In Part 2, we see Alec and Max go into the strip club in hopes of rescuing the mermaid.
There are 112 caps in 4 parts. All caps were made by me and adjusted for size, color, contrast, and sharpness.
If you take any for graphics, etc. I would appreciate a credit. Thanks!
Comments are love, so leave me a few of your thoughts, okay? I'm grateful for all the comments I receive and try to reply back to every one of them.
Part 2 -
Alec goes to get Max...
MAX: Can't you see I'm getting ready for a bath?
ALEC: Funny, women and water. Seems to be the theme of my evening.
Alec thoroughly enjoying giving Max a once-over. Heh.
Max isn't about to go along with this plan, but that just means leaving the mermaid for White to find.
Heehee! The Alec puppy dog eyes! Must be just as lethal as Sam's because it works!
Three great caps here: An early Jensen smirk, Alec w/great lighting and downcast eyes (luv that), and Alec enjoying the view. Heh.
I got nothin' here. Insert your own thoughts...and I know you will. ;)
Aw man, I love these closeups!
ALEC: Okay, now would be a good time to look like we belong here, huh?
(Max starts rubbing his head - too funny!)
Wow, Max. You, uh, you done this before?
He's really annoyed that Max is messing up his hair!
This part of the scene always makes me giggle. What is she doing???