Chivalry must die

Apr 11, 2010 14:11

I just submitted a perspective editorial to my school newspaper. I'm hoping they don't give me the shaft like last time but we'll see. (Lolz if you see a tiny error don't mention it. I'll feel fail and there are editors for that sooo yeah just shut up.)

Chivalry On and Off Campus. )

personal, work work work, college, howard, politics, random, fandom

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Comments 15

witherwings7 April 11 2010, 18:53:10 UTC
I agree. I admit that I love it when a guy I go on a date with holds open the door but I also hold open doors for them (they smile & go through it).

Basic manners and a respect for your fellow human, that's what it's all about. Sorry if this comment seems scattered, I haven't had my morning tea yet ;P


skillfulway April 11 2010, 20:38:28 UTC
It's a bot.

But yeah. I'm not the biggest fan of chivalry except for when I'm being very hypocritical.


euphonious_13 April 11 2010, 21:01:19 UTC
er...glad to know it's a bot because i shouldn't be on there. i haven't done anything fandom related in a long time.

people should just be polite in general. i went on a long rant in my handwritten journal about how manners seem to be a think of the past about a week ago. aside from the whole "definitely offer your seat to pregnant woman if there are none left", i don't really like chivalry being gender specific. just be polite, humanity.


taira602 April 11 2010, 21:40:55 UTC
Seriously all with you on the chivalry thing - this is something I've thought about and been annoyed with before. I mean, sure, if I'm carrying 15 things, then I absolutely want you to open the door for me, but if I'm not? Bah please. It's just awkward beyond anything else. I once had a guy say something to the effect of "my mom would have a fit if I didn't open the door for a lady" as his justification for opening the door for me even though I was there first or was in a more sensical position to open it first. Ditto the "ladies first" thing. Can that meme just die already?

It's a good article; hope it gets printed!


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