Title: Kai
Summary: AU, written for the Reverse Racebending challenge. If one detail can change the course of history; the birthplace of one Ky Kiske could at least force it to get there by a different path.
Characters/Pairings: Sol, Ky, Anji, Baiken (May contain traces of Sol/Ky and Baiken/Anji)
Word Count: 5750
Author’s Notes:I have a lot to say
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Comments 9
(May contain traces of Sol/Ky and Baiken/Anji)
Given that it's made on equipment that also processes peanuts...?
Wah, I want more. Sorry for being this kind of (crappy) reviewer. XD;;
(Does Kai have a last name? It seems like even odds, given the company he's keeping.)
Wah, I want more. Sorry for being this kind of (crappy) reviewer. XD;;
Eh, not at all, thanks for your comment. ^_^ Enthusiasm for my fic in any form makes me a happy writer~
(Does Kai have a last name? It seems like even odds, given the company he's keeping.)
I'm sure Kai does, but Baiken doesn't (officially), and it felt odd to be introducing the other two with full names but not her. ^^;
This AU seems so interesting... any chance of continuing a bit of it? XDDD
(pst: see the author's notes post) But to answer with a bit more length: I don't have a full plot outline in mind for this universe, but I think I could easily get some more scenes out of it. On the other hand, I've already got three other WIPs in this fandom alone that aren't past part one yet (if that), so I'm not sure if I should be commiting to another one. ^^; So that's a definite maybe?
Girl, I feel your pain; I'm in the exact same predicament, though not within the fandom @_@ It's very... arg-inducing XDDDD
I'm always wondered how fandom would have treated Ky if he were Russian like in his original profile. Male American fans in particular seem to often have some weird dislike of French people for some reason.
He was originally Russian? Was that in those very old character sketches that got redone before the very first game came out (back when May had an axe and I cannot remember what else)? I must've missed that detail. If so, I have a nasty feeling the reaction would be even worse if he was a filthy communist Russian. Could have given the fact he and Sol got on so badly some nasty subtext too ( ... )
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