Title: The Other Side of Us
random_nicRating: PG-13
Disclaimer: ATWT characters are the property of Telenext and CBS.
Word Count: 1663
Summary: Lives are changed in the wake of a traumatic event.
He wanted to enjoy their new life together... )
Comments 14
I continue to love the interchangeability of the dreams.They could just as easily be Noah's or Reid's. Speaking of Noah, I missed him this chapter (not that there was really that much Reid in this one either, but he got talked about a lot.). I hope he's back next chapter (tomorrow!)
So, is this basically finished and you're just editing and posting day by day or are you writing new chapters each day? Or is that none of my business? :)
Chris is such an ungrateful little prick! I want to reach into his chest and take that heart back so somebody more deserving can have it! OMG!
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