In Part Two - The scene at Crash continues as Logan and Alec share an awkward moment thanks to Mia. Then Mia convinces Alec to return to the ring as Monty Cora, much to Normal's delight.
This is going to be another big, two-part picspam. There are 261 caps for this episode and I'll be posting half this week and the other half next Wednesday. That means parts 1-3 now and parts 4-6 next week. And just to answer your question now....The big fight scene won't be featured in this week's three parts. Sorry. You'll just have to wait until next week. I also plan on including a nice little bonus goody with next week's picspam. So stay tuned!
* All caps were made by me and adjusted for size, color, contrast, and sharpness.
* Please feel free to take as many of the caps as you like for picspams, graphics, etc., but please give me a credit if you do so.
* I am a comment junkie. I live for feedback and I'm always excited to hear from you, so just take a moment to let me know you stopped by. Thanks!
Part 2 -
This is still one of my favorite moments from S2 of DA. It's just too hilarious! Mia's about to work her magic on our favorite guys... Mia: "Logan, I think there's something that Alec wants to say to you."
Alec: "Yeah, Logan. I just wanted to say that I understand why Max admires you so much. Sometimes I wish I had more of a purpose in life." She then has Logan return the favor. Logan: "Well, it's just that sometimes I wish I was more of a free spirit and it must be nice to be a happy-go-lucky sociopath. I kind of envy you."
Mia: "Oh! Group hug!" Heehee! And then we get the great line from Max as she watches this from across the room..."What the hell is going on over there?" I crack up every time! XD It was great to see this moment in the blooper reel, too. Wonder how many times they did that hug?
Alec's reaction is great. He tries to be all cool about it. "Okay....Later." Then he smacks Logan really hard on the chest and takes off.
The next morning, Mia's at it again...This time convincing Alec to fight in the ring again, which makes Normal very happy. Normal: "Do my ears deceive me? Monty Cora rides again?" Alec: "I'm back baby."
Normal: "Ooooohhh! Oh! Lovely! Do you know how long I've been waiting to hear this? This right here -- magnificence."
"Shirtless muscle rippling - sweat flying off him like a thousand points of light." Alec: "He's one of my bigger fans."
Normal: "You're my hero. I live to serve you. I had this dream about you the other night. You were this Roman gladiator and you slew barbarians and Medusa-like women and I was your tiny little valet. I wiped your sword clean after every sweet victory."
"I rubbed your tired, beautiful golden muscles --" At this point, Alec's heard enough. "Hot run! Fourth and Main." Heehee! I can totally see Jensen as a gladiator. *dreamy sigh*