Title: Capture Pairing: Elijah/Viggo Rating: R Disclaimer: No I don't own them. Yes this is made up. Feedback: As always, any would be welcome, including CC. Notes: AU - Viggo is an art teacher with a class of adult students. Thanks to
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Got directed over here from lotrips, and I loved this. The dialogue's really minimal but conveys their relationship perfectly, and the story finishes beautifully :).
One of my favourite pairings, and it's great to see it written so well!
Really?! Thanks! And of course you have my approval to include it. :)
Just wondering if you would be able to use the links that lead back to my LJ rather than fellow_shippers community? 'Capture' is already linked fine, but the others are:
Great! I'm so glad you'll be on the ballot. I updated the links to "Cock a Doodle Doo" and "Consolation Prize" so we should be all set. If all goes as planned the post of polls should be up by October 11. Thanks again! Candice
Comments 19
One of my favourite pairings, and it's great to see it written so well!
Just wondering if you would be able to use the links that lead back to my LJ rather than fellow_shippers community? 'Capture' is already linked fine, but the others are:
- 'Cock a Doodle Doo' - http://randomdarling.livejournal.com/2586.html
- 'Consolation prize' - http://randomdarling.livejournal.com/676.html
And I'll definitely be voting. Sounds great - and thank you for all your hard work in the organisation!
Thanks for the nomination!
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