Title: A Little Drop Of Poison
Author: Misty Flores
Rating: R
Genre: Legend of the Seeker, Cara/Kahlan - Western AU
Teaser: And so it begins, in the darkest hours of the night, in the company of an old man and a killer, Kahlan embarks on the journey to save the life of her dearest friend, and in the process take on the most dangerous gang of outlaws
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Comments 7
Also wanted to say how much I adored the following imagery...
Cara’s wild spirit seems to have settled; it strikes Kahlan, reminds her of a wild dog she once adopted when she was a teenager, who was feral for days until he warily trusted her enough to sit and watch, lick his wounds in full view of her.
The old dog became her loyal companion for a very, very long time.
I can just see 'any' Cara as any 'Kahlan's' loyal companion :) Was also going to say how beautiful those words were but then this happened...
But she is Cara Mason, and she is Kahlan Amnell and they are family.
They belong to each other.
Lost in time, heart pounding with sudden emotion and need, Kahlan cannot help her impulse. She does not fight it.
Her head lifts without hesitation, and opens her lips against Cara's.
With a passionate, hungry kiss, Kahlan comes home.
Now, that is beautiful: thank you :)
Don't worry Kahlan, Zedd will come out alright, you don't reach his age with being very canny. :)
Waiting for more :)
Can't wait for the next update so I can see what Cara's reaction is!
I love the narrating of yours, I love the plot, I love the slow but steady growing proximity...everything!
And the ending to this chapter is so amazing,
"With a passionate, hungry kiss, Kahlan comes home."
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