It's finally time to finish this picspam!
First of all, I'd like to point out my shiny new icon *points to icon* made by the lovely
i_o_r_h_a_e_l from one of my caps in the last set. Thanks again sweetie! *hugs*
Part 6 features a lot of great closeups of Alec while he drowns his sorrows at the Crash bar and Max approaches him, trying to figure out what's wrong.
There are 250 caps in 5 parts and the numbering of the caps picks up from where Part 5 left off, with cap # 276. I'll once again add my comments for each part, although I'm running out of words to describe how wonderful Jensen is. ;)
All caps were made by me from the S2 DVD set and adjusted for size, color, contrast, and sharpness.
Feel free to take any or all for graphics, etc., and please give me a credit if you do. A lot of hard work goes into my picspams, especially this one. Thank you!
Comments are love, so don't forget to let me know that you were here! :D
I'll be posting the links for the zipped downloads of all 500+ caps sometime later on today in a separate post. Keep an eye out for it!
Warning: These caps my cause flailing, drooling, melting, loud squeeing, and general fangirly glee. These are all common and well known signs of the JensenEffect. Just be careful not to go into overload. I take no responsibility for the loud implosion which may occur from the fandom upon viewing any or all parts of this picspam. View responsibly and know your limits. :D
Part 6 -
I love OC's description of Alec at the beginning of this scene: "Anguished and all Heathcliff-like."
Then Max kind of reluctantly goes over to find out what his problem is. A soft touch is not exactly something Max has when it comes to Alec. Right away she starts to attack the poor guy about the necklace - accusing him of stealing it.
She saw the necklace in a painting at the house and now she's curious. "Curiosity killed the cat, Max. Stay out of my business."
Max: "You know, we don't always get along." Alec: "Nicely understated." Yeah, like you've ever taken the time to even give him a chance, Max. Sheeesh!
Then she has the gal to tell him it's best if he asks for her help now until letting it go until it's too late like he usually does. Nice Max...really nice.
I'm running out of dialog here, but I will say that I love Jensen when he plays characters that are "Anguished and all Heathcliff-like." Heehee!
He looks so good with that glass in his hand. Not that I'm into drinking, cause I'm not, but he certainly can make a common everyday object look sexy.
Anyway, Alec thanks her for the offer but declines and shrugs it off. So she wants him to explain it to her. Alec: "I would, see, wouldn't understand. You can't understand. You weren't there. You ran. You and your little rugrat brothers and sisters. You think life was rough when we were ten? A little schooling, a little brainwashing, some maneuvers outside? You think that was tough?"
Max: "It sucked pretty hard." Alec: "Well, take it from me. Later on, it got a whole lot worse."
"But you did what you had to do. Then you tried to forget."
"And when you couldn't forget...they had ways of making you not care." That's my favorite line right just rips my heart out. *sniffle* I just wanna hug him, don't you? No wonder Max finally shows him some compassion.
*Guh* The ultimate lip-bite!*thud*
Max: "I'm sorry." It's about time, girl! She actually sounds and looks sincere. I guess he finally got through to her. She even reaches out and touches his back! *is so jealous*