[Multi-chapter] When will tomorrow be today? Chapter 1

May 18, 2010 22:23

Title: When will tomorrow be today? Chapter 1/?
Pairing: Tanaka Koki/OC, some mentions and insinuations of Akame
Rating: Safe
Genre: Romance, drama, fluff
Length: 2754 words
Disclaimer: I love JE-boys but unless I can get one of them for Christmas this year, I don't own any of them.

Summary: Yuri and Koki - A couple that has stayed together for four years, and despite Koki being a famous idol and Yuri an upcoming designer they have managed to keep their relationship a secret for all this time. But when fate changes the rules of the game, will the two of them survive the probing eyes of the public?

Warnings: Some minor cursing but other than that it should be okay ;)
A/N: Saw one of the newer episodes of Cartoon Kat-tun and I was just shocked as to how gorgeous Koki looked in that hair!!! *drools* (Haven't watched it in a while so it was a big shock!) I just had to make a Koki-fic so please bear with my fan-girling ;)

Yuri looked at the pocket-calender laying in front of her and sighed as she nervously ran a hand through her long light brown hair.
She counted the days again, hoping that it was some kind of mistake, that she was just imagining... But her prays were not answered as the days were just as many as the last time she checked.
Sure, her and Koki had been together a long time and Yuri was more than certain that he was the man meant for her but if her thoughts were true a huge responsibility would be waiting for them.

She stood up and walked away from the kitchen-table, to the counter to make some coffee. It always helped her relax when she was feeling stressed or when she was sad and truthfully she didn't know which one she was currently experiencing so either way it would be good for her.
A few minutes later she was sitting at the table again, this time with a cup of hot coffee in her hand but her feelings were not going to settle down from just that. She knew she was selfish and that Koki had work to do but she really needed him right now but she was not going to be so stupid as to call him. No, his work was very important and he would probably be home late tonight again but she just couldn't help wishing that he would call her so she could have a reason to talk to him.

“Maybe I should just try to get some work done.”She said aloud and brought the cup into the big office that was shared by the couple. The room was split into two sections, a creative space for Koki when he was writing songs, and more of an office-section for Yuri to sketch and finish her drawings and designs.

They had been living together for little more than a year now and it sometimes surprised her that the newspapers hadn't found out, although they had been very careful with who they had told.
The only ones that knew were their families and their closest friends, among them KAT-UN and a few of Yuri's close childhood friends.

“Why did this have to happen now?” A tear fell down Yuri's cheek and she tiredly sat down on the big couch in Koki's corner.
A familiar ringtone caused her to jerk a little, unless it was Koki she wasn't in the mood to talk to anyone but she still reached for the phone on the nearby desk.
“Hello?” She didn't care if her voice gave away how tired she was, it was already 11 o'clock so she had a reason to be tired.
“Hey sweety! Did I wake you?” Koki's sweet voice made her sit up straight, it brought warmth back into her cold body but at the same time the chunk of ice in her stomach wouldn't disappear.
“Koki... No, I'm still up. A little tired, that's all.”She smiled a little, partially to convince herself that she was happy and partially to make her voice sound happy.
“Ah, souka.” Koki chuckled and another tear fell from Yuri's eyes. Why did it have to be like this? Why did it have to be her who was destined to destroy his life?

“Koki... I have to tell you something.” She took a deep breath and waited for his reply.
“Wow, what's with the serious tone of voice? What happened to my carefree girlfriend?” She heard how Koki laughed again and normally she would have laughed with him but now all his comment did was hurt her.
“Well, I'm...” She was about to drop the bomb on him when she heard a familiar voice in the background.

“Koki, come on, break's over. Sorry, Yuri-chan, but your darling still has work to do!” She heard the other guys laugh and she realized that if she was ever going to tell him, this would be her chance.
“Koki, I'm...”
“Gomen ne, Yuri. Kame is glaring at me really hard right now so I have to go but we'll talk more when I get home, ne? Love you!”

Yuri heard the loud beeping in her ear but she wasn't aware of it. She just placed the phone down on the desk again and leaned back on the couch, letting the tears fall freely as she did.
This was going to be a whole lot harder than she could have ever guessed.
Slowly she closed her eyes and relaxed her body. She was just going to take a little nap until Koki came home from work, that was all. It's not like she was planning to sleep. Not at all.

“Tadaima.” Koki called, although not too loud since it was almost half past twelve and there was a small chance that Yuri might be asleep already, even though he had said they would talk when he came home. “Yuri?” Koki dropped his bag by the door and walked into the apartment. The lights were on in the kitchen and in the hall so Yuri was most likely to be awake, she never left the lights on otherwise.

“Yuri? Are you in here?” He asked when he entered the kitchen but no answer. He slowly opened the door to their bedroom to see if she had just forgotten to turn the lights off before she went to bed but no one in there either.
He scratched his head when he was out in the hallway again. Where could she have gone this late?
Then he noticed that the door to the office was half open and with a small smile he walked in the room to find his beautiful girlfriend fast asleep on the couch.

He shook his head with a silent chuckle and walked up to her, brushing away a few strands of her bangs from her eyes as he kneeled beside her. She always looked so peaceful when she was asleep, so free from stress and pressure.

“You couldn't even make it to the bed on your own, could you?” He whispered with a smile and kissed her forehead before he lifted her up in his arms and carried her to the bedroom. She was so light that it was no match for him to carry her but despite that she didn't like being carried, at least not when she was conscious. She said it was too embarrassing but when she was asleep she always grabbed a hold of his shirt and pushed herself closer to him as if she was afraid to lose him and his warmth.

Once he had removed her clothes, managed to dress her in her pajamas and made sure sure that she was comfortable under the covers, Koki started to get himself ready for bed as well.
He jumped in the shower to clean himself up after that last dance-training, brushed his teeth and pulled on a pair of old sweatpants that worked as a pajamas before sneaking into bed as well.

He inched closer to the sleeping girl and placed an arm around her thin waist, he placed his face at her nape and breathed in her sweet scent that was a mixture of lotion and perfume scented as strawberries.
He smiled into her neck when he heard her mumble his name slowly in her sleep and with that he closed his eyes and joined his lover in the wonderful land of dreams.

Once Koki had woken up, it was a normal workday for him and Yuri had a free day so she was still asleep, he gently kissed his girlfriend's cheek before getting up to make them breakfast. Despite not really being a morning-person Koki loved getting up early and prepare breakfast for Yuri. He just loved sitting at the kitchen-table drinking his coffee when she came out of the bedroom, hair in a mess since she always moved her head a lot during sleep, eyes squinted from the sun shining brightly from the big windows in the kitchen and a tired smile on her lips as she smelt the coffee.

But today was different, she didn't come walking into the kitchen with that smile that he adored. Truth be told she didn't come at all, she was still in bed asleep even though she always, always woke up from his morning-kiss but obviously not today and it actually made him a little worried.

So he walked out of the kitchen and glanced through the half-open door. His angel was laying the same way he left her, laying on her side with her long hair draped over her face and shoulder, breathing slowly with a gentle look on her face.
“Yuri. Breakfast is ready.” Koki called from the door, hiding his worry behind a smile in order not to stress out Yuri.

But Yuri just turned on the bed so that she was laying with her face away from him and it just made Koki more worried. She was always happy to get up when he did to eat breakfast together but this was the first time in four years that she refused to get out of bed.
“Yuri. Is there something wrong?” He walked into the room and sat down next to his girl, stroking her hair while looking at her with concerned eyes.

Yuri slowly sat up and stretched, yawning as she did.
“Sorry, I'm feeling a little slow today. Did I make you run late?” She asked and rubbed her temples trying to get rid of the headache that had accumulated during sleep.
“Sweetheart, don't worry about me being late. That could never happen, I was just worried you might be sick. You're never late at waking up so I just thought...” Koki was interrupted by a pair of lips on his own.

“I'm good, just a little headache but I do have something to tell you.” Yuri reached for Koki's hand and squeezed it, taking a deep breath.
“What is it sweety?” Koki asked with an understanding look in his eyes.
“I wanted to tell you last night but I have to tell you now. I...”
“Good morning!” The voices of the five other members of KAT-TUN was heard and Yuri inwardly sighed at another interruption. “Mind if we come in?” Kamenashi asked but Yuri could already hear the guys taking their shoes off in the hallway.

“Sure, we're in the bedroom.”
“Ehh?!” Junno's voice was heard but Koki just laughed at him.
“Not like that, Taguchi. Yuri's not feeling too good so I'm just checking up on her.”
Soon enough all six members were gathered in the bedroom, Koki sitting on the bed and the other standing behind him looking as if they were ready to do a photoshoot in her bedroom.
Even if Yuri only had eyes for Koki she had to admit that the rest of the group was really hot when they were dressed for interviews.

“What are you guys doing here anyway?” Koki turned to his bandmates who all just grinned.
“Well, this place is on the way to where we're being interviewed so we thought we'd come and steal some breakfast from you.” Junno said and poked the stuffed creme-colored teddybear on the nightstand next to the bed a little more.
“I see, that's really nice of you.” Koki turned from his friends and back to his girlfriend. “So what did you want to tell me?” He looked into her eyes and Yuri swallowed nervously. She really wanted to tell him but not like this, not in front of the guys. So she just faked a smile and squeezed her joker's hand with a little chuckle.
“Um, I just wanted to tell you how much I missed you last night.” Koki stayed quiet for a second before bringing a hand to her hair and ruffling it with a laugh.

“Was that it? There's no need to be so serious about that, Yuri. You can just tell me those things over the phone you know.”
Yuri just smiled an embarrassed smile and nodded with a slight blush when the guys chuckled at her.
“I can totally see why Koki fell for you, Yuri-chan.” Jin smiled at her and Yuri saw how the guys nodded next to him. “You're so cute! By the way, Koki, did you have any breakfast? We're kind of starving.” He grinned one of his Bakanishi grins that by now were very rare to see but Koki just nodded and showed them to the kitchen where they all started eating, leaving Koki and Yuri alone in the bedroom once again.

“Sorry, sweetheart, but...”
“It's okay, go and eat breakfast with those lovable idiots. I'm just gonna be taking a shower and then I'll start working again. Didn't really get much done last night anyway.” Yuri smiled at her wonderful boyfriend to show that it was okay. This might have been the only time when she could have told him but the group was going to sing and be interviewed at a variety show so this was not the right time to break the news to him.
“You sure?” He still wasn't sure Yuri was well enough to be working but he trusted her to be able to tell if she was sick or not.
“Yep.” She kissed Koki's cheek and smiled at him. “Thanks for worrying.”

“No problem, darling.” He kissed her hand before going out of the room to join his fellow bakas for breakfast.

“Don't you think Yuri seemed weird today?” Koki asked when they were on their way from the interview to the photoshoot. Kame, Jin, Ueda and Maru looked at him with raised eyebrows, Junno's eyes were glued to his DS but Koki knew that he was listening anyways.
“What do you mean? I'd say she was acting pretty normal if you ask me.” Jin said and went back to the magazine in his hands.
“I mean... Usually when you guys show up unannounced she pouts and tells me to stay with her instead of going with you, even if she's exaggerating a little but today. Nothing. Don't you find that strange?”
“Don't you think you're the one exaggerating?” Kame asked. “I mean, maybe she just didn't want you to feel guilty for leaving her again. It does happen quite often.” Kame pulled out a cigarette from his coatpocket, placed it between his lips and lit it with a lighter that looked a lot like the one Jin was playing with as he was reading.

“That's not fair, Kame. I'm gone a lot because I have work to do and she knows that... And please don't smoke in the car.” Koki opened the window with a small glare. “And I thought you quit.”
“Yeah, well. Someone keeps smoking so much around me that I just can't help it.”
“Don't blame this on me, it's your fault for always being around me.” Jin mumbled as he flipped the page, the lighter now back in his pocket again.
“Excuse me! But this is not my fault, and even if I was following you around don't you think...”
“GUYS!!” Everyone's eyes turned to Maru, even Junno's. Maru was yelling and that didn't happen unless he was seriously pissed off so both Jin and Kame did what they found best. They shut up and went back to whatever they were doing.

“I mean Jesus, get a room.“ Maru muttered and turned to Koki again. “If you're really that worried about Yuri then you should ask her when you get home, right now we need your head in this. So snap out of this, if you worry about it later I will drive you home but now you're working. Don't forget that.” Koki nodded but kept his silence. He knew that if he would have started talking now he would only get the oldest mad again and everyone knew that Maru was not easy to work with when he was mad.

An awkward silence filled the car as the only noise that was heard was the DS's buttons being hit but Junno had been smart enough to turn off the sound after Maru's first freakout.


A/N: Hi guys! I know that I haven't posted much the last few months but I'm really gonna try to do better now. I really hope you like this and if you like this please comment because it means a lot to me <3 Thank you!

pairing: tanaka koki/oc, multichapter, rating: g, fanfics, pairing: akanishi jin/kamenashi kazuya

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