Dark Angel Picspam # 22 - Freak Nation - Part 2

Aug 30, 2007 04:59

In Part Two: Alec gets shot and winds up revealing that he's a transgenic. Max arrives at the scene and tries to get some control of the situation. Negotiating with the police, the group releases some of the hostages and then emerge from the building themselves, only to be attacked in an ambush by White and his men.

There are a total of 199 caps for this episode, broken up into 3 parts. I also ended up going icon-making crazy with this eppy and I'll be offering up the results of my madness at the end of Part 3. Edit: Sorry guys, but I'm running short on time and can't post the icons from this ep like I'd hoped. Look for them sometime over the weekend.

Note: In the coming days I plan to compile the links to all my DA picspams into one post. So if you missed any, this will make things easier for you. I'll also post all the icons I made for each picspam. This way all the DA goodies will be together.

* All caps made by me & fixed for quality.
* Credit me, raloria, please when taking/using.
* Comments are always appreciated.

Part 2 -

Ouch! Alec gets shot in the shoulder by the police covering the back door to Jam Pony. Check out the bit of skin I caught in the 3rd cap! Coming back inside, they're greeted by Normal and his gun.

These are some lovely caps... Normal: "You're bleeding." Alec: "Yeah. Bullets will do that to you."

*Guh* Those piercing eyes! Normal: "Okay, you're safe now."

Alec: "No." Does a great spinning move to take away Normal's gun. "I'm safe now." The last cap here, is the only one I could get of him taking the gun.

Alec's just revealed who he is and in the process takes over the tense situation.

He gets Mole to lower his rifle.

And instructs CeCe to "call base. Tell them we're in trouble." *drools at Jensen looking over his shoulder like that*

Check out the slight grimace Alec gives as Dalton rushes past. Another nice little touch from Jensen. Normal: "My golden boy's a mutant." Alec: "We prefer 'genetically empowered'."

More of that great, cocky attitude we love from Alec.

Ooooh...some of my favorite caps of the ep...Alec in a black t-shirt. *drools* His biceps seem so small compared to what he has now, but still...*guh*...arms! Max: "What's that?" Alec: "It's a hole in my body made by a bullet."

You gotta love Max's reaction. "Been there, done that. Check the news." Heh. Max is all business. Awwww...don't walk away from him! I'm still drooling over his body!

I caught every bit of Alec in this episode, even when he's just in the background.

*keeps drooling even though Alec's not the main character in these shots* See, he's even in the background on the left side in the last two caps.

Oh man...that sweater he's wearing reminds me of the shirt in Playthings.

The rest of Alec in the episode is more hit and miss. Here he is raising the back door and then preparing to edge out of the building with the others.

Sorry about some of the blurry photos, but everything was moving. At least we got a few closeups of Alec.

Wow! When you think about it, Alec almost got hit again. He was right next to CeCe when she was shot.

He helps bring her back inside. Heh...gratuitous butt shot.

A few more nice caps of Alec as he adds his two cents worth to the conversation about White's ambush.

da picspam, picspam

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