Title: The Dubiously Awesome Adventures of the Pampered Prince of Oakdale
random_nicCharacters: Holden, Luke, Noah, Reid
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Don't get too attached to any furry creatures in this story.
Word Count: 5652
Summary: AU to the point of blasphemy. Holden seeks the help of a healer when his royal son becomes a royal pain.
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Comments 11
Thanks for reading!
And awww, I love dragon!Noah licking Luke earlier. And their human!kiss later? The mental image I have of it is so adorable.
Thanks for sharing this awesome story!
PS: I still have to catch up with your stories!
And honestly, I'm all for Lily, but an AU Holden and Reid is kinda smexy LOL.
And you wrote this in like a day or two? You rock! This is an awesome adventure indeed! :D
p.s. I'm writing your b-day fic but it's inching forward ever so slowly. Sorry for all the belatedness!
p.p.s. Holden/Reid!!
Seriously, I know nothing about Dungeons & Dragons. And I naturally procrastinate anyway, so in the last few hours I just decided to put actual dungeons and dragons in a story. That meant it had to be a fairy tale, which meant Luke would be the prince, since Noah is always the knight-in-shining-armor, in my mind.
Except, we got to the castle, and instead of saving Luke from the dragons, Noah was a dragon. IDEK. I liked that it resulted in them saving each other. I guess sometimes it's good to have no blueprint, and just let the story go where it wants to.
Which I suppose is how we got Holden/Reid. What the sam hell is that? The Duke of Oliver saw no need to run that one by me first!
P.S. I am floored you're even doing a bday fic! No worries on the timetable. I love everything of yours I've read, and I'll enjoy it whenever it happens! :)
seriously grinning like a freaking loon throughout this entire thing. i love how perfectly you captured how they spoke in those days. that's always a tough thing to sell, the dialogue during a period piece. i admire anyone who can do it.
adfjkashdfakjshfs and noah's stupid dragon tongue stupidly licking luke's stupid face made me STUPID.
and holden and reid...HA. that strangely worked for me. loved this!
Thanks! I totally cheated by not actually naming a time period. I figured that way it could be a legitimately long time ago, or last week, so if I botched it who would know?
Holden and Reid... IDK. I blame Reid entirely. Creeper.
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