Via black_silver: A town in Iowa joins in on Racefail '09

Mar 10, 2009 16:04

So anyone who has been anywhere near fandom is already aware of Racefail '09, courtesy of links and thinky posts from people a hell of a lot smarter than me. But the timing on this article was such that I had to link y'all to it, because... well. This shit happens everywhere, and one courageous American high schooler is standing up to stupid, demeaning, and racist "rules" and getting the shitstick for it. I warn you, do NOT read the comments on this article unless you want to have a rage blackout. Seriously:

Student rejects 'demeaning' test, is suspended: STORM LAKE, Iowa -- Lori Phanachone is a member of the National Honor Society, has a 3.9 grade point average and ranks seventh in the senior class of about 119 at Storm Lake High School.

But school officials have told her she is considered to be illiterate based on her refusal to satisfactorily complete the English Language Development Assessment, a test she says is demeaning and racist.

On Wednesday, Phanachone finished serving three days of in-school suspension for what school administrators say is insubordination. She faces another three days for continuing her silent protest with a second refusal to take the test. According to a written statement presented to her Wednesday, Phanachone said, she could be suspended again and then expelled for a fourth refusal.

"Mr. Ruleaux (assistant principal Beau Ruleaux) told me I was 'no Rosa Parks' -- that I should give up because I would not succeed in my protest," Phanachone said. [Continue Reading]

YOU GUYS. YOU GUYS. She has more than $86,000 worth of scholarships at Iowa State University if she chooses to go there, at the moment, which would be taken away from her if she gets expelled for not taking this test. I just - flames. FLAMES. ON THE SIDE OF MY FACE.
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