
Dec 18, 2003 15:33

You are 'Christmas Time is Here, by Golly!', by Tom
Lehrer. Hmm, you really don't like Christmas,
do you? From the moment they start playing
carols in the shops in October to the
appearance of the first Easter Eggs in the
shops on New Years Eve, the rampant hypocrisy
of the Christmas spirit sets your teeth on
edge. You know just how many family ( Read more... )

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Comments 3

dyvinesweetness December 19 2003, 09:34:16 UTC
Ray, can we get an LJ cut working out in this thing? Everytime I scroll past exotic barbie I get homicidal urges.


Homicidal Urges? ranata December 19 2003, 09:44:49 UTC
Sorry, I don't know how to do it! But I figured out when I hit the rich text button, well, you know what happens. It says LJ Cut so I'll do that just for you Eb! I luv u girl!


dyvinesweetness December 19 2003, 09:56:26 UTC
Aaawww Ray! I love you too!


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