Fic: Score Settled (Lilah/Fred, NC-17, 1/1)

Nov 12, 2009 21:25

title: Score Settled
author: spiletta42
fandom: Buffyverse: AtS
rating: ST-17 (aka NC-17, MA, Adult) for sexual content
warnings: sexual situations and dubious motivations for same
categories: femslash, PWP
pairings: Lilah/Fred (mentions of Lilah/Wesley, Wesley/Fred)
spoilers: slight spoiler for Deep Down
summary: Lilah has a score to settle. Early season four.
word count: 1,348
A/N: Written for the femslash porn battle. Prompt: Lilah/Fred, if only Wesley knew. Additional influence from prompt 56 at 100 Women.
disclaimer: Since Mutant Enemy respects its own property, I will do the same. This universe belongs to the great and powerful Joss.

Score Settled
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