gen... *spark hug*

Gen: *trying not to cry*

Dreadnought: *more 0_0* *picks baby up and comes to see what's wrong, offering her back and making small sounds*

Gen: *not crying not crying not crying not crying*

Dreadnought: *sets baby on a couch and comes back to press against Gen, really concerned now*

Gen: *not crying not crying no- aw screw it* *hugs Dreadnought and cries*

Psych: *not saying anything b/c he knows she needs it*

Dreadnought: *snuggle snuggle purr, nope, not crying too.*

Psych: *won't admit it, but crying as well as spark-hugging*

Dreadnought: *lays down carefully, bringing them down with him, then snuggles in earnest, hiding his face and purring*

Gen: *crying* It's gone... It's all gone... *cries*

Dreadnought: *love love love sympathy* ;_;

Gen: *hugs tighter*

Cal: *is asleep*

Dreadnought: *protectively cuddles Gen close*

Gen: *safe to assume that she's gonna be crying for a good long while*

*and equally safe to assume that the only moving Dreadnought's going to do is to grab baby and add her to the snuggle*

Gen: *slowly stops crying and loosens her grip on Dready*

Dreadnought: *ear twitch?*

*his face can't be seen*

Gen: *pulls away* I-I, uh, sorry...

Dreadnought: Murrrt? *offers baby*

Gen: *takes back Caleendi* *skritches Dready's ears in thanks*

Dreadnought: *rumbles a purr and tilts his head, but the sad has driven him deep into kitty mode*

Gen: *sad smile and more skritches*

Dreadnought: *is happy with skritches, though still worried about her*

Gen: *just skritches until Dreadnought can process again*

Dreadnought: *which might take a little while, since he's feeling deeply concerned*

Gen: *skritch skritch skritch*

Cal: *shifts in her sleep*

Dreadnought: *head goes up slightly* Is she alright?

Gen: *nods* she's just sleeping. I think she might be dreaming

Dreadnought: *protective look to the teeny thing, then puts his head down again* Are you alright?

Gen: *sighs* I-I think so. I will be.

Psych: I'm just fine, too.

Psych: Thanks for askin

Dreadnought: I know you are. *snort* *looks up at Gen again with concern*

Psych: Feelin' the love, here.

Gen: *small smile*

Dreadnought: *confused. Since when does a mech need anyone to worry about him?*

Psych: I mean, come on! How come I never get the hugs?

Dreadnought: .....0_o

Gen: *slight laugh*

Psych: *mission accomplished*

Dreadnought: *confused kitty, yo*

*confused kitty gets skritches*

Dreadnought: What is he talking about?

Gen: *is now also confused* What do you mean?

Dreadnought: Since when do guys want hugs?.... guys that aren't cats

Dreadnought: >_>

Psych: Since when are guys not allowed to want hugs? *slight sneer* Guys that aren't cats, that is.

Dreadnought: .... I've never seen one do it

Gen: That doesn't mean they can't

Dreadnought: Oh

*resumes purring*

Psych: Why'd you ask? Worried about feeling huggy~?

Dreadnought: *shrug*

Psych: You were, weren't you? XD

Dreadnought: *thinks about it honestly* No

Gen: *hmms and moar skritches*

Dreadnought: Even the Autobots punch each other in the head instead.....

*yup, he's trying his best to think it over*

Psych: What Autobots are you watchin?

Dreadnought: Ratchet, Ironhide, Jazz, Bluestreak, Prowl, .... and the others
*he can't remember all the names*

Psych: Those guys? Of course they hug!

*is totally messing with Dread now*

Dreadnought: I haven't seen it. Bumblebee does... did. But she wasn't a mech, no matter what she said

Psych: Psh. That's 'cause you weren't there Saturday nights. Lots of hugging then

Dreadnought: Is he glitched?

Gen: Probably.

Psych: Hey!

Gen: ^-^

Dreadnought: *rumbles and accepts that explanation*

Psych: What, you're not even going to debate that?

Dreadnought: You sound glitched to me

Psych: Yeesh. Guy tries to lighten the mood, and all of a sudden he has a glitched processor

Dreadnought: *sudden random kitty sneeze* 0_0

Cal: *squeaks awake*

Dreadnought: *more sneezes, accompanied by the darndest expressions*

Cal: *makes an :O face at Dready's expressions*

Dreadnought: *pawing at his nose* *kitty sneezes are the funniest squeaks*

Cal: *reaches up to grab what's making those noises*

Dreadnought: *gentle paw on her to keep her from getting hurt* *going slightly crosseyed*

Gen: Are you all right?

Dreadnought: *finally scrubs nose vigorously on the floor* >_< yeah

Gen: You sure?

Dreadnought: I think it was a dandelion thing

Gen: Really? I didn't know they could make a Cybertronian sneeze.

Dreadnought: Try getting one stuck in your olfactory unit*

Psych: Or not and we just take your word for it.

Dreadnought: if you ever get a body I'm kicking your skidplate

*he has no idea there's a line up*

Gen: You'll have to get in line.

Dreadnought: .... you're kidding

Psych: Nope! *almost sounds like he's proud of the fact*

Dreadnought: .... get a big shell

Gen: *snerks!*

Dreadnought: ... you don't even know how to fight, do you?

Psych: No, but Sam did show me how to flip the bird

Dreadnought: *takes a moment to remember the term, and then makes a funny rumble*

Dreadnought: That will just get you slagged if you use it without being able to back it

Psych: Well, he who flips and runs away

Dreadnought: You'd have to run fast

Psych: That's when you transform and drive

Dreadnought: You have a lot to learn

Psych: After living in a femme's head? What more's there left to learn?

Dreadnought: Gen doesn't fight

Psych: No, but that doesn't mean she doesn't have a few tricks up her sleeves

Dreadnought: *looks at her with quizzical optics*

Gen: *light blush* Eh heh. Flash grenades.

Dreadnought: *remembers!* *chuckles* oh yeah

Psych: How'd you block that, anyways?

Dreadnought: Dropped my visor over my optics

Psych: But what's so special about the visor?

Dreadnought: *just purrs*

Psych: Aw, come on!

Dreadnought: A soldier doesn't expound on his strengths.

Psych: Ah, but you're a big kitty-cat right now

Dreadnought: *sigh and his optics go distant*

Gen: 'Aaand wrong thing to say there, Psych'

Psych: ::Heh. Oops?::

Gen: *shakes head slightly, sighs, skritches*

Dreadnought: *silent for some time, but then shifts slightly and mutters*

Cal: *squeaks and reaches for the funny noise again*

Dreadnought: *nuzzles her*

Cal: *grabs nostrils*

Dreadnought: *whoops! Sneeze!*

Cal: *surprised squeak*

Dreadnought: *cross eyed again* I never did that

Gen: Hm?

Dreadnought: She acts more like me now than how I did when I was newly made.

Gen: She's... different

Dreadnought: *quizzical look*

Gen: We're not sure, but we think her spark wasn't fully formed when her Creators decided they didn't want her. She appeared like this in the Nexus all alone

Dreadnought: 0_o

Psych: Yeah

Dreadnought: Can't she be programmed?

Gen: *shakes her head* Not without risking hurting her

Dreadnought: *rumbles*

Gen: Maybe once her spark gets strong enough to where we can move it to another body

Dreadnought: *looks at her, and then nuzzles the bitty again*

Cal: *makes for Dready's nostrils again*

Dreadnought: *blows on her*

Cal: *blinks and stops her hands; that's different*

Dreadnought: *gently nibbles tiny hand*

Cal: *grabs his lip; what's that?*

Dreadnought: *wiggles lip*

Cal: *blinks; it moves?*

Dreadnought: *quirks a brow plate at Gen as he wriggles his lip again*

Cal: *amused squeak; this is fun!*

Gen: *amused smile*

Dreadnought: *very pleased with the reaction and continues the game a little more*

Cal: ^-^ *more happy squeaks* *claps hands*

Dreadnought: *tries nibbling the little feet this time instead*

Cal: *surprised squeak, and squirming; what the?*

Dreadnought: *Draws back with surprise. That didn't seem to be good*

Cal: *tilts head to side and blinks up at Dready*

Dreadnought: Murr?

Cal: *squeak?*

Psych: Question mark?

Dreadnought: *not mean growl?*

Cal: *makes a face and starts fussing*

Dreadnought: *kissy kissy*

Cal: *squirms and fusses more*

Gen: Oh. I think it's to feed her.

Dreadnought: Oh. *sits up on his haunches to look at them*

Gen: *stands* I need to get back to base for that. But... thanks.

Dreadnought: *quizzical earperk, he's already forgetting how to talk again* *but then he nuzzles her gently and turns to head toward his own home*

Gen: *PINs out*
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