
Jun 09, 2010 12:23

Title: Changes
Author: fangirlism_era  
Rating: PG
Pairing: RyoShige then eventual Kato ShigeakixAragaki Yui
Genre: Fluff
Summary: Time changes everything, so does a person.

Their break-up happened in spring, exactly 3 years after they first became together. The older, leaning against a sakura tree and the younger one in front of him. Kato Shigeaki called for this meeting, he said he needs to tell Nishikido Ryo something important.

“I can’t do this anymore.” The genius told his lover, watching the older’s face change from smiling to frowning.

“Why?” NIshikido Ryo asked the younger one.

“This isn’t right. I know it isn’t and I need to make the wrong things in my life right.” Kato Shigeaki answered.

“If you call us wrong, I’ll gladly make the same mistake for the rest of my life. Shige, what put this on?” Ryo asked Shige.

“I’m sorry.” His eyes are cast down, determined not to look at his lover. He leaned in for a kiss, one so chaste and final that it made Ryo want to pull Shige back and kiss him passionately, one symbolizing new beginnings. He couldn’t and only watched his former lover’s back as he walks toward the sunset and out of his life.


Little by little, Nishikido sees Shige correcting his life. The younger man has made arrangements that will fit both his idol work and school work. There’s a sudden seriousness around the man and it makes Ryo wonder what really happened before the break-up. It’s a subtle change, one that not even Koyama detected. It was more of an inner change on the younger man that made him serious.

Day by day, he feels the young man slipping away from him. They were a happy couple albeit an unexpected one. They spend day-offs together, lazing in bed, cuddling under the covers, talking idly, watching movies, making out, making love. So it came as a surprise when Shige broke up with Ryo.

Every day, everyone in NEWS can feel Kato Shigeaki grow more distant, more focused on work, more detached. It bothered Koyama immediately and when he confronted Shigeaki about it, he was only gently pushed off with a ‘mind your own business, I’m busy’.

It’s a subtle change but the gap it created is everything but subtle. The invitations to dinners grew scarce, talking over the phone ceased and soon, NEWS is back to zero, all because of Kato Shigeaki’s fault. They unanimously decide to confront him one day. They went to his apartment, only to find the open slightly ajar, peeking inside, they see the man in question, about to drink a bunch of suspicious-looking pills.

Ryo, without thinking, pushed open the door and pushed Shige’s hand. They younger man looked at him, really looked at him and Ryo realized that his former lover’s eyes are empty, void of any emotion. He immediately put his arms around the younger man and confirmed his suspicions that Shige is gradually losing weight. The rest of the members take Shige to the living room and talked to him.


“What brought this on?” Koyama is the first one to speak out.

Shige remained silent.

“Shige.” Ryo said in a fierce voice that made Shige look up. It still pains the older man to see the person he loved, still loves, so vulnerable and weak.

“I’m leaving the Jimusho when I graduate. I need to work hard. I need to correct things in my life.” Shige answered as fiercely and that is when Ryo realized that his former lover is pushing himself to his limits, tiring himself until his body collapsed.

Ryo stood up, takes Shige’s face in his hands and forces the man to look him straight in the eye.

“I don’t like what you’re doing. If this is what’s right, then I’ll gladly make you do wrong things again. This isn’t you and you know it. Shige, you’re a law student. You’re about to graduate, you should know what is good for you. Even if we don’t get back together, I still want you to be healthy. You lost a lot of weight, you are distant, you don’t even join us for dinner anymore.”

“Please. I don’t want to do this anymore. I want to live freely. I want to turn back time. Help me.” And with that final sentence, he collapses in his former lover’s arms.


When Kato Shigeaki thinks of the past, he remembers happy things, things that will make him smile in the midst of work. He thinks of dancing and singing, of best friends, member-ai, forbidden love, and camaraderie. He remembers lazy mornings, hot coffees, smiling faces, cuddling, making out and making love.

It’s been 10 years since that fateful night at his apartment. He woke up to a familiar body next to him , of friends, not only band mates, sleeping in the living room. He makes them breakfast for the first time in a year. Their friendship and camaraderie came back. The love between Kato Shigeaki and Nishikido Ryo long gone, buried under a mass of other emotions that can only be identified as friendship. Their love was wrong, it was never right but he will never regret a single decision he made in his life.

Now settled in another country, living a very luxurious life as a lawyer, he is happy that he made those decisions all those years ago. He’s married now, content and happy.


It was a re-meeting of sorts 5 years ago that brought Aragaki Yui and Kato Shigeaki together. Shige is no longer that awkward kid from all those years ago but is now a successful lawyer, having passed the bar exams on his first try, he was immediately bombarded with job offers. He settled on a well-known law firm with good reputation and respectable staff. He slowly climbed his way to the top of the ladder, having gone through discriminations from other lawyers for being a former idol.

Their re-meeting took place at Yamashita Tomohisa’s birthday bash. Being a former member of NEWS, he was invited and Shige never lets an opportunity to see his friends pass. He’s on the point of his career where he can pawn his work to his assistants and other lawyers and he always put that to good use.

He arrived at the party slightly later. Nishikido Ryo is already drunk and as soon as he sees Shige, he immediately pushes his way to the younger’s lap and settles comfortably there, looking like he practically owns the space. Shige, to put it simply, is embarrassed. Not many people knew about their relationship and he would like to keep it that way. Once the drunk idol fell asleep, Shige positioned him in a comfortable place and left him to sleep, sure that Yamapi will tow him to a room later.

He wanders over to the bar and ordered a drink.

“Kato-kun?” He hears a soft voice say his name so he turns to look at the person talking.

He is met with the smiling face of Aragaki Yui. He smiled back.

“Aragaki-san. It’s been a long time.” He says to her and feels like a teenager all over again.

“It has. How have you been?” She asks him and as they catch up with each other’s lives, he finds himself settling comfortably next to her, like it’s only natural to talk to her like this.

They met several times after that. On their third date, Shige confessed, proud and confident unlike his first confession, which happened to be Ryo. Yui looked at him uncertainly and sees worry in Shige’s eyes, contradicting his confident look. She smiled brightly and leaned up to hug him. He immediately holds her close, feeling her meld perfectly to his body and can’t stop himself from thinking that they are perfect for each other.

NEWS only found out about their relationship 6 months after they got together. Yamapi was not surprised, he saw them talking at his party like no one else mattered. Ryo was pretty hurt, saying that Shige is being secretive and not telling him anything anymore because they broke up. Koyama immediately took Shige in a bear hug until Shige said that he can’t breathe. Tegoshi and Massu just said their congratulation and said that they are glad that Shige found someone.


It’s 5 years later and he’s now settled down, content and happy with his life. He married the most amazing girl a man could ask for. They have 2 kids, a girl and a boy and Shige couldn’t be happier.

author: fangirlism_era, rating: pg-13

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