Dark Angel Picspam # 11 - Borrowed Time - Part 2

May 10, 2007 02:05

Part 2 features Max asking Alec for a favor and then the two of them hiding in a closet in order to steal some rare movie footage.

Here's the usual rundown of info. and rules:

* All caps were made by me and adjusted for size, color, contrast, and sharpness.
* Please feel free to take as many of the caps as you like for picspams, graphics, etc., but please give me a credit if you do so.
* I am a comment junkie. I live for feedback and I'm always excited to hear from you, so just take a moment to let me know you stopped by. Thanks!

Part 2 -

The dialog between OC & Max before she goes to talk to Alec is priceless. OC: "Where you gonna get the money?" Max: "I'm gonna sell my soul." OC (nodding towards Alec): "There's the devil."

She wants Alec to help her steal footage from "Star Wars Episode VII". Alec: "Is that the one where Captain Kirk dies?" Max: "I guess." *Sigh* Dean would be outraged at their lack of movie knowledge!

How funny is it that they're about to steal something from the FOX building. ;) Alec: "Max, are you asking me to steal something with you?"

Max: "It's a two-man job." Alec: "I'm shocked. I-I--I don't do that kind of stuff anymore, Max. I mean, you yourself showed me the error of my ways." Max: "Did I mention your take is 20 grand?"

Alec: "What time do I pick you up?" Heh. Love the way he's sitting on the floor here...and all in black.

I love it when he wears the sexy, black, commando outfit. Reminds me of a great line from The X-Files, btw, when Mulder told the Lone Gunmen to "put on something black and sexy and prepare to do some funky poaching." Heehee!

This whole row of caps is a winner! That killer grin of his and with a great line, too! Alec: "Does this qualify as stealing from a bad guy, or do you have a new handy excuse for swiping something that doesn't belong to you?"

The famous arched eyebrow of Jensen Ackles!

I think maybe Alec and Dean were just separated at birth. They both have little tollerance for being patient. Alec: " 'Trust me,' she says. 'We'll be in and out in five minutes,' she says. We've been in here an hour!" Max: "Shut up!" Someday I've got to go through all the episodes and count how many times Alec is told to shut up. I think it's at least once per episode.

Love him being exasperated in the first cap and making the little duck lips as he puffs air out of his mouth. Too cute! Alec: "Hey, wanna know what I'm gonna do with my share of the money?" Max: "No." Alec: "Fine. Rude, but fine."

One good thing about it just being the two of them in the closet...lots of nice closeups!

'Course, then Alec figures out why he's really there. "I've been stuck in this closet for over an hour to facilitate you having sex. That's what I've been reduced to -- I'm a pimp."

Alec: "You and Logan have done it, right? I mean, before the whole virus thing, you knew each other for, like, what, a year? Max? Oh, could you two be more lame?"

Man, his lips look so...soft...and...Heehee! I'm getting so distracted.

da picspam, picspam

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