Recon's Verse. Autobot HQ and A Hill Outside LA. Wine and Roses

Feb 18, 2011 21:44

Jazz: *has flowers for Conny! :D*

Recon: *writing reports* Vat are sose things?

Jazz: A beautiful gift for a... foxy lady. *more grin*

Recon: *blink* *looks up the word* I'm not a fox...

Jazz: *sends her the right dictionary link for his word usage*

Recon: *smirks as she receives the databurst* Vell, in sat case... *sets down the datapad and twirls in her chair to face him*

Jazz: *present flowers* Happy Valentine's day. *browplate wriggle*

Recon: *looks up that term too, smirk takes on a slight disapproval* Oh Jazz...I sink you've got your vires crossed. *grabs flowers anyway, 2nd coy chair twirl* But I alvays love your gifts.

Jazz: Whaaaat cross? It's for givin' gifts to the people you like bein' with. *puppy optics*

Recon: *not looking at youuuu, voice full of sultry amusement* Oh Jazz... sis holiday is for lovers! *carefully petting the pretty plant matter*

Jazz: Yup. *more puppy optics*

Recon: *optic ridge raise behind her visor, still not turning; she's able to see him through her side optics* Jazz, are you suggesting vhat I sink you're suggesting? *playfulness is gone now*

Jazz: *suddenly sober* Depends on how dead it'll get me.

Recon: *turns, playful smirk back* Are you saying I'd slag you over flowers? Sey don't have itching powder in sem again, do sey?

Jazz: *pout* No. I'm sayin' you're smart, 'n beautiful, 'n fun ta be around, but I don't wanna mess up what we already got goin' if you ain't interested in anything else.

Recon: *gazes down at the flowers, silent for a while* Vhen I learned you had been... almost offlined... 2 stellar cycles ago... Seeing you alive made me se happiest I'd ever been. I said some things...

Jazz: *quietly* I remember. *it's part of why he's hoping, and some of that hope shows in his brown optics *

Recon: *curse her redundant optical systems, she can't help but see those piercing brown optics, whether she's looking at him or not!* I... I vas just vorried vas all... *even without the twinge that escapes into the bond, one can tell she's making excuses*

Jazz: Of course. *soft smirk, and amusement over the bond*

Recon: *flash of annoyance at herself as she fidgets with the flowers* You're funny, and smart, and ve've grown close over se last 2 years, but...

Jazz: *doesn't even realize he's working the optics now* *quietly* But?

Recon: *more fidgeting as she tries to formulate a response* But...

internal com: *Hayden's ring tone! It's a happy ditty!*

Recon: *JUMPS in chair*

Jazz: *cuss gets out before he can catch it, but he quickly props up shoulders that slump*

Recon: *answers call* //Hayden?// *THANK PRIMUS!*

Hayden: //Recon? Where are you?! I was supposed to pick up Maria 10 minutes ago!//

Recon: *optics widen* Oh slag! *shoves flowers at Jazz and pushes past him* Sorry, have to go! *and she is gone, zooming toward LA*

Jazz: *scoots to find something to stick the flowers in so they don't die, and then transforms and follows*

Optimus: *looking bemusedly at flowers in his trashcan/mug*

Later that night, on a secluded hill outside LA...
Recon: *watching the teens from a nearby hilltop; they'd gotten a bit frisky and she had to boot them via well-placed horn malfunctions. Is now taking in the So-Cal scenery on a beautiful moonlight night*

Jazz: *coasts to a soundless stop beside her*

Recon: *completely unaware and enjoying the respite. Monitoring teens, watching stars, Googling their Earth names...*

Jazz: *very softly starts to play, 'I Wanna Hold Your Hand'*

Recon: *small meep and whips around*

Jazz: *startled little horn toot and the music falters*

Recon: Jazz? You followed me all se vay here?

Jazz: Nah. I stopped and watched a movie through someone's living room window and beat a few punks off the line, then showed another joker the right way to drift. Then I tracked you. *grin in his voice*

Recon: *small chuckle, amusement dancing in her optics* You're almost as good at multi-tasking as me.

Jazz: Prime always called it ADD. *transforms and grins, his own optics dancing*

Recon: I sink he said se same about Bumblebee.

Jazz: Who do you think the kid got it from? *checks the ground, and then settles his skid plate on it*

Recon: *settles as well, glancing back to the kids* You're lucky you don't have to cart anyvone around tonight.

Jazz: *suddenly looking sideways with an all too innocent expression*

Recon: *yes, she sees it, but she will ignore!*

Jazz: *fidgets a bit, and then pulls something out of his storage compartment and sits it on Recon's knee*

something: *looks up at her with big eyes* Mew?

Recon: *can't ignore that!* Vat...? *looks from cat to Jazz. Confusion abounds!*

Jazz: She was walkin' across the street where it was busy. I couldn't just leave 'er there.

Recon: *doesn't believe that for a nanoclick, but is still amused* You liar! You're just going to keep buying me presents, aren't you?

Jazz: *points with one of his odd fingers toward the kitten* A bought kitty would've ben brushed!

kitten: *kitty kisses the finger*

Jazz: Heh. Nah, THIS is what I bought ya. *pulls a bottle similar to a bubbly wine bottle out of the compartment*

Recon: *picks up the kitten gently with her spindly digits and examines before she is sidetracked by the bottle* Vat is sat? *raises an optic ridge*

Jazz: Y'know that dang kid that showed up the other day? *carefully working on removing the cork from the bottle*

kitten: *now busy kitty kissing these fingers!*

Recon: *smirks, puts kitten down* You mean your kid?

Jazz: Thrrpt. You ain't gonna see me makin' no kids that share code with Blackout. Anyway. I bought that droid off 'em, and this. *top off, look at the drink bubble over slightly! And smell that lovely scent*

Recon: Blackout? *winces at the idea, but relieved at the same time* Vat are you going to do vith a droid? *pats kitten, enjoys the scent*

Jazz: *lifts his head and looks at where the little 'mouse' droid is picking its way down the hill toward the teenagers* I'll think about that. Right now I'm more interested in what I'm gonna do with this. *tastes the contents of the bottle and his optics light up* Worth every dollar.

Recon: *watches the critter wander off, chuckles at Jazz's reaction* Is sat from se Black Dog? Your second taste of Nexus food?

Jazz: *looks at her with slight sideways surprise* Dunno, 'sat where the kid got it? *offers her the bottle, which is redolent with the fragrances of sweet oil, minerals, and quality high grade. The label says 'Bubbly, by Swindle co.'*

Recon: *takes bottle, reads label* Hmm, maybe not. Remember sose cookies 'Bee and I brought home vone time? *takes a sip and wow!* Oh, sis is dangerous. *but thoroughly enjoyable*

Jazz: *fond grin of memory* How could I forget. Those things were solid dreams. *then chuckles at her reaction to the drink*

Recon: *good laugh at his description, hands back the bottle* I knew you had good taste in music, but high grade? I haven't had stuff sis good since before se var...

Jazz: I don't ever remember havin' stuff this good. Nobody ever thought'a mixin' these things this way. *takes a pull and then sighs as he savors the flavor* Ohhhh man...

kitten: *has found warm part of Recon* *sleep and sing*

Recon: Some of se bars had somesing almost like sat... ah but it vas much too expensive for my salary back sen. *optic ridge raise at new cat noises, experimental pat of happy catlump*

kitten: *purrs louder*

Jazz: I used to work in the fanciest clubs. And I'm tellin' you, they didn't have the same idea. *offers the bottle back, his optics sparkling as he grins*

Recon: *sultry mischievous chuckle* I know se kind of clubs you vorked at. Se veren't sis fancy. *takes bottle, has another slow swig* ..... *looks down at cat* Sis thing has an engine like a sports car!

Jazz: *impudent chuckle in reply, and then looks down at the kitten* Yeah... think she's a Porsche?

Recon: *grins* Maybe a Pontiac?

Jazz: Hrrrm. That ain't so pretty though. She's a lady.

Recon: How can you tell se gender? *considers picking it up, but doesn't want to disturb it*

Jazz: That kid I bought the stuff from looked. He said his brother had a furry pet, and he knew the difference between girl butts and boy butts. *reaches for the bottle*

Recon: *hands bottle back* It's in se butt? *ponders this, but can't pick out a difference between Hayden and Maria*

Jazz: That's what he said. *drinks and sighs, then lays back with a happy wriggle before offering the bottle back again* Think I'm turnin' into the drink. Feel a little bubbly myself. *chuckle*

Recon: *takes a swig before laying down too, careful not to disturb kitty* Can't hold your energon? *chuckles*

teenagers: *mouse-bot found them, screaming ensues!*

Jazz: *rotten chuckle now at the noise from below* You tellin' me you ain't feelin' good?

kitty: *sits up to look toward the yelling. Is a bit floof, but mostly curious*

Recon: *busts out laughing* Serves you right! *turns back to Jazz, smiles* I am, but my processors are still online. *bit startled, blinks at kitten* ....Did it just get bigger?

Jazz: So're mine. *hands behind head as he grins at the young cat* It's just 'er fur.

Recon: Oh. *turns her attention to the stars, and suddenly realizes her good feelings are being mirrored over the bond. That gets her a bit fidgety*

Jazz: *starts to play a soft love song on his radio, one about being happy in the presence of the one admired*

kitten: *tippytoes off to case the bushes*

Recon: *fidget fidget, wishes she could disappear into the bushes right now*

Jazz: *peeeeeks at her*

Recon: Slag it. *sits up* Sis vas your plan, vasn't it? *suddenly annoyed, but not all because of the dashing mech*

Jazz: *slight confusion over the bond and then a bit of dismay* *slowly sits up too* Conny, I was just hopin' to hang with you; maybe flirt a little bit 'n see how it went. Nothin' sneaky. *though he's hoping so badly that it leaks*

Recon: Don't sink I can't feel sat! Primus, you can't hide anysing, can you?

Jazz: *rubs the back of his neck, his faceplates heating as his feelings go to chagrin and mild cussing of himself*

Recon: You've been "just flirting" for a vile now, actually. *thoughts wander back to Thanksgiving; optics widen as what they were doing suddenly hits her. Annoyance turns to shock and fear, she picks up the bottle and takes a big swig*

Jazz: *trying hard but failing to not sound miserable* That was just playin'. It wasn't till afterward that I... *looks down, his feelings snapping off like a light switch*

Recon: *lowers the bottle, optics wide* ............. *wants to know the answer but is afraid of it*

Jazz: *looks up, one hand going up to push his visor out of the way as worry and fear of having ruined their friendship makes it drop automatically. Dark optics bright with stress meet hers* *quietly* I want what you want, Conny.

Recon: *she was never good at preventing bonds of any kind. Feelings of longing, confusion, and fear leak as she mumbles to herself* No, not again... Ve're still in a var, Jazz!

Jazz: *quietly, the words slip out before he can stop them, cliche but true* Better t' have loved 'n lost, than never to love at all. *hand over mouth, guilty and cussing himself* *looks up then, squaring his shoulders* Yeah, we're in a war. But we can't let it kill us before our sparks even go out, Conny.

Recon: *small sob as her intakes hitch; yes, those words hit home, but not how he meant them. She curls in on herself, thoughts no longer on the present* I can't do sis again...

Jazz: *reacting to her feelings, he reaches to offer comfort, his own feelings going protective even as he continues to cuss at himself* I'm sorry, babe. I'm sorry.

Recon: *turns away from him, but does nothing else to deter him. Her own feelings are now tinged with shame* Sey all love you, Jazz. You should be happy vith somebot else...

Jazz: *arms around her and rocks gently* *softly* Nah. *love and sadness leak out and are suppressed, along with the fleeting image of a white femme with gold detailing* That ain't gonna happen.

Recon: *the fact that the rocking is comforting only magnifies her sadness* Sen you'll be miserable for se rest of your life.

Jazz: *quietly* It can't hurt worse than it already does, Conny. *shutters his optics and lets her feel his loss and loneliness; the loneliness that shows a hole were something used to be* Guess it won't kill me if it ain't yet.

Recon: *sits silent for a long while, just taking in his feelings. Then, slowly, she shutters her optics (all of them) and lets him feel a few holes of her own. The most recent one is ingrained into her circuits just about as much as he is* *quietly* It's not killing you I'm vorried about.

Jazz: *quietly, still rocking* I keep remindin' myself that I'll see everybody again. *shaky intake* When all are one...

Recon: *intakes hitch again, but she can't help but repeat the mantra* Ven all are vone... *and then leans into him*

Jazz: *arms tighten, and one hand rubs her back, gently, comfortingly. Asking nothing in return, but only seeking to comfort*

((Written by ssjmihoshi and random_xtras.))


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