[Multi-chapter] What am I to you? ... Chapter 2

Dec 21, 2009 12:48

Title: What am I to you? …. Chapter 2
Pairing: RyoDa, JinDa, TegoPi
Rating: NC-17
Genre: Romance, drama, smut, fluff
Length: 3809 words
Disclaimer: I love JE-boys but unless I can get one of them for Christmas this year, I don't own any of them.
Summary: For a long time Tatsuya had a pretty decent life. She was from a fairly rich family, had high expectations from her parents and high grades. But never a good enough reason to smile....
Until she met Ryo, a fierce delinquent and the ringleader of a high-school. Unlikely as it seemed they found each other and although Ryo always comes late for their dates, all beaten up, Tatsuya usually doesn't mind since she loves him so much.

But being the ringleader's girlfriend can sometimes be very dangerous, especially when challenging ringleaders find their opponent's lover very attractive.

Warnings: In this fic Tatsuya equals GIRL. So if you don't like it, don't read. I also made Tatsuya a few years younger just to make the whole story more believable. *hihi*
A/N: This is a request-fic for Jindalover <3 I hope you like it sweetheart!


Ryo looked out the window with tired eyes. The math teacher was preaching about something by the blackboard but the young man wasn't listening.

He was too tired to even look like he was paying any attention to the boring lecture, it had been three days since the last time he had seen his girlfriend and he hadn't had one night of decent sleep since then.

He knew that he had taken things too far with her, he hadn't meant to at first but he had gotten so frustrated that he had completely lost control. There were no words to describe how guilty he felt and he knew he had to apologize to Tatsuya, but being the type of guy he was he wasn't sure how to approach her in the best way without scaring her.

A man moved outside the window, making Ryo focus his eyes on him instead of the empty air. Even from this distance the man looked familiar and as the young ringleader strained his eyes he recognized the overly confident face of one Akanishi Jin.

Ryo gritted his teeth at the sight, he hated the man and knowing that he had his eyes set on making Tatsuya his made his blood boil, he knew that Tatsuya would never betray him but still the jealous side of him wouldn't go away.

“You can stop glaring, he can't see you from there.” Koki said in a loud voice making the teacher turn to look at them.

“Nishikido-kun. Tanaka-kun...” The teacher started but was interrupted by the cold look from the two boys.

“Do you have a problem old man?” Koki asked and his voice was so terrifying that the teacher turned to the blackboard again without a word and continued his lecture, loosening his tie as he felt the continuing cold stares from the boys in the corner of the classroom on his back.


“Are you still worried about that girl? What's it been, like a week? You should just consider your relationship over and go out for some hot club girls tonight.” Tegoshi rubbed his step-brother's stiff shoulders with a smug smile. “I know this really hot girl down at Club 6, her name's Natalie...”

“Tegoshi! Get out of my room and stop talking about stuff like that, you're still underage.” Ryo shrugged his little brother's hands off his body and pulled him to the door.

“So are you.” Tegoshi managed to retaliate before the door was shut right in his face.

Huffing he went back to his room, he couldn't believe his gorgeous brother would settle for a lame girl like Ueda Tatsuya. Sure she was pretty as hell, almost unreal but her personality was the complete opposite.

She didn't deserve Ryo and Tegoshi knew just the way for his brother to forget her.

He laid down on his bed with a smug look on his face, dialed a familiar number on his cellphone and brought the device up to his ear, he wasn't an evil person but in order to save Ryo he had to hurt him first.

“Pi-chan. How much do you love me?”


“This was a great idea, Tatsuya. I never thought that homework could actually be that much fun.” Sakura swung the colorful scarf around her neck with a smile.

They had arrived to Tatsuya's place about 20 minutes after school ended, which was a first since she had started dating Ryo. They had had dinner and then they had gotten to study, Sakura had been very reluctant at first but once she was shown how to do the difficult equations everything went smoothly and they had both really enjoyed themselves.

“Well, I'm just glad I could help. Math isn't really that hard once you get the hang of it.” Tatsuya laughed and handed the white coat to the other girl.

“Thank you so much! Now I might even pass the exam tomorrow.” Sakura looked like she was almost jumping around in the hallway and it made Tatsuya giggle.

“I'll tell you what. If you pass the test I will treat you to dinner and a movie this weekend.”
To this there was no verbal answer but the older of the two girls received a tight hug from the younger before she headed out the front door.

Tatsuya stood there in the hallway a long time after Sakura had left her, she felt so happy and relaxed that she didn't know what to do. Having friends was amazing but having a true friend was something special, she thought to herself as she walked into the kitchen to grab herself a midnight snack before returning to her bedroom and the remaining homework.

But she found all of the cupboards empty, save for an old pack of candy that had been laying there since before her brother moved out and that was over four years ago.

Not wanting to eat the expired candy and tired as she was, she pulled on a jacket, took the wallet from the bench next to the door and walked out to buy herself some well deserved snacks.
She had forgotten all about Ryo and the reasons for not going out at night, she had forgotten all about what had happened the last time she did and what had happened.
Not only that but she also forgot to look behind her as she left the house, because if she had then she would have seen the three men following her at a short distance.

She went to the combi, bought her snacks and an energy drink, she never allowed herself to have one since she always got too hyper from them but she was facing an all-nighter of studying so she figured she needed one, and was heading home when she heard a strange noise behind her.

At first she didn't care but when the noises behind her continued she got scared, what the hell was she thinking to be out that late at night and not to mention alone!

Trying to steady her rapidly beating heart, she turned right at an intersection and started to run, trying to get a headstart until the ones following her had turned as well.

She ran until she was completely out of breath and it wasn't until then she dared to look behind her.

The men were gone and she was about to slide down against the wall behind her to catch her breath when she heard footsteps coming closer and closer. Terrified as she was she pressed herself against the wall as hard as she could, shut her eyes tight and prayed for the person to walk by without seeing her.

“What are you doing?” Came a voice from above her and slowly she opened her eyes to look at the man.

Although she recognized him, he didn't exactly make her calm down. More like the opposite.

“Akanishi...” She stood up... or more like she tried to stand up but seeing as her legs were like jelly after the run she fell into the arms of the older man.

“You might wanna take your time in standing up, you'll hurt yourself otherwise.” He said and looked at the girl in his arms with a smug smile.

Tatsuya couldn't help but to blush at the strong hands supporting her back but when Jin didn't let her go, she pushed herself away from him by shoving her hands into his wide chest.

“Or maybe your knees just buckled when you set your eyes on me.” He looked into her eyes with such heat Tatsuya could feel her cheeks heat up again but this time in anger.

“Don't get any funny ideas here, Akanishi. I was just on my way home when these guys started following me and I ran away from them. That's why my legs buckled.” She wiped the dust off her knees and was about to turn and walk away when she felt a strong grip around her upper arm.

She turned around with a questioning look and was about to ask him what he thought he was doing, when she saw the worried look in his eyes.

“Are you alright? They didn't hurt you, did they?” His eyes wandered over her body in search for any injuries but it wasn't until they reached her cheekbone that they stopped.
“Did they hit you?” He asked in a soft voice and stroked a finger over the bruise.

“I'm fine.” Tatsuya pulled away from his touch. “It's an old one, it'll heal soon.” She covered the bruise with her bangs but that didn't seem to stop the other's curiosity.

“When did you get that? Last time I saw you, you didn't have it.”

“Look, I'm fine. I just want to go home now so please let me go.” Tatsuya tried to pull her arm away but discovered that the other was too strong for her.

“If you think that I'm gonna let a pretty girl like you go home alone in the middle of the night, then you underestimate my kindness.” Jin said and pulled her with him as he walked away.

The walk back was silent, Jin didn't say anything and neither did Tatsuya. She knew that she was supposed to feel uncomfortable walking with him in silence, just like she did with Ryo but she didn't. It felt so natural it was frightening and when she sneaked a glance at him, he answered it with a wide grin that was so unlike the smug, overly confident Akanishi Jin that she had met last week.

“Sorry for barging in.” Jin said and stepped right in to the hallway without even so much as asking if he could enter.

“Sure, step right in.” Tatsuya mumbled as she grabbed the doorknob to close the door.

“Did you say anything?” Jin turned around with confused eyes.

“No, nothing at all.” She walked past him and settled herself on the big couch in the livingroom, soon followed by the Jin.

“Nice house you have here but where is everybody?” Jin looked around the room, it was bigger than he had expected and a lot more luxurious than most houses that he had ever been in.

“My mom is on some business-trip, dad is in the US with his mistress and my older brother is in England studying to become an architect. So it's just been me living here for about two months now.” Tatsuya grabbed the remote to the TV and started zapping through the channels while telling her story, she wasn't really interested in what her family was doing anymore, they never called or anything so she normally just forgot about them when they were away.

“That doesn't sound very fun. So what do you do when you're alone?” Jin turned to face her, which resulted in him sitting with both of his feet up in the couch, staring at her with curious eyes. Very much like a child.

“I study most of the time and when I don't have any homework, I just sit in my room listening to music.” Tatsuya continued to zap through the many channels, she had no idea where the other was leading this conversation but she didn't like it.

“Sounds boring.” Jin leaned back on the couch with his hands behind his head. “So, what do you do with your boyfriend when you meet him?” Suddenly his voice and entire bodylanguage had changed into the confident sex-maniac that he most likely was, and his dark eyes were fixed on her face to watch her reaction.

Tatsuya stopped her fingers from pressing the buttons on the remote any further, he did not just ask her that.

“What's it to you?” She said with a straight face as she looked him straight in the eyes.

“I've known Ryo for a long time, enemies or not, and I can tell you that all the girls that he ever had abandoned him for me because he was too rough with them and from the looks of that...” He pointed to the cheekbone where the bruise was hidden under the bangs. “... He's rough with you too.”

Tatsuya watched him for a few seconds, sure Ryo was a little rough but who ever said that Tatsuya didn't like that?

“So basically your biggest goal right now is to snatch me away from him just like you did with the other girls?” She asked with a raised eyebrow as she stood up.

Jin chuckled and followed her.

“You're a smart girl... Maybe a little too smart.” He cupped her face and brought them closer to each other. Tatsuya felt the warm breath on her face and for a millisecond she gave up the idea of fighting what was about to happen.

But suddenly a picture flashed before her eyes, a picture of Ryo and her on the empty beach in the moonlight. Ryo was smiling that kind, unguarded smile that he so rarely showed anyone and he was holding her hand like he never wanted to let her go and suddenly she decided.

“You're an idiot.” She mumbled and turned her face away when Jin came closer.

He looked up at her with a hint of surprise in his eyes and a tired smile planted itself on his lips as he saw the determined look on the girl's face.

“You're not going to give him up then?” He asked but the only answer he got was a hand pointing in the direction of the frontdoor along with a 'Get out.'.

As soon as he got outside the door he took a deep breath. What was going on with him? When was the last time he had actually settled for not kissing one of Ryo's girl's? The answer to that question was obviously that something like that had never happened, until tonight.

The girl had been right, to him taking one of Ryo's girls was just a game. Taking them, using them, throwing them away. That was how it usually happened.

But this one was different, there was something about her that made him think that this time it might be impossible to play his game.

He had never met a girl like this Ueda Tatsuya before, she was headstrong, smart, faithful, and not to mention that she was like an obedient puppy when it came to Ryo but acted like a rabid wilddog when it came to Jin.

This girl was special and Jin would have to use a lot more than just his usual techniques if he wanted to tame this wilddog.


“Good evening, Nishikido-kun. Is Yuya home?” Yamapi was standing in the frontdoor, being glared at by a very tired and pissed off Nishikido Ryo when Tegoshi jumped up next to his older brother.

“Pi-chan! You came.” Tegoshi kissed his boyfriend before turning to his brother again. “I'm sorry we woke you, you can go back to bed now.”

“Fine, but you do realize that just because our parents aren't home, you can't just go around having sex anywhere you'd like you did last time. I couldn't sleep for a week because I kept having flashbacks every time I closed my eyes.” Ryo complained before going back to his room, leaving his little brother grinning and the other boy with a flushed face.

“Are you sure about this, Yuya? I don't want your brother to hate me for the rest of his life.” Pi sat down on his boyfriend's bed, still holding the cellphone in a deathgrip.

“Of course I am, that bitch doesn't deserve Ryo and I'm not going to leave this alone until they are over.” Tegoshi tried to bend the phone away from Pi's hands but the latter just looked at him with hurt eyes.

“Are... Are you that jealous over your step-brother?” He asked in a stuttering voice, catching Tegoshi by surprise.

“What are you talking about? I'm not jealous, he's my brother for Pete's sake.” He laughed but Pi looked down at his slightly shivering hands as his eyes were starting to water.

“But... He's not your blood-related brother and he's known you a lot longer than me. It wouldn't be surprising if you would fall for him...” He stuttered with tears running down his face but his ramblings were interrupted by a pair of soft lips against his.

A hand came up to stroke his hair and Pi moaned weakly into the kiss, satisfied with the reaction Tegoshi pulled away from his blushing boyfriend and leaned in to kiss away his lover's tears.

“I could never love anyone as much as I love you, Pi. I thought you knew that.” He placed one last kiss on his boyfriend's face before going back to run his fingers through his hair.

“I can't seem to remember you ever told me that.” Pi pouted, making Tegoshi lean in to kiss him again.

“How about now?” He smiled but Pi just shook his head with an innocent look on his face.

“I still can't remember.”

Another soft kiss was placed on his lips and when he felt Tegoshi's hand moving from his hair down to his neck he couldn't help but shiver.


Another innocent shake of the head made Tegoshi crawl closer to his boyfriend.

“Your memory really sucks, you know.” He whispered into Pi's ear and the other was just about to say something in return when the younger stroked his fingers down his spine before placing his hand on the other's hip. “Do you have any ideas as to how to fix that?” He asked in a sweet voice as he brought his other hand down to play with the hem of the jeans.

“I... Ahh!” Pi tried to speak but a moan escaped his lips instead when the younger started kissing and sucking on his neck.

“I can think of a couple of ways, do you wanna know?” One hand on the zipper and his lips trailing kisses over the collarbones.

“Umm.” A soft moan in response.

“I could either show you what you mean to me.” A hand traveling roughly over denim covering the older's hard member. “Or...” Tegoshi pulled back entirely with a grin, making Pi whimper at the loss. “I could just tell you. Which would you prefer?” He whispered into his ear as close he could without touching his sensitive boyfriend.

“Please, Yuya. Don't tease me like this, you know I can't take it.” Pi opened his eyes that had been closed ever since the first hand landed on his hip.

“That's what makes it so much fun.” Tegoshi brought his hand up to ghost over his lover's cheek, just barely touching the soft skin and he could see how Pi closed his eyes again and licked his lips. “But if you are so impatient then show me. Show me how you want to be touched.”

Pi looked at him for a few seconds, not moving a muscle but soon enough the lust returned to his eyes and after giving his lover a final kiss he laid down on his back.

One of his slightly shivering hands traveled under his white T-shirt and started stroking the firm muscles under it, the other was already next to his face, a long finger tracing those plump lips before slipping into his mouth.

As he sucked on his finger, the other hand made its way further up his torso, stroking the muscles and moaning softly as his fingers reached one of the erected nipples. He pinched it, pulled it and rolled it between his thumb and index finger until he moaned loudly enough for Ryo to hear on the other side of the hall.

Tegoshi looked at his lover who, in his opinion, had never looked sexier and he wanted nothing but to attack him right there and then but seeing as Pi was really enjoying himself, he pulled his shirt off along with his own jeans and underwear and started pumping his hard cock slowly.

This went on until Pi, at his own accord, pulled the zipper down and discarded his jeans and underwear. His hand moved to his crotch but just as he was close enough to touch Tegoshi caught his lover's wrists in a firm grip and held them in place just above his lover's bellybutton.

“What are you doing?” Pi breathed and was about to raise his head off of the mattress when he felt a pair of cold fingers wrap themselves around his erection and started pumping him.

Once Tegoshi let go of his member Pi was pretty much begging him to fuck him and Tegoshi being the loving boyfriend he was, was not about to ignore such a whole-hearted request from his Pi-chan.

Reaching for the lube in the drawer next to the bed Tegoshi placed himself at his lover's entrance, he poured a good amount into his hand and started to prepare the older man for the intrusion.

The more fingers he moved inside Pi's ass, the more the older squirmed and he was moaning shamelessly as he moved to meet the fingers as they moved in and out of him.
Despite his innocent looks and the constant blushing Pi was actually a real slut in bed, always begging for more and he had never been afraid of trying anything new.

The moment he pushed into him, Pi's breath hitched and his mouth was hanging from the pleasure, he never needed that much time to adjust and soon the room was filled by their moans and lustful screams as they came together.

“You don't think your brother heard us, do you?” Pi asked with a flushed face as he rested his head on Tegoshi's arm.

“I'm positively sure that he heard but don't worry about it. If he will kill anyone, he will kill me. Not a cute little bunny like you.” Tegoshi chuckled and stroked his lover's long hair with slender fingers.

“I'm not a bunny.” Pi mumbled but he couldn't help but smile. The worry over the pictures on his cellphone had vanished because he knew that no matter what Tegoshi was actually doing, he was doing it to protect his big brother.

“You know I love you, right?” Tegoshi asked with closed eyes and Pi giggled a little when he placed a hand on top of his boyfriend's heaving chest.

“I could never forget it, baka.”


A/N: To those who were offended by this fic the last time: I don't know if you are going to continue reading this or not but I just wanted to say that the overly long comment was very unnecessary and rude. Was it really that hard to just write something like: 'You rated this wrong, please fix it so that people don't get offended.' ?

I might make a big deal out of this but I was hurt last time so if you can't shorten your flaming like this then please just don't comment at all.
In my opinion this is not too much to ask but if you are offended by this as well, then PLEASE don't comment on this!
Everyone makes mistakes, even you, and I WILL think about it in the future.

Anyways: I'm really glad that so many others liked this fic, made me really glad considering the rude comment that I received last time so thank you so much!!!!
You keep me writing and as soon as I have a new chapter I will post it <3
Thank you so much for commenting <3

rating: nc-17, pairing: yamashita tomohisa/tegoshi yuya, multichapter, pairing: nishikido ryo/ueda tatsuya, fanfics, pairing: akanishi jin/ueda tatsuya

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