Recon's Verse. Autobot HQ and the Sanctuary of Primus. The Appointment.

Mar 24, 2011 22:33

Ironhide: *passing Optimus' office in the hall. Body checks Sideswipe into the wall in passing*

Optimus: *opens door, stern look at the old soldier* Ironhide, there are mechs still trying to recharge...

Ironhide: *blank look* How unfortunate for them.

Sideswipe: *haring around the corner, just smoked Prowl*

Optimus: *sighs and decides to let Portman yell at them all day instead. Continues to the medbay*

Recon: *sitting beside Jazz's berth, holding his hand*

Jazz: *twitching slightly and chuckling at a dream*

Recon: *pondering the bond between them. Can't help but chuckle at the hazy hilarity that leaks through from his dream. Straightens in her chair as Optimus enters* Good morning, Sir.

Optimus: *glad to see the saboteur has escaped death yet again. Speaks softly* Good morning. How is he doing?

Ratchet: *wanders over to look into the room as well* Not as well as I'd like. But if he rests and recharges properly he should have a fairly speedy recovery.

Optimus: *smiles* Good. And has Maria gotten home safely?

Recon: *nods* She came to see us earlier.

Jazz: *slight meep as he falls out of his dream. Dozy blinking of brown optics still soft with sleep*

Recon: *squeezes his hand and smiles down at him* Good morning. Again.

Jazz: *soft love bomb and a grin for Recon, and then looks at Optimus*

Recon: *blushes at the sudden force of his love, but smiles and sends silly little lovey things back*

Optimus: *smiles at them, makes a note to ask if they need time off later* How are you feeling, Jazz?

Jazz: *as his grin widens and his optics twinkle* ...Like I parked in front've a steam roller. But I'll be alright.

Optimus: *smile widens as he turns to the medic* His humor is still intact, Ratchet. Once again I commend your skills.

Ratchet: *gruffly* Commend Recon and that little human femme. They're the ones that got him snapped out of the flashbacks and eased his processor out of the shock and trauma.

Optimus: *small fatherly smile at Recon*

Recon: *slight blush returns* I'll make sure he stays in bed. *gently elbows the silver mech*

Jazz: *chuckles and love bombs Recon again, but then yawns and mutters cheerfully*

Ratchet: *snerks and returns to his desk and his mahjong game*

Optimus: Make sure he does. I have an appointment to attend to.

Jazz: *blinks, and then nods and sobers as he remembers* Yeah, you do. Don't be late.

Recon: *wonders what that's about*

Optimus: *reassuring smile as he turns to leave* I won't. *stops at Ratchet's desk* Ratchet, Bluestreak has organized another game of poker this evening. Epps has declared a rematch on the part of the humans. *smirk* Will you be attending?

Ratchet: *without looking up from his monitor* I'll think about it. I don't really need anymore money, though.

Optimus: *snerks* Epps will be disappointed.

Ratchet: I'm sure he'll recover. Oh, but you can give these back to him. *takes a pair of red underwear out of a drawer and offers them* They're not my color.

Optimus: *optic ridge raise as he takes them. Will have to ask what that's about later* *subspaces them and waves* Good day, Ratchet.

Ratchet: Good day, Optimus.

Optimus: *exits the medbay, returning to his quarters and making sure the surveillance cameras are off before activating his PINpoint*

whales: *slowly sailing overhead as he arrives by the sign*

two young girls: *look up from playing jacks under a nearby table. One looks like a huge, bipedal, black and pink sphynx cat. The other has pitch black skin and cardinal red hair, eyes and claws. She's also got long pointed ears, paw-like feet, and a softly hairy tail. The cat child is dressed in a green snowsuit with the hood tossed back. The other child is wearing a pair of denim shorts with a butterfly patch sewn on one back pocket*

Optimus: *just can't get used to the oddity of this place* Excuse me, could you direct me to the Sanctuary of Primus please?

black girl: *shows absolutely no fear, and not even any awe as she points toward a nearby Brownstone* Go around Aoife's haus, and zen valk till you see ze vhite building vith pillars und ze big black bot on the roof.

cat girl: *soft chirps and chatters, which the Nexus translates* No. Requiem's not there today.

black girl: Oh. No bot on the roof. *pushes hair out of her eyes as she perks her ears up at Optimus*

Optimus: Thank you. *walks in the direction she indicated, careful to watch his feet*

girls: *resume playing*

Teletubbies: *runs past in front of Optimus, shrieking with terror as a small green Andalite chases them*

Optimus: *screeech to a halt! Watches them go with optic ridges raised and then continues on to the white building*

grey furry woman: *forty foot tall and looks like something out of the Van Helsing movie* *just coming down the front steps as Optimus reaches them* Thanks, Rap. I'll get those baskets made so you've got a better place to keep them.

deep voice: *comes through the door* That'll be great, Sara!

woman: *nods cheerfully to Optimus and then PINpoints away*

Optimus: *climbs the stairs and peeks in cautiously* Hello?

cobalt blue bot: *looks exactly like Jazz except for his colour, his green optics, and his more standard shaped hands* *turns and grins* Hey, Optimus. You here for your appointment?

Optimus: *taken aback by the similarity to his Jazz, wonders if this is one of the "kids" he was talking about* Yes, I am. *offers a hand for shaking* And you are?

bot: *gives the Prime's hand a strong grip* Name's Rap, 'n I'm one of the guardians. It's gonna be Oppy that talks to ya today.

Optimus: *nods and smiles, returning the strong shake* Please, lead the way.

Rap: *playing a bouncy tune to himself softly as he grins* Just come on in 'n grab a seat at one of the tables, he'll be in after he finishes rinsin' the fish water outta his intakes.

Optimus: *raises an optic ridge and suppresses a snerk. Sits at one of the middle tables, taking in the architecture and taking the time to say a small prayer to Primus*

Rap: *heads down the hall on the opposite side of the room from the door, his music echoing softly into silence along with his footsteps*

peace: *settles on Optimus. It's nearly detectable on his tactile sensors*

Optimus: *this is definitely a nice change from the usual chaos of the Nexus. He shutters his optics and settles into the chair, relishing the peace. He hasn't felt this relaxed in a long time*

footsteps: *heavier than Rap's, but quick and happy sounding* *coming down the hall now*

Optimus: *soft intake as he straightens again and wonders who this new bot is*

yOp: *sneezes as he comes in* Bleah. Excuse me. *sheepish grin at Optimus* I forgot how much excited fish can splash. *is a well polished young Optimus of the big-chinned and flat nosed tech. Has no badge, and there's something bright and otherworldly in his blue optics, which also hold an unmistakable peace and contentment*

Optimus: *only gets halfway out of his chair before he sees the other bot. The similar construction and exact same colors make him stop short, a rare and complete surprise in his face. He blinks a few times and gives his helm a shake to unfreeze his processor, then stands fully with hand outstretched* You must be "Oppy"

yOp: *smile widens as he takes the last few steps and gives Optimus' hand a firm squeeze* Yes. Optimus, though not Prime.

Optimus: *what do you say when talking to yourself? Thinks that somewhere Jazz must be laughing at him* You... work as an envoy for Primus?

yOp: *nods, compassion and understanding coming into his optics* I'm a Servant, yes. And I've found that the best way to deal with facing another Optimus is to think of him as a brother. *yes, he just answered a thought*

Optimus: *that gets him to smile, some of the uncomfortableness fading away* You certainly give good advice, brother. *moves to sit*

yOp: *goes to the opposite side of the table* I've spent the last few years of my life as a citizen of the Multiverse. I had to think of something. Especially since I deal with three mechs who are versions in my own tech regularly.

Optimus: *optic ridges raise* That does have the potential to be awkward.

yOp: You just need to focus on them as individuals, instead of trying to see them as yourself. *smile comes back* And seeing them as brothers helps with the bond you sometimes feel.

Optimus: *he smiles too. He'd wondered if that feeling was the Matrix's reaction to being in this holy place, or something else. Perhaps both?* Now... *unsubspaces the tiny bottle of water Jazz gave him and sets it gently on the table* Jazz- My Jazz seemed to think I should talk to you about this.

yOp: *looks at it* Some of the fountain's water.

Optimus: *notes the name for later* And it is capable of creating a new sparkling?

yOp: It is. *slight smile turns wry* Though for most Cybertronians the new spark isn't the baby kind, and usually has a pretty developed personality.

Optimus: *seems pleased by this fact* And where did Jazz get this?

yOp: *slight looking elsewhere expression and then focuses again* Hormah sold it to him. He told her that you need new bots.

Optimus: Indeed we do. *gazes through the table for a nanoclik; whatever Jazz's motivations for obtaining the stuff, that fact was true* Our Allspark was... destroyed two years ago. Without it I fear we will slowly... go extinct. *optics dim with sadness at the prospect*

yOp: *reaches across the table to gently squeeze the larger and older Optimus' shoulder* Primus always finds a way to overcome that obstacle. *gentle... not a tingle... but a feeling of some life that is so very alive at his touch, accompanied by just a hint of other feeling which, in that tiny brush, shows a depth that can only be described as ageless*

Optimus: *smiles in thanks and pats the hand, a mirroring of that ageless feeling echoing from his own Matrix. Accompanying it are others, smaller but numerous, conveying a feeling of togetherness* I hope so. *straightens* Jazz did mention other methods... the bartender of the Black Dog, for one?

yOp: Yes. *sits back* Nemesis was created by Primus as a source of new sparks. *expression goes sheepish as he feels a slight nudge* And I've created a few myself.

Optimus: *is curious, but has the modesty not to ask* These will require new protoforms, correct?

yOp: Nemesis' creations do. Mine... usually don't. The ones from the fountain water don't either.

Optimus: How many other methods have you found for creating new Cybertronians?

yOp: There's also a gas. But it needs two parents. And I have a friend who's had a similar change to mine who helped someone with a spark once, though it's not something he usually focuses on.

Optimus: *gets an idea* Is there a way to modify one of our own to produce new sparks? So that we did not have to rely on the Nexus?

yOp: In many realities where the Allspark's not available anymore it's becoming the norm for the sparks of bonded femmes to bud.

Optimus: We do not have separate genders. Would both sparks bud in that case?

yOp: No. It only happens in realities with different coding for the genders. *apologetic*

Optimus: *hmms sadly* Perhaps the Matrix of Leadership could help somehow? It is said to be a gateway to the Well of Allsparks.

yOp: I've heard of sparks created with the Matrix, but it usually takes a lot out of the Prime who holds the Matrix.

Optimus: I see. *intakes sigh* Thank you for all your help.

yOp: *gentle hand on the shoulder again* Primus always finds a way, even if it has to involve the Nexus.

Optimus: We enjoy being self-sufficent. But sometimes forming new bonds is best.

yOp: *nods, then gets that listening/looking elsewhere look again* Primus is wondering if you'd like to talk to him.

Optimus: *optics widen again* Me?

yOp: *smile returns as he nods again*

Optimus: *looks very honored* Of course.

yOp: *hand gently squeezes his alternate's shoulder again, and then he bows his head*

Primus: *there's another brush of that other mind, this one deeper. Warm and soft, like a slightly damp blanket fresh from the dryer, but accompanied by an acknowledgement. Primus can see Optimus, he knows he's there and is glad that he's come to talk to him*

Optimus: *at the acknowledgement he shutters his optics and allows Primus' presence to wash over him. He feels comfortable, and yet so awkward because he has no idea what to say, except to offer his gratitude*

Primus: *soft amusement, and approval, and affection. Optimus is Primus' child, and has no reason to feel awkward. Primus is pleased with Optimus.*

Optimus: *that approval means more than he can say. Thank you, Primus, for giving me the ability and patience to lead my people. I hope you'll continue to do so*

Primus: *more gentle amusement from what seems like an endless store. Why would Primus ever abandon his child?*

Optimus: *of course, how silly of him. That doesn't change the gratitude, however. His thoughts shift... How to reassure his people now that the Allspark, their link with him, is gone?*

Primus: *teasing, yes teasing! Though seriously and gently. Optimus could have a drink of water...*

Optimus: *a bit of uncontrolled mental laughter. But coming from Primus, even this silly suggestion has weight to it. Should he?*

Primus: *shows him an image of a young Autobot, bright optics serious over a face plate*

Optimus: *who is that? His unsparked child? If it is Primus' will he would do anything*

Primus: *it is the child who could be. The battle is not over yet, so it is Optimus' choice if the child should be born now*

Optimus: *processor works a mile a minute. If the battle is not over the child would not be safe. He also wanted to return the water so others wouldn't make a rash decision. They may wonder why only Optimus gets to have a child, and want some of their own. Possibly many unsparked children could be hurt by this decision. But then, this child may do something important to win the war...*

Primus: *he would be everyone's child, in spirit. And he would have Optimus' courage and wisdom, and Elita One's attitude of never laying down or giving in to overwhelming odds or despair. Optimus his servant could tell Optimus of ways to keep the child, and any other that might come to be, safe*

Optimus: *but he would not be everybot's child, because he shares Optimus' programming. Children only incorporate their mentors' programming if they decide to. It is a totally foreign concept. He fears the child would always be seen as different. At least until the time when they could obtain others like him*

Primus: *Primus hears. Primus has the answer. Ask Optimus his servant. Primus has another young spark who will come.*

Optimus: *he will ask!* What does he mean? *looks toward his counterpart*

yOp: *blinks and looks at him, then quirks a slight smile* About what? I wasn't listening.

Optimus: *bit surprised, thought he was in on the whole conversation* He told me to ask you about... *how to phrase it?* The "other young spark to come"?

yOp: *shutters his optics and listens, then blushes slightly* He's talking about what I mentioned. My... tendency... to bring things to life.

Primus: *Yes! Optimus his servant has a good gift.*

Optimus: I think he is telling me I should use this. But I was worried the resulting child would be considered an outcast. Until another could come along...

yOp: *consults again, the corner of his mouth twitching slightly at his boss's mirth* It's an option. He'd like to see Vector born, but Silverbolt's birth will please him just as much.

Primus: *approval, support. A feeling of Optimus having freedom to choose*

Optimus: *ponders the names and sighs again* If it is the will of Primus it should be done. And yet... I can't help the feeling... Perhaps I should speak with my men. These children should not be mine alone.

yOp: Silverbolt wouldn't be related to you at all. *mouth twitches as he thinks of the other mechs he's met by that name*

Optimus: Yes, but giving the children to separate caretakers would help to foster the feeling that they belong to everybot. And in that case, that caretaker should be here when the child is sparked.

yOp: *nods as he feels the reply from Primus* Yeah. Talk to them. And I can go to your reality, too.

Optimus: *looks doubtful again* The Nexus, the idea of other realities, is still a secret to my people. I feel we should explain this gradually. *smiles supportively and puts a hand on his younger counterpart's shoulder* But I would appreciate your help in the future.

yOp: *intakes and sits up, then is suddenly surrounded by red and blue sparkles. When they clear away a blue and red bayformer mech is sitting and looking seriously at Optimus* If it's necessary for me to go, I won't draw attention to the existence of other realities.

Optimus: *startles and blinks before shaking his head* No, I don't wish you to lie. If we are to rely on the Nexus for our future children, it should be known. You should appear in your true form, when the time is right.

yOp: *side glance* Err. I think using my true form might cause more problems.

Primus: *can be felt laughing without mockery*

Optimus: *more blinking, and some apprehension* That... was not your true form earlier?

yOp: It's my original form. *rubs the back of his neck* And the one I wear the most often.

Optimus: *forced pitying smile* Well then... use whichever form you're most comfortable in.

yOp: *slight headshake* You don't need to feel bad for me. It was Primus' will. And my true form... I'm not sure I can actually even wear it on this side of the Veil. The closest I've come is... do you know what a dragon is?

Optimus: *searches through his databanks* A human mythical creature, a large lizard with wings?

yOp: Not a myth, and not a lizard. *takes his hand from Optimus' shoulder and turns it palm upward, then makes a little hologram dance there. A magnificent beast, blue and red, with sweeping wings and a beautiful crested head* I'm a Guardian Fae Dragon.

Optimus: *gazes at the hologram in appreciation, though the corners of his mouth are turning up slightly at the thought of the chaos it would cause in his reality* Yes, I can see how that would be a problem. As I said, use whatever form you feel comfortable in.

yOp: *chuckles and sparkles back to his original form as he nods* *and then mischief sparks on his face* Have you had some of the fancy fuels from the Black Dog?

Optimus: No. Some of them didn't happen to come home with Bumblebee the other cycle? *smirks. Yes, he had to endure those odors from the bag across his room*

yOp: *more mischief* Well if you ever feel like trying any while you're at home, just call my name three times while you're by yourself. *holds out a business card that contains a holo menu* We deliver.

Optimus: *deep rumbling chuckle as he takes the card* I think you've solved my dilemma. What to serve Elita on our next dinner date.

yOp: *grin widens* There are pictures in the menu, so you can tell what the entries are. Or you could ask a human friend. A lot of our products are based on human foods.

Optimus: *a smile dances in his optics* I will, thank you. *subspaces the card as his optics fall on the bottle again. His hand strays over it before he finally decides to keep it. Subspaces it as well and looks back up to Oppy* And thank you for all your help.

yOp: *still grinning* Before you go back, it might be fun to go to the Black Dog for lunch. There's a meeting at the Prime table.

Optimus: *.... amused optic ridge raise* "Prime table"?

yOp: Yup.

Optimus: ...... *smirks* I think I have to see this. *hefts himself up*

yOp: Do you know the way from here? *glances toward the hall as Rap's happy music becomes audible for a moment*

Optimus: Perhaps. But which is more fun, watching me get lost or coming with me? *there is mischief in his optics*

yOp: *chuckles, his own optics dancing* I'm not a Prime. I'm just their junk food supplier.

Optimus: Nonsense! You may not be a Prime, but you are my brother. *puts an arm around his shoulders*

yOp: *laughs at that* Yeah. But maybe another time. Vector Prime... the bot whose alt that rookie would be named after... is there, and he can help you get introduced.

Optimus: *that smile says he'll remember that rain check. Pats him on the back and removes his arm* Alright, I had better see how appropriate this namesake is.

yOp: *chuckles, and then sparkles a paper map into existence* I recommend silibacon, even if it is supposed to be breakfast fuel.

Optimus: *takes the map and nods* I shall try it. *walks toward the door* Good day to you!

yOp: God bless. *smiling*

Ravage: *sleeping right in front of the door in the sun*

Optimus: 'Till all are one. *smiles, then nearly trips over Ravage going down the stairs*

((Written by ssjmihoshi and random_xtras.))
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