"I would go out tonight but I haven't got a stitch to wear..."

Oct 09, 2007 19:27


1) I almost went to the hospital this morning before school because I got a really, really, really bad nosebleed starting at home which got worse on the way to school and about a couple blocks from my house it just was INSANE. Sooo much blood and I started freaking out because there were a lot of blood clots and such but like ( Read more... )

nosebleed, sick :(, personal, !!!, dad, get yer hair did, homework, unlucky, mom, :(, ashley is on crack, wtf, birthday

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Comments 26

macheteprincess October 10 2007, 02:35:33 UTC
The only time i've ever had a nosebleed was when i was six and i fell face first onto a patch of ice in my backyard. I never really understood how people just get nosebleeds out of nowhere, lol.


randomneses October 10 2007, 02:53:45 UTC
Allergies, sneezing/blowing your nose a lot, dry weather/change of atmosphere are common causes of nosebleeds. I usually don't get nosebleeds when I hurt my nose. I usually just sneeze or something.

I just don't understand when people only have one nosebleed like...in their lives. HAVE MORE, PEOPLE!


asweetdownfall October 10 2007, 02:56:36 UTC
OMG. I'm so glad you're okay.

I think everyone wants a TARDIS for their birthday ;)


randomneses October 10 2007, 04:10:12 UTC
I am too! I was sooooo scared and shaking and stuff.

Oh, I want a TARDIS with Tenth Doctor ;D


ladyholmes1884 October 10 2007, 03:03:48 UTC
That's one crazy nosebleed. I'm glad you're okay now :D

The same thing happened to me, only I was in London on a tour bus filled with my French class. So the tour guide (named Reginald) was talking and I just sat there bleeding all over myself because no one had any tissue (?!?). It happened twice in one day. The second time we were watching the changing of the guard at Buckingham Palace. I finally got aid in the form of Wet Ones disinfectant wipes from someone and I was taking pictures with one hand and holding the Wet One to my nose with my left. Yeah, Happy times. I'll be sure to put that in the scrapbook.




randomneses October 10 2007, 07:06:45 UTC
Thanks :D

AND THAT IS SO SAD...ABOUT THE NOSEBLEED IN LONDON. Seems like something that would happen to me. I can't believe nobody had any tissue. That's just crazy.

Ooer, don't Wet Ones smell HORRIBLE though?

I want a TARDIS with a big red bow on it! :B


1voice October 10 2007, 03:12:30 UTC
My nose is always bleeding. I have "sensitive blood vessels" in my nose, apparently. My nose bleeds like that all the time, especially in dry places like school or in the winter. My nose is always bleeding at school, people are kind of used to it by now. They're just like "Oh hey, Katie is hemorraging from the nose, so what's for lunch?" The nurse actually yelled at me about it. Apparently I should be sticking Q-tips with vaseline up my nose everyday? I think not. Good story though.


prettyparadox October 10 2007, 04:31:47 UTC
Hi, just like to say that I'm a "nosebleeder" as well. The blood vessels in my nose are too close to the surface, so if I so much as blow my nose too hard, that could trigger a nosebleed. Dust and dry air makes the condition worse, so I have a humidifer, comes in handy in the winter. Haha, eww, no vaseline and Q-tips! But there are saline nasal sprays - these products moisten your nasal passages and it's not...gooey and icky. :3

The long-term solution is getting the blood vessels cauterized with silver nitrate. It stings and burns. But cauterization makes the blood vessels less close to the surface or something.

Nosebleeds suck, yeesh your nurse should just hand you an icepack, it's not something one would purposely do. I certainly wouldn't even want to get out of class with a nosebleed. :-(


1voice October 10 2007, 04:49:54 UTC
Ooooooooh, thank you. :D You are very helpful. My nurse is not.


prettyparadox October 10 2007, 04:54:03 UTC
No prob bb. :-) Uhhhh...school health staff...yeah I've heard some pretty awful things. Like the nurses and doctors that work at the student health clinics in college - they basically failed out of everything else. Therefore even though healthcare is a bitch in the U.S., use it if you have it. :/


bullet4fob October 10 2007, 04:34:21 UTC
i use to have nosebleeds pretty frequently from when i was 13 to about 16. and once i had one just like you, i was at some after school activity thing and my nose started bleeding and wouldn't stop. i stood over sink with blood pouring from my nose for almost thirty minutes. it was intense. i got a nosebleed like six months ago that lasted about ten minutes and ruined my shirt, it was like old times. nostalgic. i never went to the doctor or anything. they just kind of stopped.


randomneses October 11 2007, 03:39:04 UTC
Oh nooo! It ruined your shirt D:

I almost went to the doctor because my mom was worried about all the clots that I had.


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