Title: How To Enjoy The Rain Pairing: Elijah/Viggo Rating: NC17 Disclaimer: No I don’t own them, yes this is made up. Feedback: As always, any is appreciated. Notes: AU-ish.
*g* I love it! Viggo is such a gentle man of action-- he knows just what to do to turn Elijah's bored snarkiness into something more positive and beneficial for both of them.
Very sexy, indeed.
*hugs you*
PS: There's a story I love, with this pairing, written by anatsuno called 'Siva' - which I think you might enjoy, if you haven't read it already. It appears to be f-locked, so if you're not friended to her and would like to read, I'll be very happy to ask her to friend you to you can.
Thank you for your feedback! I'm so pleased you liked it. I just wish I had a Viggo (or even better, a Viggo and an Elijah!) to keep me occupied during the rain. :P ;)
(Oh, and I'd love to read Siva, I don't think I've ever read it...if you wouldn't mind asking anatsuno, that would be great! Thanks! *hugs back* )
You're welcome! I've duly left my request with anatsuno.
And speaking of Viggo and Elijah in the rain... did you ever read the 'Shut Up' series? It's stonkingly hot and really very naughty indeed. You'll find it here.
ok, sooooo_fucking_don´t ask me *why* I haven´t read this before. *punishes self*
It’s the kind that sounds like bullets on skylights, but like feathers on skin. Yeah, I mean; like I couldn´t adore you moarrrr!!!! sententce!lurve!!!!
AND: Elijah doesn’t reply in words, but he presses himself closer to Viggo. “Should we go inside?” Elijah asks, blinking rain out of his eyes. What can I add? Brilliant, as always.. with a trail of path leading on into whateverness.. I might hump you. Beware.
Comments 15
Very sexy, indeed.
*hugs you*
PS: There's a story I love, with this pairing, written by anatsuno called 'Siva' - which I think you might enjoy, if you haven't read it already. It appears to be f-locked, so if you're not friended to her and would like to read, I'll be very happy to ask her to friend you to you can.
(Oh, and I'd love to read Siva, I don't think I've ever read it...if you wouldn't mind asking anatsuno, that would be great! Thanks! *hugs back* )
And speaking of Viggo and Elijah in the rain... did you ever read the 'Shut Up' series? It's stonkingly hot and really very naughty indeed. You'll find it here.
And thanks for your link to Siva...I thought it was beautifully written as well as being really erotic. *hugs*
It’s the kind that sounds like bullets on skylights, but like feathers on skin.
Yeah, I mean; like I couldn´t adore you moarrrr!!!! sententce!lurve!!!!
Elijah doesn’t reply in words, but he presses himself closer to Viggo.
“Should we go inside?” Elijah asks, blinking rain out of his eyes.
What can I add? Brilliant, as always.. with a trail of path leading on into whateverness.. I might hump you. Beware.
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